People Are Eating: I, The King Of Hunters!

Chapter 124 Jiro's Past, Go to the Second Continent!

"Why, go to the second continent?"

When Jiro heard Su Yun's words, a complex color flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't help thinking.

Five hundred years ago.

When he was still very young, he was adopted by the king of that continent.

Such brutal creatures.

Instead of eating him, he kept feeding him red netro.

Later, when his strength increased, he went out to explore.

After he apprenticed with Acacia, he learned a lot of fighting skills.

Satisfied, he returned to the Second Continent.

At that time, he felt that he was invincible.

So he challenged his wolf father without fear, and pulled out its wolf teeth to make a glove as a commemoration of victory.

But when I look back and think about it, I suddenly realize how young and frivolous I was back then...

My own wolf father, in that battle, probably hasn't shown more than 50% of his strength.

Just let him...

Until his strength increased to surpass the wolf father.

Only then did he really understand the truth of the matter.

So he always felt guilt towards the wolf father in his heart, and never returned to the Second Continent.

Moreover, in order to contain his uncontrollable power.

He deliberately asked Acacia to seal the power of his whole body.

"Because, isn't the second continent called the origin continent? 35

"There are continents of all shapes and sizes, and thousands of islands with different environments are connected to each other."5

"So, the species of creatures there must be the most in the food industry, isn't it just suitable for learning acupuncture?"

Su Yun gave 740 extremely legitimate and irrefutable reasons.

"Uh...that's true..."

Jiro has lived there since childhood and knows only better than Su Yun.

However, when he thought that if he returned to the Second Continent, he would have to face the wolf father who had been beaten by him.

The mood can't help but get complicated.

He didn't agree to Su Yun for a long time.

Su Yun didn't know what Jiro was struggling with.

I couldn't help but get anxious, so I had to keep taking out the best wine from the winemaking space: "Huh? So I still have three bottles of air rice wine that has been fermented for 500 years here?

"Oh? There are still two bottles of 1500-year-old Corsa?

"Wow! My God! The 300-year-old Baiyun bayberry wine! I almost forgot there are such good wines!"


Jiro couldn't help clenching his fists when he heard it, he hesitated for a long time, and said: "Okay, I agree to go to the Second Continent with you, but these wines..."

Before Jiro could finish his words, Su Yun pulled out thirty bottles and twenty barrels of fine wine like a conjuration: "Here, Uncle Jiro, you don't need to increase the price if you increase the amount. Keep it well, and be careful to drop it on the ground. 35

Then, without giving Jiro a chance to repent, he summoned Shia directly and said, "Then let's go now!""

"Uncle Jiro, please show me where to go!"

not far away.

Seeing that the situation was not developing very well, Mabi immediately ran over with a strange look: "Huh? Are you not going to the Monster Food World?

"Next time (bach)!""

Su Yun patted Mabi on the shoulder: "I will come to play when I have time in the future, but now I have something important."

"Oh... well then!"

Mabby said with a look of disappointment: "Then next time you can't just change your route! I really want to invite you to dinner!

Su Yun threw a few barrels of fine wine at Mabi and said, "I'm sorry, this time it's really something, I'll definitely come and have a good time next time... Maybe, in a month or two!


Mabi reluctantly waved at the two and one beast, and Su Yun could hear that what he said meant that there would be a future.

"Mabie, take a step first, I will come back later when I have time!

Jiro sat on the back of the tiger, opened a bottle of agate wine and took a sip, suddenly regretting why he had been struggling for so long...

The big deal is to apologize to Guines, or it's over!

This kind of good wine is worth his old face!


Su Yun and Jiro sat on Shia's back and flew to the second continent across the sea.

Shia is not a camping beast, nor does it have a safe place.

However, in the presence of Jiro.

It's probably one of the safest places in the world.

"Gulugulu... Xiaoyun, by the way, did you get this little tiger under the ice hell?"

"Yeah, have you met Uncle Jiro?"

"Well, at the beginning, my senior and senior brothers and I found that something was wrong with the Ice Hell, so we went down to investigate.

Jiro showed a nostalgic look: "I originally had the idea of ​​keeping it as a pet, but Nai He has no attribute power, so he couldn't thaw it without guaranteeing its safe survival, so I gave up."5

"I didn't expect that after so many years, I was caught by you."

"This is an amazing creature, if you guess correctly, it came from another universe.

Hearing this, Su Yun asked curiously, "Uncle Jiro, how did you know it came from another universe? Did your gourmet cell demon say it?"

"Hehe, no, it's the one in my brother who said it. In my words, you can think that I don't have a gourmet devil, because I have a very bad relationship with the guy in my body, and it is always trying to eat me... So I'm suppressing him all the time, Xiaoyun, don't imitate me, you still have to deal with the gourmet devil.

"So it is! 35

Su Yun immediately felt very interested.

He quickly asked Jiro more questions.

After all, none of these things were seen in the original.

When he was reading the manga, he thought there, why Jiro, who is so strong, has never used a food demon.

If I had used it, wouldn't the battle with neo just ended in the finale...

In this way, the two rushed to the second continent while chatting.

in two days.

They finally arrived.

"Below is the forest of land and sea, there are more than a thousand kinds of creatures in it, let's start teaching you from here!

"Okay, Uncle Jiro."

Su Yun nodded.

In the past two days, he has already inquired about the location of the wolf king.

It is just an island away from this forest of land and sea.

When he finds an excuse to let Jiro call the wolf king over, he can start to implement his plan.

Forest of land and sea.

A very strange island.

This is obviously land, but the ground is full of seawater, and giant trees are soaked in the seawater, forming a dense forest.

Shia landed on a thick branch,

After Su Yun jumped off the tiger's back and put it into the training space, he and Jiro began to look for the first sparring partner.

After a while, I met a shark.

Scarred all over his body, he was fierce.

It has four legs and a tail as thick as a dinosaur.

Full of sharp barbs.

Name: Wang Lu shark

Species: Kingfish

Capture Level: Level 4450

Habitat: Food World · Second Continent

Body length: 60m

Weight: 30000 tons

Price: 100g/250 million yuan

Introduction: [Amphibious giant shark with a catch level of 4450.

This monster possesses great strength and a ferocious personality, and will attack without hesitation even in the face of the Eight Kings.

It is also famous for being one of the full-course menus of the acupuncture master Jiro. Since then, many gourmets with high kung fu have tried to challenge the catch, but they have all lost to Wang Lucha.

Wang Lushen is just as its name suggests, and it is no exaggeration to say that this powerful beast is the king of the continent. 】

"Hehe, Xiaojie is asking me to catch a king luke..."

"I didn't expect to come across one so coincidentally.""

"Xiaoyun, look good.

"The next trick I'm going to teach you is called [Million Points].

"This is a super powerful acupuncture technique for all-round acupuncture on the enemy. It is my most subtle and difficult anesthesia."

"It is necessary to continuously anesthetize the opponent's body millions of times through extremely fast speed, which can be accurate to the extent that only a small part of the opponent's body is anesthetized.

"This move is the nemesis of the strong, it is specially used to deal with complex and huge opponents, such as the creatures of the eight kings level.

"In the case of Wang Lushen, his body is not huge enough to reach that level, and he can only tap 30,000 acupoints at most, but you are good at drawing inferences from one case, and you should be able to rely on this [30,000 acupoints] to deduce [one million acupoints].

"I'll slow down to the point where you can see clearly, so be sure to focus.

Using the spirit of the mirror, Su Yun focused his attention to the highest level, nodded in preparation, and said, "I'm ready, Uncle Jiro, let's start!"

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