At night.

Kakuki Fushang.


Erina, wearing a yukata, returned to the living room and stretched her muscles with her slender arms.

In the living room, Crimson in civilian clothes is still quickly operating on the computer.

The industrial docking in the past two days has all been completed with crimson sand.

Personnel counting and asset counting, each of which requires dealing with the Presidential Finance Department of the Ten Masters Committee.

If it is left to Erina, I am afraid that these things will have a headache for a few days.

“Crimson Sand, you’ve worked hard these two days.”

“Let’s prepare for the study together.”

“In a short period of time, there will be no need to deal with the affairs of the world anymore.”

When Erina’s words were spoken, there was unconcealable loneliness in her eyes.

Among the freshmen, Shijie is a proud honor that belongs to Erina.

It is also a high recognition of her achievements over the years.

Unexpectedly, Qianye easily shuffled everything with just one dish.

“Lord Erina, please don’t say that.”

“With the strength of Lord Erina, you can take back a seat from the Ten Masters seat at any time!”

“Shijie-related affairs, I will continue to be familiar with it, and I will definitely not forget it!”

Crimson proved her determination with her actions.

She even hoped that Erinai would not be discouraged by a failure.

Even if she lost to her peers who were most recognized by Yuanyue.

Crimson can still feel the bitterness in Erina’s heart.

Possibility failure word eye.

For her, it was very strange.



As he spoke, a push message popped up in the campus forum.

Crimson opened it from the computer, and only after two glances, he showed a shocked expression.

“Erina-sama, look at this!”

When he was in a hurry, Crimson did not dare to hide anything, and directly moved the screen in the right direction.

Erinai frowned, leaning over to look at the message on the push.

The title is: “New Yuanyue Ten Masters Three Major Posts Appointment Notice!” 》

Promoting to a member of the Ten Masters Council and selecting a few of his own generals is naturally no problem.

The focus is on the three people selected by Senya, two of whom are closely related to Erina.

Mito Yumei is okay on the one hand, after all, it is a way for her personal ability to manifest.

If you think about it, Erinai is still happy for her.

After seeing the words “Alice Cutie” and “Personal Secretary”, Erinai stood up directly in surprise.

The yukata on her body slipped off a corner and was hurriedly covered by her.

Scarlet looked at Erina, not knowing what to say.

The only thing that can make Erina’s gaffe like this is what happened to Chiye.

“Something is wrong… Alice can’t be willing to be a personal secretary! ”

“She must have some special reason, there must be some!”

Erina said with a serious expression.

Growing up together, Alice’s temper, how could she not understand?

But what can be done except discomfort in the heart?

“Lord Erina, maybe Miss Alice just thinks it’s fun.”

“He and Chiye should be old friends who have known each other for a long time, and there seems to be no other relationship.”

Scarlet tries to change the subject, enlightening Erina, who is drilled by the horns.

Otherwise, according to Erina’s personality, I don’t know what to think more.


“Did you talk to Alice that day in the stands?”

Erina’s eyes lit up, and she immediately asked.

Perhaps it is the attitude of performance, which is too direct.

After speaking, she herself was embarrassed to stagger her gaze.

The atmosphere of the scene was particularly embarrassing because of Erina’s excessive attention.

Fortunately, it was only Crimson who was present, not anyone else.

If others see Erina’s state, they don’t know what they will say.

“Lord Erina, this joint study … Do you want to invite Senya-kun to join us in the event? ”

“A rare outing, there should be more people.”

Scarlet knew what Erina’s mind was pondering.

Simply gave her a step.

If you want to be alone, you also need to create.

For the sake of Erina’s happiness, Scarlet is willing to do anything.

Erina stood aside with a red face, and said in a mosquito voice

“What if… I mean if it’s not so busy. ”

“If you can exchange cooking experience, the entertainment program is too unusual.”

Crimson smiled and instantly read Erina’s thoughts.

She nodded and said

“Don’t worry, Erina-sama, I understand!”


At night.

Twenty kilometers outside the school.

The doors of a refreshment hall listed “Kawaii Castle” are closed.

A “Closed today” sign hangs on the door.

“Is Kawaii Castle closed today? It’s not the end of the month, is it an inventory in advance? ”

“It’s a pity, the strawberry cake I want to eat today can only wait until tomorrow!”

“Yes, I don’t know what the theme is today!”

“Obviously it’s still lit inside, is there any special guest?”


It was already nine o’clock in the evening.

But there are still customers coming and leaving at the door.

You can see how large the daily flow of visitors at Kawaii Castle is.

Through the yarn curtains that have not been fully closed, you can still see the lights inside.

But it is true that they have closed their doors and no longer do business with the outside world.

“Chiya-sama, iced matcha three-leaf cake, please eat it slowly!”

“Lord Chiye, the Volcano Ficus biscuits, now is the best time to eat them!”

“Secretary Xiaohui, this is the lemon custard you want, slippery and very delicious, eat it slowly!”


Several cute waitresses dressed in black and white maid costumes.

Serve desserts one after another, without forgetting the words of greeting.

During the day, Chiya is alone to study with Akane Kubo Momo.

This time he went out to Kawaii Castle, and Chiya simply followed out with Megumi Tassho.

Even if you haven’t officially taken up your post yet, it doesn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with what a secretary should do in advance.

“Thank you, thank you, senior sister!”

“Thank you, thank you classmates!”

On such an occasion, look at the waiter who dresses so strangely and talks so sweetly.

Tian Suoe thanked him uncomfortably, and did not dare to have the slightest impolite snub.

After all, these waiters are all students in the Far Moon Academy.

Working part-time in the store in your spare time is a great experience and a good pay.

Many people are looking forward to having such a job opportunity.

They themselves feel very happy and honored.

The Kawaii Castle dessert shop that Akane Kubo exited has a different theme in its clothing every day.

Today is a special maid theme, knowing that Thousand Nights is coming, and entering the mode of closing the store in advance.

The previous hour was about the same as at a dessert seminar.

The person in charge of the store will report the performance.

The situations encountered were said at the same time, and solutions were considered.

Tasho Megumi has done a very good job in this regard.

Knowing that as a secretary, he needs to record everything that Qianye should pay attention to.

Serious girls are the most attractive, and Chiya silently praised Megumi Tasho in his heart.

When it was time to enjoy it, I didn’t expect it to become a part that Tasshoe was not comfortable with.

“Thousand Nights Cotton and Tiansho are all VIP guests in the store!”

“Let the gourmet masseurs in the store serve them.”

As if it wasn’t enough, Akane Kubo continued to give instructions.

“Gourmet masseur?”

“Is there still such a post?”

Tian Suoe was stunned when he was stunned, he had never heard of such a post.

Qianye himself looked at the two black-haired maids who walked over, and his heart was quite comfortable.

It was as if I had returned to a past life, and I felt like I was in a bathing center.

The so-called gourmet masseur assists in the work of massage while tasting desserts.

Lovely food, lovely deliciousness, lovely beauty.

No matter what aspect, Akane Kubo Momo interprets the definition of cute to the extreme.

“Try it, gourmet massage desserts, all of which I have prepared myself!”

“Oooo Very delicious! ”

Akane Kubo said as she ate.


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