"I'm on the 11th floor, and I finally relied on the unique trick of the Thunder Beast God's Way to win. My advantage is already very weak. I don't think I have much hope on the 12th floor."

"Although I'm not sure, I still have to give it a try." Lu Ming quickly flew to the Tongtian Bridge on the 12th floor, and kept flying upwards, soon reaching the surface.


The earth trembled, and countless earth-yellow rays of light flew out from all directions and quickly gathered in the air. In an instant, they transformed into a mysterious strong man wearing a yellow battle suit and a mask. He was the gatekeeper of the twelfth floor.

"If you can reach the 12th floor at the cosmic level, you have a bright future." The man in yellow looked at Lu Ming with clear eyes, "The combat method I use is still the 'Twilight World' move, but it is stronger than the one on the 11th floor. Much more, are you ready?"

Lu Ming smiled and nodded.


Both sides exerted the power of the world at the same time.

Fight instantly!


So the power of the new [Twilight World] has not only been improved? The [King of War Domain] that Lu Ming condensed through the Way of the Beast God of Thunder Time collapsed and disintegrated after only holding on for one breath!

The man in yellow continued to control the power of the world and came to suppress it. Lu Ming didn't even see how he died in the end, and his eyes suddenly went dark!

Lu Ming was defeated!

This time, the attempt to break through the overpass officially ended, and the final attempt failed on the 12th floor.


"It's so comfortable to receive 1.92 million points at once!" Seeing that my points have exceeded one million points, this fulfilling feeling is really reassuring.

"We'll go to the Jiuyutong Sky Bridge later and get another wave of points!" No wonder Lu Ming was hopeless, the points were really too tempting.

If he misses these few days, he won't have the tenfold bonus of the 'novice period' if he tries to break through the Tianqiao again.

The Jiuyu Tong Tianqiao mainly tests the attainments in the laws of space. Although Lu Ming's Space Principle started late, he relied on special beings like the Sky Flame Void Beast to cultivate.

Although breaking through the sky bridge did not require the heaven-defying power base and special talents of the Flame Void Beast clone, he relied on his solid understanding of the laws of space and his next-level attainment of the 'Way of the Fire Void Beast God' to finally achieve his goal. Successfully passed the 11th floor of Jiuyutong Sky Bridge and scored nearly two million points again.

And other geniuses have long been accustomed to this.

Virtual Universe Company, a vast starry sky outside an unknown secret realm.

In the restrained crimson palace, the Dragon Lord scanned the email notification sent from within the virtual universe, with a surprised smile in his eyes.

His youngest disciple's level of excellence has even exceeded his and Chaos' initial expectations.

"He still needs time to grow. The future of our human race..."

The Dragon Lord murmured lowly, and then his eyes suddenly went blank, looking towards the void at the far end, and his consciousness fell into some kind of memory.

Ten days later.

Virtual company headquarters mainland.

Lu Ming and his party disembarked at a port. Compared with when they arrived, the headquarters of Virtual Universe Company had not changed at all. It was still as vast and spectacular, and the stars could only serve as embellishments.

They went to Chaos City to practice for thirty years, but a full hundred years had passed in the original universe.

At this moment, everyone gathered in the conference hall.

A green-eyed girl at the Virtual Universe Company headquarters checked Lu Ming and his group of 812 people, and then made arrangements skillfully.

"Lu Ming, Liya, the original secret realm you are going to still needs to wait for the Venerable, so please wait here for a while."

"Kun Zhou, Bai Liu, Tiffany, you guys from the Taichu District are going to the Taichu Secret Realm. They are taking the rocky gray spaceship next to them, which looks like a meteorite."

"From the Tian area..."


The green-eyed girl quickly arranged everything, pointed to the three spaceships with different styles that had been prepared on the grass outside, and continued: "Now, all of you, please set off as required."

Everyone stood up and said goodbye to each other.

