People are devouring, a new talent every month

Chapter 21 The Beginning, Seven Trial Towers

"Those perverts actually got together..."

"These four guys are probably the strongest in this genius battle!"

As 'War Emperor' Kun Zhou also appeared together, their table attracted more and more attention from everyone upstairs and downstairs in the restaurant.

The discussion among other geniuses in the distance also became louder.

"Hmph, I'll let you guys enjoy your time for a while, until the final battle in the arena..." Sitting on the second floor, 'Boros', wearing a dark blue armor, had a cruel dark green light in his eyes. .

"Liya, those people are very strong!" In the distance, the silver-haired elf girl was also looking at these people with curious eyes. There was also a smart elf in the form of a white kitten suspended on her shoulder.

"Who is she?" Lu Ming, who seemed to be aware of it, turned his head and looked at the silver-haired elf girl standing at the door of the restaurant. The girl's gentle eyes also happened to look at him, showing a kind smile.

Against the background of many contestants who were highly motivated to fight, the girl's posture seemed particularly calm.

"This girl is not simple..." Lu Ming nodded in the direction of the other party, with a smile on his face.

"Why, you're attracted to her? That girl from the Snow Elf Tribe has a very unique temperament. I didn't expect you to like this one?" Tiffany looked in the direction of Lu Ming's smile and instantly noticed that this silver-haired elf was so pure. cute girl.

"However, although her strength is not bad, she should not be able to threaten us." Compared with the four of them, although the performance of this girl from the Snow Elf tribe is not bad, she is only qualified to compete for the top spot in the universe. Hundreds of geniuses.

As both spiritual master controllers, Tiffany has absolute confidence to crush the opponent.

"Maybe." Lu Ming smiled noncommittally, then picked up the Yuyan wine that had just been served on the table and tasted it by himself.

"Could it be that she hid her strength? But how did you see it?" Tiffany took a serious look at the Snow Elf girl who had turned away and still didn't take her to heart.

So what if you hide your strength? Who doesn’t have some trump cards?

at dusk.

Lu Ming, who had returned to his room to rest, suddenly heard a voice invade his consciousness: "All participants in the 1008 Universe Kingdom, gather in the central square."

In an instant——

1,008,000 geniuses either flew in from the sky, flew out of the residential building, or gathered from the edge of the central square toward the center.

Just a moment!

1,008,000 geniuses formed a neat large square formation, standing on the central square. then……

"what happened?"

"What's wrong?"

"Hey, why are you here? I was in the restaurant just now!"

Millions of geniuses suddenly woke up from their unconscious state, their hearts were extremely shocked, and their faces were full of shock.

At this time, there were 1008 immortal beings standing in front of the phalanx. They were the leading representatives from the major cosmic countries. Their faces were solemn, and the pressure of being immortals naturally filled the air.


The millions of people in the entire phalanx fell silent, and no one dared to make a sound.

"Welcome you all to participate in the peak genius competition organized by our Virtual Universe Company."

A gentle voice reached everyone's ears. This voice was exactly the same as the voice that made them lose consciousness before and gathered in the central square.

Everyone looked in shock.

In the empty space in front of me, without warning, a strong female figure wearing a white feathered coat with two angel wings on her back appeared. She was like a goddess descending from heaven to the mortal world, untouched by mortal fireworks. .

She seems to be right in front of you, but it feels like she is in another world far away, making people feel confused and uncomfortable.

There is no doubt that this is a great existence above immortality!

A "Space Lord" who has completely mastered the original laws of space! It is comparable to those cosmic kings who occupy huge star fields and build cosmic kingdoms!

As the Space Master waved his hand, the stars moved and the space changed. Even the planets in the starry sky were nothing more than tiny dust in front of them.

1008 immortal powerful men all bowed towards this existence and said: "Honorable Sir!"

The female venerable from the Mengluo Wing Tribe nodded slightly to the 1,008 immortal beings, then looked at the square array composed of millions of geniuses, and said gently: "This is the pinnacle of the universe organized by the Virtual Universe Company. I will be the host of the final battle of geniuses.”

