People are devouring, a new talent every month

Chapter 29 Weak people have no right to question

Early the next morning.

7,300 geniuses, including Lu Ming, gathered in the central square, quietly waiting for the start of the arena showdown.


An invisible aura enveloped the entire central square, causing the 7,300 human genius elites present to involuntarily surrender. Everyone looked up and saw that familiar figure appearing in the air.

Even if this is a virtual universe network, it only contains her consciousness and does not even release her pressure at all.

But just the nobility on the conscious level and the natural aura are enough to make their souls tremble.

She was wearing a white feather coat that looked ordinary but actually contained a mysterious aura. She had a pair of golden wings on her back and always had a gentle smile on her face. However, no one dared to look at her as she glanced over.

"Your Majesty!"

1008 powerful immortals all saluted respectfully at the same time.

This made the 7,300 talented elites jump in their hearts, and they also followed suit and saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty!"

Lord of the Universe!

Beyond the Immortal Being!

Completely mastering the power of superior laws of space or time, it is enough to rival the Lord of the Universe!

"The trial is over. First of all, congratulations to the 1st to 100th trialists. You have obtained the qualification to enter the core layer of Virtual Universe Company! Of course, whoever doesn't want to quit can also say it now. We, Virtual Universe Company I will never force anyone to stay." The voice of the female venerable Mengluoyi tribe was very soft, but it echoed clearly in everyone's ears and minds.


No one said anything.

"Okay." The female venerable of the Mengluo Wing Tribe nodded with satisfaction, "No. 101 to 7300, these 7200 trialists, based on your performance in the trial space, the virtual universe system has automatically arranged the arena for you. Battle. Those who win three games in a row will get a spot, and the loser will be eliminated."

Of the 7,200 people, half were eliminated in one battle. After three consecutive battles, only 900 people remained.

As soon as these words came out, many talented elites below were confused.

You can only get a spot by winning three consecutive games, and there is no chance of coming back in a 'reincarnation battle'. So if two strong men meet together, wouldn't one of them have to be eliminated?

"The arrangement of the virtual universe system is absolutely optimal, no doubt about it!" The female venerable Mengluo Wing tribe said slowly, "Now, 7,200 trialists, let's go to the arena to fight!"


The central square shook slightly. 7,200 of the elite geniuses that day were suddenly teleported away, leaving only 100 elite human geniuses.

"There are seats over there, you guys can watch the live broadcast there first."

The female venerable Mengluo Wing tribe pointed into the distance, and suddenly 100 large chairs and some tables appeared in a corner of the central square. There were drinks and food on the tables, and the female venerable Mengluo Wing tribe herself was sitting at 1008 somewhere in a powerful and immortal region.

Lu Ming and others sat down. They were among the top 100 in the trial and did not need to be screened. They had already been confirmed to enter the core level of Virtual Universe Company.

3,600 huge screens appeared above the central square, and each screen was broadcasting a live broadcast of an upcoming battle.


On 3600 screens, the battle starts almost simultaneously! The arena battle for 900 places has officially begun!

The winners advance, the losers are eliminated.

In an arena duel, life and death only happen in a split second. Basically, the duration of a duel is relatively short.

A peerless genius fell!

In less than five minutes, 3,600 of them were eliminated.

After half an hour, rest and get ready for the second round.

Half of the 3,600 geniuses fell again, while the other half continued to move forward.

In another half hour, the third round begins.

These 1,800 peerless geniuses are all extremely eager. They are only one step away from the final victory... However, only one person in each arena can enter the core layer of Virtual Universe Company, and the other one must be eliminated.

brush! brush! brush! brush! brush! brush!

Not long after, 900 more figures appeared in the central square again. Most of these 900 human genius elites had excitement on their faces.

After three consecutive rounds of eliminations, 900 of them finally stood out and successfully obtained a precious spot to join the core layer of Virtual Universe Company.

Lu Ming and other 100 people all stood up and walked over to gather. 1,000 talented elites gathered together, and these 1,000 people were the final candidates.


The warm voice spread into the minds of a thousand people, and the female venerable Mengluo Wing tribe appeared in front of their group again.

"You are the best 1,000 people in this genius battle among the 1,008 universe nations of the entire human race in the universe. Our Virtual Universe Company will also do our best to train you. If anyone doesn't want to join the Virtual Universe Company, you can still withdraw now."