After this farewell, apart from being able to meet in the virtual universe, they are from different areas. If they want to meet again in reality, I don’t know when it will take.


Three F-class spacecraft took off quickly.

In the end, only Lu Ming and Liya were left in the entire hall, waiting quietly.

About half a day later.

The green-eyed girl appeared again. She glanced at the two people who were resting with their eyes closed, and nodded slightly in her heart.

"Lu Ming, Liya, come with me. The Venerable has arrived. Now you and the Venerable will go to the primitive secret realm."

The two stood up, looked at each other, and then followed the green-eyed girl silently without saying anything.

Soon, the blue fish spacecraft started, flying rapidly in the dark universe at 50 times the speed of light.

A month and a half later.

"Come out, everyone," Venerable Yunmeng's gentle voice sounded in Lu Ming's mind: "The original secret realm is coming soon."


Lu Ming sat up from the bed in the room, with a hint of expectation in his eyes, and went directly to the main cabin hall of the G-class spacecraft.

A few seconds later, Liya also arrived.

The two nodded to each other and said hello.

On the left side of the spacecraft, Venerable Yunmeng stood with her hands behind her hands. Her aura was completely restrained, just like an ordinary girl from the Dream Snail Wing tribe, calmly observing the changes in the dark universe outside.

The two waited for a few minutes.

"Carry out space travel."


The intelligent mechanical sound in the spacecraft sounded.

"10, 9, 8, 7...3, 2, 1, start shuttle."

Then Lu Ming only felt the spacecraft shake slightly, but it soon returned to normal.

"Start the holographic simulation of the exterior scene." Lord Yunmeng finished speaking, and a completely different scene appeared in front of Lu Ming and Liya.

"This is the original secret realm..."

The first thing that fell into Lu Ming's eyes were many dust clouds emitting strange rays. They surrounded huge star fragments, creating a quite beautiful scene.

Their spacecraft seemed too insignificant in front of these giant debris.

"I'll take you to your respective residences first."

Venerable Yunmeng smiled and looked at the two people who were surprised by the scene outside. I think back then, she also walked through it step by step.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After the two came to their senses, they bowed their hands.

Venerable Yunmeng waved his hand and said: "Both of you have extremely outstanding talents, but don't waste your time. You must practice hard in the primitive secret realm in the future."

"Yes, follow the instructions carefully."

They both responded in unison.

Although Venerable Yunmeng has never explicitly given them instructions on how to practice, he has given them a lot of advice in other aspects in the past half month.

The spacecraft continued to shuttle, and after passing through the outermost circle of dust and air masses, it suddenly became clear.

Through the exterior scene, we can see 136 extremely huge stars criss-crossing and surrounding each other in the distant void. They move along specific trajectories, as if they are connected to a strange secret method.

"Ahead is the core of the original secret realm." Venerable Yunmeng's voice sounded: "You should also be able to see that these 136 stars stir up the original laws of time and space, forming a time and space of their own."

Very shocking.

Lu Ming and Liya looked at each other and saw the same thoughts in each other's eyes.

I can only say that it is worthy of being a virtual universe company!

"Of course, these 136 stars are all fake."


Liya was slightly stunned, but Lu Ming had long known that these 136 Wuchen planets were all artificially created, and sighed in his heart, "What a generous move."

The human race is one of the pinnacle races among the countless races in the universe! As one of the five superpowers in the universe, Virtual Universe Company naturally has incredible strength and heritage.

A moment later, the spacecraft passed through a layer of pale golden space ripples, and the scene simulated in front of Lu Ming and the others was different again.

At the center of this 'ninth space-time' is an extremely dazzling vast continent.

But the 136 stars that attracted all their attention at the beginning were actually only orbiting at the very edge of this space and time.

"This Wuchen Continent is where you will live in the future."

Lu Ming and Liya looked at the continuous palaces on the vast continent in the distance, and their hearts surged for a moment.

Original secret realm, ninth time and space, Wuchen continent

Their lives will start from here and start again!

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