The great being who looked like a goddess in the heavens stood in the void, overlooking the millions of geniuses below, and her voice continued to resound.

"There are 1,008 universe countries. Each universe country has more than a million geniuses. Our Virtual Universe Company will select the strongest one thousand among you and absorb them into the core of our Virtual Universe Company."

"Millions of you are vying for these one thousand spots."

"Here are the rules."

"Tomorrow, all of you will enter a 'trial space' respectively. Our Virtual Universe Company has prepared more than a million trial spaces for you, one for each of you."

"There are a total of seven trial towers in the trial space! Each trial tower has seven floors!"

"Start from the first trial tower, clear the seventh floor of the first trial tower, and then break through the second trial tower... until you die and are kicked out of the trial space!"

"Calculate points based on your results in the trial space."

"The first to the 100th in points will be directly recruited as core members of our Virtual Universe Company without further screening, and will receive 100 quotas."

"No. 101 - No. 7,300. These 7,200 people will then compete in the arena to compete for the 900th place."

"As for the ones after 7,300...all will be eliminated!"

Although the voice of this great being is extremely gentle, people can't help but feel good about her in their hearts. But the screening rules she just introduced immediately stunned the millions of geniuses below.

Except for geniuses who hope to break into the top thousand, or people with backgrounds, most of the millions of geniuses present do not know the elimination rules of the peak showdown between geniuses, and some people even feel lucky.

After listening to the introduction just given by the female venerable of the Mengluo Wing Clan, they finally understood the cruelty of this rule.

Eliminate first, then decide.

This time there are 1,008,000 people, but only 7,300 people can enter the arena for a duel. In other words... just in the trial tower level, more than one million people will be eliminated!

Early the next morning.

"Everyone, please prepare. A collective teleportation will be carried out soon to send all participants to their respective trial spaces." A clear and sweet voice echoed throughout the entire space.



An invisible and strange force descended on the entire plane space, causing all 1,008,000 young geniuses in the entire plane space to be teleported away instantly.


Lu Ming instantly appeared on a huge meteorite suspended in the starry sky. The meteorite was nearly a hundred kilometers long and rectangular.

Surrounded by the vast starry sky.

On this meteorite, there are seven trial towers built. Each trial tower is as tall as a mountain, with a height of more than ten kilometers and a radius of several kilometers.

Seven trial towers are entrenched in different directions of this huge meteorite.

Lu Ming lowered his head and looked at his wrist. There was a screen on his wrist, just like the pre-selection within Jinlan Universe Country.

"Participant: Lu Ming (Jinlan Universe Kingdom)

Points: 0

Rank: None

Trial space: No. 0024359

There are a total of seven trial towers in the trial space, and each trial tower has seven floors.

For the first trial tower, you can get up to 10,000 points per floor. If you succeed on all seven levels, you can get up to 70,000 points.

For the second trial tower, you can get up to 100,000 points per floor. If you succeed on all seven levels, you can get up to 700,000 points.

For the fourth trial tower, you can get up to 10 million points per floor. If you succeed on all seven levels, you can get up to 70 million points.

The seventh trial tower can earn up to 10 billion points per floor. If all seven levels are successful, you can get up to 70 billion points.

Note: Upon death, the trial ends.

There are two ways to pass each layer:

1: Kill all targets in this layer to get the highest points and be directly transported to the next layer.

2: If you fail to kill all targets, after 10 days, if you are still alive and not dead, you will be directly transferred to the next level to continue the trial.

When all participants die, the trial ends and the final ranking is determined.

Below, attached is the ranking list. "

"In the original book, Bolan, the god of death, was a genius who emerged from tens of thousands of epochs. He broke through the sixth tower and fell on the first floor of the seventh tower. I don't know which trial tower I can break through. …”

Looking at the seven towering trial towers in front of him, Lu Ming also had a faint flame burning in his heart.

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