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Chapter 95 Giant Ax Universe, Road to Apocalypse

Chapter 95 Giant Ax Universe, the Road to Apocalypse!

"City Lord, teacher. I will sort out and translate the detailed inheritance content in the near future. However, some of the content may have practice restrictions." The matter is of great importance, and Lu Ming also understands the eager mood of Chaos City Lord and others, so The inheritance content of "Apocalypse" will be translated as quickly as possible.

"Okay, don't rush...we are waiting for you." The Lord of Chaos City calmed down his newly shocked mood and spoke in an unusually gentle tone.

"Chaos, this disciple of mine has made a great contribution to the clan this time, so the clan should give him something as well." The Lord of Dragon Walk also said with a smile on the side, feeling very happy.

"Don't worry. Our human race will never forget anyone who has made contributions to the race. Of course, Lu Ming is still weak now, and some precious treasures are reserved for him in advance for the time being." Major events like this that can directly benefit the race, Even giving him a pinnacle treasure is not an exaggeration.

But Lu Ming is only a small domain lord after all, so it is certainly impossible to give him a powerful treasure now.

"If the Apocalypse School wants to practice, it still needs to use the small universe of the founder of the giant axe. How about we go directly to the small universe of the giant axe. It just so happens that the small universe of the giant axe can also accelerate time..." The Lord of Dragon Walk suddenly proposed An idea.

"What you said, Long Xing, is not unreasonable. I will inform the founder of the giant ax to come back from the cosmic sea as soon as possible!" The Lord of Chaos City also nodded in agreement.

"Long Xing, you will personally lead Lu Ming to the small universe of the giant axe." The initial universe also has the origin of the universe and can also perform 'time acceleration'...

It's just that the original ancestor is now completely suppressed and can't even distract himself from controlling his own small universe. As a result, he can't trigger the evolution of the small universe, keeping the small universe in the 'initial' state.

This 'initial' form has the advantage of showing the rules and facilitating the cultivation and enlightenment of geniuses. But if you want to practice this unknown "Apocalypse" inheritance, it is better to find the founder of the giant ax who can perfectly control his own universe.

"No problem. Lu Ming, you come with me." The Lord of Dragon Walk was very straightforward and quickly led Lu Ming to the Giant Ax Universe.

"If you want to go to the universe of the founder of Giant Ax, you must have a cosmic channel to enter his universe. And our virtual universe company's base camp actually has a cosmic channel connecting to the Giant Ax universe." The Lord of Dragon Walk led Lu Ming while casually explains some of the secrets of the universe.

"The cosmic channel is the special channel where the flow of time is chaotic from the outer primitive universe into the original universe." The Lord of Dragon Walk hugged Lu Ming, and his heroic voice continued to sound.

"Chaos City is in the original universe. And the original universe and the ancient primitive universe we live in...the distance between the two universes, no matter how close they are, is still much farther than anywhere you go in the primitive universe. But back then It’s very fast for you to go to the original universe, right?”

"Whether it is a teleportation channel from the Kingdom of God or a cosmic channel, it is a kind of teleportation channel." The Lord of Dragon Walk continued to smile and said, "So that two places that were originally hundreds of millions of light years or even farther away can be reached instantly through the teleportation channel. "

"However, for any fixed cosmic channel, the farther the two points are connected, the greater the cost, let alone the most advanced cosmic channel."

By establishing this cosmic channel between the two small universes, they can help each other at any time.

Under the protection of the Lord of Dragon Walk, the two people quickly passed through the special cosmic passage and arrived at the Giant Ax Universe.

It is different from the initial universe that mainly gathers some peerless geniuses and strong men. The Giant Ax universe has evolved completely, and there are many ordinary creatures living in it.

In one of the spaces in the Giant Ax Universe, Lu Ming immediately began to translate many detailed information in the "Apocalypse" inheritance.

To practice the "Apocalypse" school, you must cooperate with the one hundred thousand Apocalypse words, which are the so-called "stigma". However, this 'stigma' is like a brand new foreign language. No one else in the universe can understand its meaning. Only Lu Ming, who has truly inherited it, can translate it into the universal language of the universe for others to use for normal cultivation. .

It is actually not a simple matter to translate and transform the vast information flow. After all, it took Lu Ming more than three months to receive it in his own consciousness.

Before he could complete the translation, a giant savage man with disheveled hair and bare feet came outside this space.

"Founder of the Giant Axe, you are back!" Because it has not yet been determined whether the inheritance of the "Apocalypse" school can really be practiced through the small universe of the Giant Axe, so currently only Long Xing, Chaos, Peng Gong, and Giant Ax know the news. There are so many axes.

