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Chapter 99 Xin Yan Armor, Burning Star Gun

Chapter 99 Xin Yan Armor, Burning Star Gun!

"One for defense and one for attack. I wonder what kind of two treasures they will be?" Lu Ming looked at the Lord of Dragons expectantly.

"These two pieces, one is the protective treasure I prepared for you, and the other is the reward given by the tribe after you break through the realm master stage!"

After saying that, the Lord of the Dragon Walk flipped his hand, and a flame-patterned battle armor with pure white as the main color suddenly appeared in mid-air, as well as a scorching spear that was red in color and seemed to be emitting sparks.

As soon as the pure white armor appeared in the space, a strong pressure overflowed. Its main body was pure white, but there were countless black and red flame secret patterns flowing faintly on the surface of the armor. It seemed Extremely exquisite and gorgeous.

As for the other spear, it was completely crimson, with countless complex black secret patterns engraved on its body. No matter where it was placed, a blazing aura like the core of the sun could be felt from a long distance away.

"This armor is called 'Xin Yan Battle Armor'." The Lord of Dragon Walk said, "Relying on it, not only will your defense ability be greatly increased, but you can also disguise the life breath of the immortal god. Even the Lord of the Universe has to be a little Only by paying attention can you see through the reality of 伱. As for other detailed uses and how to use it... I will send you a book through the virtual universe, so you can study it carefully. "

"As for this spear, it's called Burning Star. It's a high-quality, valuable spear. Although it's relatively precious, it's nothing compared to the Xin Yan Battle Armor."

The Lord of Dragon Walk waved his hand, and the two treasures flew directly in front of Lu Ming.

"Xin Yan Battle Armor?" Lu Ming looked at the pure white armor, his eyes glowing slightly.

According to Teacher Long Xing, this piece of armor is worth far more than the precious spear called the ‘Burning Star’, and the Lord of the Universe has to look twice to see through the reality. It is estimated that it should be a treasure!

"This Xin Yan Battle Armor should be the first treasure I own." Lu Ming felt a little excited and carefully took the treasure armor and another heavy treasure spear, the Burning Star Spear.

"These two treasures are extremely suitable for those who practice the fusion law of 'fire and space'. They are very suitable for your flame clone." The Lord of Dragon Walk continued with a smile.

"Thank you, teacher!" Lu Ming responded with great excitement.

The Lord of Dragon Walk smiled and shook his head, "I said before that I would prepare a protective treasure for you. Realm Master is the most important stage of your life, so I will naturally not be stingy. Moreover, there is another one for you. Make your own contribution, and the rewards given to you by the tribe will only be handed over by me."

"If you make a contribution, will the clan grant you?" When Lu Ming heard this, his heart suddenly moved.

Teacher Long Xing did mention this just now. The Xin Yan Battle Armor should have been given to him personally by Teacher Long Xing, and the burning star gun behind was a reward given to him by the tribe.

For a Realm Lord, rewarding a valuable treasure is indeed an exaggeration.

"You may still not know how much you have contributed to the clan. A Burning Star Gun is nothing at all. The reason why I only give you a Burning Star Gun right now is simply because you are still just a Realm Lord... …When you break through to immortality and become a venerable person in the future, the tribe will prepare better treasures for you, and you will not be disappointed." Hearing the words of the Lord of Dragon Walks, Lu Ming nodded in understanding.

Indeed, even if you give him a powerful treasure now, he won't be able to exert much power. On the contrary, if it is accidentally lost, the loss will be huge.

"Teacher, how big is my contribution? Can you give me some idea? Also, what happened to the Xuanjia tribe in the end?" Lu Ming also found out not long ago that the Xuanjia tribe had left the Pagani world. He moved and left, but from the tone of the third elder thanking him, it seemed that something good had happened.

"How big is the contribution? It's hard to say now. But I only need to tell you a little, and you should know the weight." The Lord of Dragon Walk looked at him with satisfaction, smiled and said: "Where is the "Apocalypse" inheritance help? Next, a new existence of the Lord of the Universe series was born in the clan.”

"Lord of the Universe?" Lu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly.

Others don’t know, so he doesn’t know? There are actually less than twenty universe masters in the entire human race.

That Apocalypse inheritance can actually allow the human race to have a new master of the universe?

"Haha... It is difficult to say that it is difficult to become the Lord of the Universe, and it is easy to say that it is easy. Most people actually take the path of combining time and space. With the cooperation of the founder of the giant axe, some people who are trapped in the Lord of the Universe are indeed The peak venerable in front of the threshold has the possibility of a breakthrough." The voice of the Lord of the Dragon Walk always revealed a joyful mood. It turned out that the new Lord of the Universe was born in human beings.

