"You actually blocked it?" There was a trace of surprise in the eyes of the man in silver, and then he laughed loudly and said, "Can you block my first shot, can you also block my tenth and hundredth shot?"

The wanton laughter of the gatekeepers on the sixth floor continued to echo in the space. And his entire figure had become blurry again without knowing when, and what remained in place was just a 'virtual body'.


Suddenly, a silver spear tip suddenly appeared from behind Lu Ming!

The silver spear tip was filled with a strong aura of the origin of time, and it looked extremely powerful.


All the power of the extremely mysterious law of the origin of time was condensed on the tip of the spear, and finally a strange silver spiral airflow was formed, penetrating directly towards the back of Lu Ming's head!

With such a powerful shot, if it is hit, it is absolutely impossible to survive!

"Boom!" Fortunately, the blue star-quenching gun also shone with silver light, carrying endless power and stabbing at this sudden shot!

"Chichi~" The star-quenching gun is also condensed with the extremely rich aura of the origin of time. After a spear is pierced, it even vaguely changes the flow of time around it.

"be cheated!"

Unexpectedly, the seemingly powerful shot of the man in silver turned out to be just a feint, and his 'whole body' was directly stabbed to pieces by Lu Ming's shot. There is no doubt that what Lu Ming hit was just a 'virtual body'.

"Chi!" But the real body is in the sky!

A sure-kill shot dropped from the sky and stabbed out suddenly!

When the man in silver attacked this time, he spread the extremely violent thunder and lightning field. After integrating the understanding of the law of time into it, it directly formed a small terrifying field that can interfere with the flow of time!

"You can't escape!" With the gun coming out like a dragon, and the super strong field integrated with the perception of the law of time to limit the actions that affect Lu Ming, the man in silver is confident that the opponent will never be able to dodge this move!

"You are the one who can't escape!" Faced with this unfavorable situation that could be called a fatal situation, Lu Ming did not panic at all, but instead smiled.

"What?" At this time, the man in silver, his spear, and his domain had formed one body, easily suppressing the surrounding time force field. At the same time, he was also shocked to find that... Lu Ming's figure suddenly became strangely blurry. Was the person who stabbed the thundering spear just a 'virtual body'?

"Where is he?" The man in silver knew that he had made a mistake in judgment this time and would definitely suffer a big loss or even die directly. But he still wanted to know, when did Lu Ming hide it from him?

"This little guy actually deceived the gatekeeper on the sixth floor!" The soft-tempered Butterfly King watched the live broadcast on the screen in front of him, and the three pairs of transparent wings behind him could not help but tremble slightly.

"His understanding of the second picture has definitely reached the qualified standard. Moreover, he also used the influence of the essence of the law of time in it..." The King of Dawn and Dusk, who was wearing purple gold armor, couldn't help but secretly admired it.

Judging from Lu Ming's performance in being able to directly deceive the sixth-level gatekeeper, the other party has definitely understood the essence of the nine most basic laws of time, and it is possible that there is even more than that.

The King of Light, with his blond hair like an angel warrior, couldn't help but light up his golden vertical pupils at this time. At the same time, he commented: "Based on his current understanding of the law of the origin of time, I am afraid that he has already achieved the transformation from 'shun' time to direct time." 'Affecting' the transformation of time around you... This sixth-level gatekeeper did not lose unjustly."

Inside the Tongtian Bridge on the sixth floor.

The gatekeeper in silver who sensed the crisis did not sit still and wait for death. Instead, he changed direction again in an instant, causing the shot that should have been thrust towards the established trajectory to deflect again!

"If you want to kill me, you won't even be able to live!" The silver-clothed gatekeeper suddenly turned around, with a look of madness on his face!

He knew clearly that no matter how he acted at this moment, he could not avoid Lu Ming's next sure-fire shot. Therefore, instead of hiding, he had the idea of ​​​​"retaliating before death" and wanted to die together with Lu Ming!

With the power of their marksmanship, no matter who is stabbed in the vital point by the other, he will almost certainly die.

However, the man in silver also understands that the other party cannot really die with him. After all, the initiative at this moment lies entirely with the other party. Even in the best possible outcome, the best he can do is seriously injure the opponent.