After it is truly established that this is a bright road that can be followed, it will not be too late to inform the other masters of the universe of the human race.

The founder of the giant ax nodded lightly and said in a strong voice: "After I heard about this, I returned as soon as possible."

"That's Lu Ming, you're so young." The founder of the giant ax returned to his own small universe, completely lifeless and did not disturb anyone. He was looking at the 'busy' young black-haired youth with a smile.

"Yes, he is still very young." The Lord of Dragon Walk also had a look of joy and admiration on his face.

Looking at the young figure, the two of them seemed to see the extremely glorious and dazzling future of the human race.

After spending a lot of effort, Lu Ming finally translated the entire "Apocalypse" inheritance.

But after all, this is a brand new school of practice. If it is to be truly implemented, a group of pioneers are needed to explore the way. After they truly taste the sweetness and benefits, it is estimated that the core members of the five major forces will have disputes over the cultivation quota.

However, these things are what the founder of Giant Ax and the Lord of Chaos City and other high-level human beings need to care about. His mission has been completed.

"Now, it's time for me to explore this new inheritance on my own." Of course, Lu Ming was extremely interested in a new and incredible inheritance.

In fact, Lu Mingyuan's Zhuyan clone in Jinlan Universe Kingdom has achieved some success in cultivation. Learned many mysterious techniques including "Heart of Apocalypse", "Eye of Apocalypse", "Heavenly Body" and so on.

As for the entire Apocalypse inheritance, the real core difficulty is actually one - to form a stronger resonance and connection with the origin of the universe.

As for other secret techniques and techniques, it is not very difficult to get started.

Of course, it is definitely very difficult to practice every secret skill to the highest level.

Like the "Apocalypse Evolution" secret technique that attracted Lu Ming's attention the most before, this secret technique is also very strange to practice...

According to common sense, it is impossible for the genetic level of life to make a large jump or even break through the limitations of the universe. But the first step in this secret method is to transform oneself into a form similar to a 'special life' existence.

The life gene levels of special beings may be strong or weak, but they are undoubtedly not bound by the "hundred times life gene limit" that normal races have before the level of the Lord of the Universe.

"The first step is to transform into a special life. The level of life can break through the limit of a hundred times the limit of the universe..."

"The second step, the second evolution, transform yourself into a stronger special life that defies the heavens..."

"The third step is the ultimate evolution, transforming yourself into a special life similar to the 'natural beast god' who is born with the genetic level of perfect life..."

The entire "Apocalypse Evolution" consists of three simple steps. The principle of the secret technique is to allow oneself to constantly "rebuild" under the influence of the original will of the universe, so as to finally achieve the magical effect of breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

Because the original universe could have given birth to special life, giving birth to special life thousands of times the level of life genes, and even giving birth to a natural beast god... Therefore, this secret technique does not violate the laws of the universe.

Of course, this secret technique looks simple, but in fact it only requires a low threshold for the first step. If you want to reach the second step... or even the final third step, you need to continuously deepen your connection with the original will of the universe.

"Except for my true self, all other clones only need to practice the final third step of "Apocalypse Evolution"...but this third step is also the most difficult." After all, the third step is 10%, which is a life at the perfect genetic level. You can even receive additional blessings from the origin of the original universe.

"To establish contact with the origin of the universe, it is best for me to break through to the realm lord level first." Once you reach the realm lord level, your consciousness can directly enter the origin of the universe, and the speed of understanding the laws will be faster. Secondly, the key is It can greatly reduce the difficulty of practicing various secret techniques in the inheritance of "Apocalypse".

Like "Apocalypse Evolution", the most suitable time to practice is at the World Lord level.

"If it weren't for the fact that the second clone has not yet been completely conceived, I would have broken through to the World Lord level long ago. But now that I have the secret method of "Apocalypse Evolution", my speed of gestating the clone should be faster." "Apocalypse" The essence of "Evolution" is actually similar to using the inner world to give birth to a special life clone.

At the beginning of pregnancy, it may be at the level of ordinary special life... After the second and third pregnancy, it can evolve into some special life that is quite unbelievable... The last final pregnancy is to evolve into a special life similar to a natural beast god. exist.

"Before that, take the time to go to the Domain Lord level Tongtian Mountain." Feeling that the birth speed in the inner world has accelerated significantly, and it seems that the second clone is not far away from being officially born, Lu Ming thought, and a trace of consciousness connected to the virtual universe .

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