I just don’t know how many were born?

"As for the Xuanjia Clan, they have now moved to the core territory of our human race. In order to make up for the loss of the sacred mark stone wall, our human race not only compensated for some precious treasures, but also gave the Xuanjia Clan an important promise to ensure that the If their tribe can continue in the future... you will know this in the future." The Lord of Longxing mentioned a few things about the Xuanjia Clan, but did not go into details.

The Xuanjia Clan's contribution to the St. Mark Stone Wall is a great contribution to the human race, and this matter will be exposed sooner or later in the future. Even if it is out of the mentality of "buying horse bones for a thousand dollars", the human race will definitely give the Xuanjia Clan sufficient preferential treatment. .

As for relocating them to the core area of ​​​​the human race, it is actually a kind of protection for them. The matter of the Stigma Stone Wall can be hidden for a while, but not forever. If there is no human protection, the Zerg and Monster clan will definitely target them.

"Give a promise to continue the race... Could it be that after the destruction of the original universe, we will incorporate it into the human race's small universe?" Lu Ming knows many secrets of the universe, including the fact that life in the original universe can only survive normally. An era of reincarnation.

After an era of reincarnation has passed, you can only go to the small universe of the strongest person in the universe to have a chance to continue the clan. Otherwise, you can only end with the destruction of the original universe.

However, the current small universes of the human race are not many. In addition to the human race itself, even if some Hongmeng alien groups are admitted to the small universe in the future, priority will definitely be given to those powerful groups with the Lord of the Universe sitting at their command.

Races like the Xuanjia Clan, whose strongest members are only ordinary universe overlords, can occupy a certain quota in advance, which is indeed a great privilege.

"However, the small universe of an ordinary true god can last for three reincarnation eras. In the future, when I build a holy land universe belonging to the human race, that will truly last forever." Of course, we still need to find a way to solve the world behind it. Beast crisis.

But thinking about this now is a bit too far.

Knowing that the Xuanjia tribe was doing well now, Lu Ming felt a little more at ease. After all, the Xuanjia tribe was indeed very kind to him. Even after the Stigma Stone Wall was taken away, the third elder still forced him to give him a valuable treasure.

"Although your ultimate flame clone will not be fatal to you even if it dies, I still give you a token of mine." The Lord of Dragon Walk turned over his hand, and another red token appeared in his hand. There are light carvings depicting dragons in different postures.

"Thank you, teacher." Lu Ming took it respectfully again.

"The material of this token is only C9 grade alloy. You can easily crush it. It has my spiritual imprint on it." The Lord of Dragon Walk said, "If you really encounter a danger that you can't handle, just crush him and I will Know immediately and I will arrive in a very short time. Even if it is too late, I can retrieve the treasure you left behind. "

Lu Ming suddenly understood.

He didn't regret the flame clone's death... but it was a pity that he was carrying a treasure.

Of course, it is better not to have this situation happen. Teacher Long Xing probably does not hope that one day he will be forced to use this token.

"Go ahead, I'm waiting for the day when you return from the battlefield outside the territory and burst into growth again." The Lord of Dragon Walk waved his hand.

Lu Ming put away his token and bowed respectfully to his teacher.


Soon, he and Senior Brother Suigu were moved out of the Longxing Shrine again out of thin air.

"Junior brother, I will take you back to Chaos City first." Venerable Sui Gu led Lu Ming back to the original route quickly.

In Chaos City, Lu Ming quickly returned to his quiet training residence.

In the training room.

"Just take advantage of the time when I am absorbing the nutrient solution to get familiar with the two newly acquired treasures." Lu Ming took out the Xinyan battle armor that continued to exude strong pressure and the burning flames from the world ring. Star gun.

"One is a supreme treasure, and the other should be a top-notch treasure!"

Putting aside the burning star gun for the moment, this Xinyan battle armor is a piece of treasure armor that can drive many universe lords crazy, and it may even be of little use to the lord of the universe.

"Refining the Burning Star Gun first!" Lu Ming looked at the red spear "Burning Star Gun" in his palm without hesitation. Immediately, a trace of the power of the source of life penetrated directly into the red gun body, which was an ownerless thing. Quickly absorbing this trace of life source of Zuyan's clone, he easily recognized his master.

