People are devouring, a new talent every month

Chapter 25: Win second place, girl

Chapter 25: Win second place, girl!

Virtual universe, central square.

Although there are still thousands of people who have not been eliminated and are still fighting hard in the trial space, whether it is the millions of eliminated participants or the 1008 immortal strong men, most of them are focusing on it at this moment. On Lu Ming.

Instead of paying attention to the other geniuses who were still breaking through, and whether someone would suddenly break out, they were more concerned about Lu Ming's performance at this moment. Countless passers-by wanted to see which floor of the sixth trial tower he could finally reach.

As for those immortal gods, they don’t want to miss the rise of a peerless genius.

Under the gaze of countless people, despite the joint siege of the nine-headed pythons in the second level that had strengthened to frightening levels, Lu Ming controlled the spherical electromagnetic space field and shuttled wantonly, and fired his gun again and again!

The gun comes out like a dragon!

Every shot seemed to pierce the sky and penetrate the earth!

The sound is overwhelming!

Every shot was so fast that the geniuses present could not see clearly with their naked eyes!

Ghostly and electric!

Every shot makes it impossible to judge its trajectory, just like an antelope hanging its horns.

No trace to be found!


A spear thrust out and penetrated directly through the bodies of dozens or even hundreds of nine-headed pythons. Then the terrifying gun power exploded instantly, completely ending the target's life! Simple and efficient!

"Strong, too strong!"

On the second floor, Lu Ming's battle scene was once again dazzling.

The power of his gun is truly earth-shattering! Coupled with his incredible and exquisite body skills, it is enough to make all geniuses look up to him.

On the third level, facing 1,000 Metal Life Tuoluo warriors, Lu Ming once again showed his perfect fighting ability, easily breaking through the 'battle formation' formed by these warriors, and then defeated them one by one!

The fourth floor...

The fifth floor...

Although the fighting was getting longer and longer and the situation became more and more dangerous, Lu Ming never stopped.

At the same time, in other trial spaces.

In the first floor of the sixth trial tower.

The moment of life and death!

War Emperor ‘Kun Zhou’ faced the overwhelming group of blood-haired mammoths that were charging toward him crazily. He had already anticipated the scene of himself being trampled to pieces by iron hooves.

However, he stepped forward without fear and took the initiative to charge into the herd of beasts!

But in just a moment, he ushered in his final end!

After killing 397 blood-haired mammoths, War Emperor Kun Zhou stopped at the first floor of the sixth trial tower, temporarily ranking second!

When it comes to breaking through the trial tower, the person in charge usually has the advantage, but this time the two people who were the first to enter the sixth trial tower were both warriors!

After Kun Zhou, the talented girl ‘Tiffany’ from the royal family of Fengyan Universe Kingdom became the third being to break into the sixth trial tower. Controlling the Blood Blade Divine Weapon, she exploded wildly on this level, condensing three prismatic blood shuttles, and used all her strength to kill the target!

In the end, after killing 5,429 blood-haired mammoths, 'Princess' Tiffany also stopped at the first floor of the sixth trial tower, and her overall ranking in the universe was fixed at second place.

The War Emperor Kun Zhou fell to third place.

After that, 'Wind King' Bailiu, who was also the controller but used the 'Storm God Weapon', also broke into the sixth trial tower, and the number of blood-haired mammoths he killed reached an astonishing 7,600. The final points also exceeded that of the 'Princess'.

The second position in the universe's overall ranking changed hands again, and the rankings of 'Prince Princess' Tiffany and 'War Emperor' Kun Zhou dropped successively.

As time went by, people gradually came to the sixth trial tower, but in the end, without exception, they all fell on the first floor!

Each one of them is either a well-known genius who has been recognized as one of the "top ten in the universe", or a super "dark horse" who was previously unknown but suddenly burst out with amazing strength...

They either fell on the first floor of the sixth tower or on the seventh floor of the fifth trial tower.

Among them, most of those who can break into the sixth trial tower are the controllers. Even 'Skyfire' Fike, who was extremely famous among martial geniuses, finally fell on the seventh floor of the fifth tower, temporarily ranking thirteenth.

The most unexpected ‘dark horse’ talent in this talent competition is undoubtedly Beicang Universe Kingdom’s ‘Snow Fairy’ Liya!

