
Popular cuisine that is common in Japanese cuisine.

Throughout the neon country, there is a sushi culture with its origins.

Tips on cooking and making, as well as types and techniques of sushi.

It’s okay to take it out as a popular cooking class, and tell a few lessons.

This made Qianye a little puzzled.

The main content of this class is the combination of spices.

Why did you choose such a variety of dishes?

And the final criterion is to judge the deliciousness of the sushi or the cookedness of the spices?

“Sushi! Let’s cook sushi on the spot? ”

“Damn, not to mention spices, my sushi skills are not a strong point in the first place!”

“Hey, hey! If I really compete in sushi, I won’t lose! ”

“Hey, isn’t it clear that chefs from Japanese restaurants can get high ratings?”


Qianye just had doubts.

On the other hand, the students around me who are not good at sushi cooking are all sad.

Far moon except for a few talented young chefs.

More are no different from ordinary colleges, and they are students who write mixed days.

I want to get a diploma from Yuanyue and find a better restaurant job in the future.

In other part, the family is very rich.

You don’t need children to have any special appearances, and they come here to study completely to gild themselves.

After all, the signboard of the far moon is very loud.

Inside the scene, Qianye’s puzzlement did not last for more than half a minute.

Soon, Shiomi Jun gave the answer.

I saw that Shiomi Jun took out the walkie-talkie and pressed the intercom button.


“Staff, bring in the sushi!”

“Thank you very much, hard work everyone!”

As soon as they heard Shiomi Jun’s words, the students at the scene immediately quieted down.



Then, the sound of a cart came from the doorway.

On top of the cart, there are large lunch boxes.

Even with the lid on the lunch box, bursts of aroma can still come out through the gaps.


Chiya closed his eyes and sniffed out of thin air.

“It turns out that with this, if you do this, it is very fair and reasonable.”

In just a few seconds, he was able to figure out Shiomi’s class schedule.

Sure enough, even if he is a young professor, Shiomi Jun’s experience is still very sophisticated.

“Senya-san, so it is… What is the meaning? ”

Ryoko Sakaki asked suspiciously.

When Tian Suoe heard this, his gaze followed.

She also wanted to know what Qianye had discovered.

Qianye calmly pointed to the food trucks and said

“Professor Shiomi has prepared a series of ingredients such as rice balls, seaweed, and toppings for sushi.”

“All the materials needed for the substrate are fair access to everyone, whether the quality is delicious or not, at least fair.”

“The rest is how to choose the matching accessories and use spices to create a unique taste, it depends on the creativity of each student.”

In a few simple words, the core assessment content of this sushi dish has been dissected.

I have to say that in terms of teaching considerations, Yuanyue has done very well and can’t fault anything.

When the dining car approaches the back seat, the smell of food can be clearly smelled.

“Really! It’s the smell of rice, and when I just came in, I smelled it, so powerful! ”

“Well, really… It’s really amazing! ”

The adoring gazes of the two women were cast.

A keen sense of smell is also very important for a good chef.

To be able to have such a performance in the last row, the behavior of Thousand Nights is simply amazing!

Being praised by a series of praises, in other words, will be in a good mood.

After Chiya finished speaking, Shiomi Jun was indeed exactly as Chiya described.

All actions were repeated, basically exactly the same.

Only at the end, after putting aside the cumbersome rules, he said heartily:

“Don’t forget that we are acting in groups, and each of the three has to hand in a sushi cooking.”

“Teams need to work together, so help your teammates as much as possible.”

“Of course, for their growth and learning, don’t do it all.”

“Let’s get started!”

This remark is indeed in line with Shiomi Jun’s style.

After saying that, everyone immediately jumped into action.

Shiomi Jun’s own gaze was cast on Chiye.

For superior geniuses who have long enjoyed reputation, it is difficult not to be noticed.

“I wonder what kind of spices flavored sushi can be prepared by Senya?”

“It’s exciting, hee-hee!”

Shiomi Jun’s eyes flickered, and he calculated in his heart.

In the back row, a large number of students have already rushed up, trying to choose more kinds of spices reserves, so as to be prepared.

“So fast, everyone is so fast! Senya-san, do we want it too? ”

Tasshoe Megumi was instantly frightened by this battle, and directly looked up at Qianye for help.

“No hurry, it’s impossible to take light with such a quantity.”

“Ryoko, Megumi, just call my name.”

“We’re a team now, and we’ve always called our classmates too rusty.”

Qianye smiled heartily and reminded.


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