Energy life has no soul and no mental power, but it can release a ray of its own life source power through the life crystal core to identify various treasures.

"Rumble..." There was a roar in consciousness.

Suddenly, ancient messages surged from the burning star gun and stopped after a moment.

"The secret combat method, "Burning Star Spear Technique"?" Lu Ming's eyes lit up slightly. What came into his mind was a set of secret combat methods using this precious spear. However, he only got the first level, and only the first level was completed. Only by driving this burning star gun perfectly can you get the second level content.

"The conditions for the first level are to reach the first level of the 'fire and air' fusion law. I have fully met the requirements now..." Lu Ming had already learned a similar 'Fire and Air' course called "Fire God Spear Canon" By integrating the marksmanship, he quickly mastered the first level, and then quickly obtained the content of the second level "Burning Star Marksmanship".

"I can barely use the second level now, but it will take some time to master it perfectly, but it's almost there. I don't know how many levels there are in the "Burning Star Spear Technique"." Lu Ming was a little curious.

Although "Burning Star Marksmanship" and "Fushen Spear Codex" are both "fire and air" fusion law marksmanship, the former is tailor-made for Chongbao. It can perfectly drive the secret patterns of law carved in the weapon, and can exert great power. Naturally, it should be bigger.

For one afternoon, Lu Ming was familiar with the new "Burning Star Marksmanship" in the independent killing space of the virtual universe.


"Master, we have a call request." Alice, the intelligent life, shouted.

"Answer." Lu Ming lightly clicked in the air, and a screen automatically appeared.

An old man in white robes with white hair and beard appeared on the screen. He was the housekeeper of the primitive area, Aitor. Aitor bowed slightly and said, "Your Highness Lu Ming, there is a box here that stores secret books."

"Oh?" Lu Ming's eyes lit up.

The Lord of Dragon Walk said that he would send someone a book explaining the use of "Xin Yan Battle Armor".

"Come right away." Lu Ming immediately turned off the call and flew out through the window.

Soaring into the sky, he flew toward the entrance of the primitive area like lightning.

It's here in the blink of an eye.

At the main entrance of the primitive area, there were some maids and the immortal god 'Aitor' with white hair and beard standing there. Aitor was holding a silver box.

"Teacher Long Xing doesn't care at all about the top heavy treasure Burning Star Spear. But he pays a lot of attention to the Xinyan Battle Armor. I don't know what the secret is." Lu Ming knew that he wanted to figure out a treasure by himself with his current ability. Understand, I'm afraid it will take a long, long time, but it's faster to read this book.

After taking the silver suitcase, Lu Ming immediately returned to his manor.

"Pah." Lu Ming sat on the sofa and opened the box. Inside the box was a book with a fiery red cover.

Pick up the book and open it.

"So that's it."

Lu Ming nodded slightly and continued reading.

Xin Yan Battle Armor: A treasure suitable for those who practice the 'space and fire' fusion law. This is one of the reasons why the Lord of Dragon Walk chose this treasure for Lu Ming, but it is not the main reason.

The Xinyan War Armor is a treasured armor, and its main function is of course for 'material defense'.

According to the research of the Lord of Dragon Walk, the Xinyan Battle Armor has three defensive forms, corresponding to the three secret patterns contained within it.

Activating the first form can weaken the material attack to the remaining one percent, and it can be activated normally after reaching the first major achievement of the Way of the Beast God of 'Fire and Sky'. Lu Ming has now met the requirements.

Activating the second form can weaken material attacks to the remaining one thousandth. It is necessary to reach the third level of the Way of the Beast God of ‘Fire and Space’ before it can be activated normally. The third level of the Way of the Beast God has been completed, and the state is comparable to that of the Universe Venerable, which is considered more difficult.

Actuating the final third form can weaken material attacks to one ten thousandth. However, this requires reaching the fifth major level of achievement in the Way of the Beast God of ‘Fire and Sky’ before it can be successfully activated, which is quite difficult.

After all, the way of the beast god is obscure and difficult to understand. Even among the cosmic sages, not many can practice to the fifth level of perfection, let alone the way of the beast god which is limited to 'fire and space'.

However, for Lu Ming's Zhuyan clone, this is quite a suitable treasure, because this Xinyan battle armor also has a unique feature - it increases the user's basic strength and releases the corresponding pressure of life breath!

This unique advantage is the key to the Xinyan Battle Armor helping Lu Ming disguise himself as an immortal god. It is also the main reason why the Lord of Dragon Walk gave it to World Lord-level Lu Ming.

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