Silence, no one said a word.

"very good."

"However, you should understand that competition will always exist in the universe. There is competition everywhere. It is impossible for 1,000 of you... to receive the same treatment and the same training resources. Even my virtual universe company does not dare to waste precious resources like this." Meng The female venerable of the Luoyi Tribe smiled and said, "Let me make an announcement."

"Among the 1,000 of you, the 101st to 1,000th place can get a bonus of 10 Hunyuan units, can enter the initial universe to comprehend, and can join the core 'End of the World Secret Realm' of my virtual universe company."

"The 11th to 100th place can get a bonus of 100 Hunyuan units, can enter the initial universe to comprehend, and can join the core 'Heaven and Earth Secret Realm' of my virtual universe company."

"The 3rd to 10th place can get a bonus of 1,000 Hunyuan units, can enter the initial universe to comprehend, and can join the core 'Taichu Secret Realm' of my virtual universe company."

"The 1st and 2nd place can get a bonus of 10,000 Hunyuan units, can enter the initial universe to comprehend, and can join the core 'Original Secret Realm' of my virtual universe company."

"Under normal circumstances, the 'Original Secret Realm' only accepts one person in each session, but your level is very good, so the top management of the virtual universe company has discussed and given you two places to enter the 'Original Secret Realm'."

Silence. Most of the 1,000 peerless geniuses were somewhat confused about what the four secret realms of "End of the World Secret Realm", "Heaven and Earth Secret Realm", "Primordial Secret Realm" and "Original Secret Realm" meant, but everyone could hear it...

Obviously, the "Original Secret Realm" was the best place among them.

Although it was said that there were two places, everyone knew that the 'Demon God' Lu Ming would definitely occupy one of them.

The only place they really had a chance to compete for was the only one left.

"Among the 1,000 of you, there are still strong and weak ones, and the resources you get are certainly not all the same."

"Tomorrow we will start the arena decisive battle to select the final ranking." The voice of the female venerable of the Mengluo Wing Clan was as warm as the breeze, echoing in everyone's mind, "and the decisive battle rules have been transmitted to each of you, so you should have a good rest today."


After the female venerable of the Mengluo Wing Clan finished speaking, she disappeared directly, and at this time the 1,008 powerful immortals started talking.

"The Original Secret Realm actually accepted two people this time!"

"I thought the quota for the Original Secret Realm would definitely go to that little guy called 'Lu Ming', but I didn't expect there would be an extra quota."

"Virtual Universe Company, it's rare for you to be generous."

While the group of great immortals were talking, Lu Ming and the other 1008 people all looked down at their wrist screens, on which the rules of the decisive battle had been transmitted.

"The rules are as follows:

In the three rounds of elimination that just ended, 900 geniuses were just decided. The 900 people who finally got the quota will be selected by the Virtual Universe system based on their performance in the trial space and the performance in the three rounds of elimination. The best 100 people are Et, Nuada, Corgi, Sanvisp, Doro...

These 100 people will fight one-on-one with the first 100 people in the trial space who got the quota first, a total of 200 people!

The 100 winners are eligible to enter the 'Secret Realm of Heaven and Earth'. The remaining 900 people will all enter the 'End of the World'. Secret Realm'.

Among the 100 victors, the best 20 will be selected according to the judgment of the virtual universe system, and these 20 will fight one-on-one... and the top ten will be selected.

The top ten are eligible to enter the 'Primordial Secret Realm'.

The first and second place will be selected from the top ten to enter the 'Original Secret Realm'.

A detailed battle list is attached at the end. "

This rule is based on the selection of the virtual universe system. Only 100 people are selected from the 900 people. The other 800 people are not qualified for the next round of duels at all, and all belong to the "End of the World Secret Realm".

"How can this be?"

"Not even giving us the qualification for the final battle?"

"Too much!"

"This, this is too much trust in the virtual universe system. "

In the central square, the peerless geniuses who were excluded to the side suddenly exploded. They were not even given the opportunity to show their strength!

"I am 100% sure to be in the top 100, or even 20! Why, why did the virtual universe system exclude me? I don't accept it! I don't accept it!!"

The sudden anger made the situation a little out of control. Many geniuses even directly questioned the virtual universe company.

Lu Ming watched all this coldly without saying a word.

Those who were shouting probably forgot who they were talking to at this moment.

They are qualified to question the judgment of the virtual universe company?

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