This Snow Elf girl who was ranked at the bottom of the trial tower at the beginning suddenly burst out her true strength after a certain point in time. She successfully passed the fifth trial tower and became the seventh person to enter the sixth trial tower. people!

Even though Lu Ming was still trying to break through the level at this moment, the girl's outstanding performance still attracted a lot of attention.

"Although she is extremely hidden, the difficulty of the sixth trial tower is several times higher than that of the fifth. She will definitely fall on the first floor." Many geniuses said with such certainty.

"This level is her limit!"

Many geniuses were distracted, staring at the battle scene between 'Demon God' Lu Ming and 'Snow Fairy' Liya, and talking about it.

On the first floor of the sixth trial tower, there is a beautiful girl with beautiful silver hair who looks like an elf in the snow. She also controls the flying telekinesis weapon 'Blue Sea Pan' and another fifth-level offensive telepathy called 'Thousand Snow Crystals'. weapon.

"The sky is filled with frost and snow!" The silver-haired girl's eyes erupted with unwavering belief. In the mental weapon made of crystals in front of her, dazzling ice-blue light suddenly burst out from each small crystal. , sweeping towards the terrifying group of blood-haired mammoths below like a violent storm!

But she herself has differentiated into eighteen spatial phantoms, constantly flashing and moving in the sky above the grassland world, changing her body shape and position crazily.

After a long time, she actually killed all ten thousand bloody mammoths. But looking at her pale face at the end, as if she had consumed too much telekinesis, it was obvious that she had reached her limit.

"Although the basic strength of the nine-headed python group on the second level is similar to that of the blood-haired mammoth, the nine-headed python is a monster with higher intelligence and more diverse fighting methods. She should not be able to get through..."

Intelligent monsters are far more difficult to deal with than ferocious beasts that only have fighting instincts.

"That girl from the Snow Elf Tribe was indeed hidden deep enough. She actually managed to get through the first floor of the sixth trial tower!" The girl in the red dress, who was also the controller, felt a faint pressure rising in her heart.

"This girl from the Snow Elf Tribe is a formidable enemy..." The young man from the Cangyu Tribe, who has two blue wings and blue hair, has a bright light in his eyes and is completely locked on the two people on the screen who are still breaking through the level. The wings behind him can't help but move. It trembled.

He is none other than the super genius who has just dropped to third place in the universe's overall ranking this time, 'Wind King' Bai Liu.

If he still has some confidence that he can defeat this Snow Elf girl who barely passed through the first floor of the sixth trial tower, then...'Demon God' Lu Ming, who has almost passed the sixth trial tower, even if He also had to admit that there was still a huge gap between the two.

The opponent's combat power is already approaching the limit of star level.

"However, one day, I will definitely defeat you!" A faint light flashed in the eyes of the Cangyu youth, and he continued to stare at the two figures on the screen.

Soon, the Snow Elf girl ‘Liya’ fell on the second floor of the sixth trial tower, successfully overpowering other peerless geniuses and winning...second place.

As for number one? From the beginning to the end, it can only belong to that man, the man named ‘Demon God’ who is like a god and a devil!


When Lu Ming's gun plunged into the fragile body of the Zerg Mother Queen, the entire central square let out suppressed exclamations.

"Oh my God!"

"Demon God Lu Ming actually cleared the sixth trial tower."

"It's just crazy."

too strong.

Looking at the figure of the young man in black holding a gun in one hand on the screen, everyone could only hold their breath.

Lu Ming's power has completely surpassed the imagination of the top geniuses from various universe countries present.

"It didn't seem easy when he broke through the seventh floor of the sixth tower. I wonder if he can break through the first floor of the seventh trial tower!"

"It would be terrible if he could get through this."

"Between each trial tower, the difficulty skyrockets! The first floor of the seventh tower is several times more difficult than the seventh floor of the sixth tower."

"I don't know if he'll pass."

Countless people were watching, including the 1,008 immortal beings, breaking into the seventh trial tower. This was something that no one had been able to do in tens of thousands of epochs.

Even the Virtual Universe Company and even many big figures from the other four giants who can shock the entire universe are paying attention to this battle. Because of the difficulty setting of the seventh trial tower, it stands to reason that star level is absolutely impossible. pass.

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