Lu Ming did not intend to suffer any injuries.



The two spears broke through the air attack and attacked each other almost at the same time. Whether it was the man in silver or Lu Ming's spear, the speed was astonishingly fast. But purely in terms of speed, Lu Ming's gun is faster. Because at the last moment, Lu Ming changed the trajectory of his spear again in order not to be injured, and then he ran straight into the 'sure-kill shot' thrust by the man in silver.

The characteristic of the 'Time Interruption' move is that it has both speed and power! The man in silver used the most standard version of super powerful time interruption!

What Lu Ming performed was obviously very special.

His spear is completely based on the 15 mysterious laws of time, triggering the oppression of time in the entire universe. At the same time, he also incorporates his three years of understanding of the original laws of thunder and lightning into it. The gun contains even more power to destroy everything!

One only has speed and power!

But the other one contains the time oppression of the universe itself, and is more powerful!

"Chi chi chi..." The moment the two spears were about to come into contact, the speed of the silver spear thrust out by the man in silver was obviously decreasing sharply, as if it was being suppressed by invisible pressure. However, Lu Ming's star-quenching gun directly suppressed the past with the overall assistance of cosmic time.


The star-quenching gun turned into a stream of light, knocking away the opponent's weapon and directly piercing the opponent's head!

The sixth floor!


Tongtianqiao plane, central island.

Hundreds of immortal gods watched the live broadcast on the screen. Even though they were mentally prepared, when Lu Ming successfully killed his opponent and passed through the sixth floor, all the immortal gods present still felt heartfelt shock.

"It's only been three years!"

"From the 1st to the 6th floor, he broke through the six-story Tongtian Bridge. This Lu Ming... is really too exaggerated!"

"The peerless monster! Haha...the peerless monster that appears in our human race!"

"Even if we look at the long history of mankind, there are only a few such monsters. We are fortunate to witness the birth of a new era!"

This era is destined to belong to Lu Ming alone.

In other times, perhaps the stars would have shone brighter. But with Lu Ming's presence in this era, even if all the stars in the sky were put together, how could they compare to the dazzling and scorching brilliance of the sun?

"This guy...does he really have no limit?" The eyes of many geniuses have already become dull, and their moods have become numb.

Before Lu Ming broke through the overpass, there might still be some geniuses who wanted to chase his shadow. As for now? It was impossible to catch up... They had given up completely.

"Lu Ming...Lu Ming..." There are also some geniuses who chant Lu Ming's name like a demon, as if this man has become a nightmare that will never go away in their hearts!

"Do you think it is possible for him to break through the seventh floor?" The King of Dawn and Dusk's joking voice sounded again among the immortals, but this time there was no response.

Although the difficulty of the seventh floor of Tongtian Bridge is many times higher than that of the sixth floor, they are all looking forward to it now.

I look forward to this incredible and peerless monster continuing to write his own immortal myth!

Although this myth has just begun, the excitement of the story has already fascinated countless people!

The Tongtian Bridge on the seventh floor is very dreamy. There is no longer a strong wind in front of you, but an infinite starry sky.

At the end of the seventh floor, a small meteorite with a diameter of about several kilometers is suspended. A voice comes from the meteorite: "Choose your opponent, a warrior, a controller, an illusionist. Choose one and defeat it to pass the seventh floor. "

"Martial artist!" Lu Ming said in a deep voice.

The meteorite suspended in front of him suddenly broke into a stone. The stone rolled on the Tongtian Bridge and turned into a warrior wearing a blue battle suit, a silver mask, and holding a dark purple spear.

"Young man of the first level of the universe, you are already very good if you can get into my place, but this level is not easy for me." The voice of the man in blue was slightly old, but his attitude was amiable.

Lu Ming held a spear and stood ready.

The man in blue took a step forward, and the dark purple spear in his hand instantly shot out thousands of silver spear rays. Almost the whole world changed color in an instant. The surrounding Tongtian Bridge deck and starry sky completely disappeared, leaving only countless spear rays. Raging in the meantime.

"This is...the power of the world?" Lu Ming's face finally felt stressed for the first time.

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