"What should you do if you encounter an opponent who is stronger than you?"

  Shiraishi said: "Then it's good to be stronger than anyone else. As long as there are people who are stronger than me in this world, then I will fail, that's a sure thing."

  "No matter how well conceived, what techniques, hidden means..."

  "These are actually a kind of strength."

  "No weak man can guarantee that he will win in the face of someone stronger than himself."

  Shiraishi paused.

  "If you really encounter an opponent who is stronger than yourself, you can only use another method."


  "If you can't beat it, run away.".

Chapter 38

  This time, Chiyo nodded in agreement.

  "That's the key."

  "In fact, whether it's a puppet master or other ninjas, if you can't beat him and run away, many people will sneer at this kind of behavior."

  "But, I don't think it's wrong."

  Chiyo recalled her son and daughter-in-law.

  The Second Ninja World War.

  Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law died in the hands of Hatake Sakumo during that war.

  It was because of their deaths that the scorpions turned away from the village.

  "When conditions permit, ensuring your own survival as much as possible is what ninjas need to do."

  "It is possible to live."

  "When you die, there is nothing left."

  Shiraishi listened to Chiyo's words, and remembered what Sandamaki said to himself last time.

  As Chiyo meant, you must cherish the village and your companions, but don't take yourself too lightly.

  "You make your puppet first."

  "After your puppet is made, I will design some scenes for you, and my request for you is to survive in these scenes. This is my test for you."

  "When you pass my test, I will allow you to leave the village."

  Shiraishi nodded.

  "Okay, Granny Chiyo."

  Shiraishi has no dislike for such an arrangement. It really prolongs the time that Shiraishi can officially step into the ninja life, but Chiyo did it for the better of Shiraishi.

  The matter of Chiyo's son and daughter-in-law, as well as the matter of the scorpion, made Chiyo embarrassed.

  "By the way, mother-in-law Chiyo, I want to ask, do you know how Kazuki-sama arranged for Temari? I saw that Temari didn't seem to be assigned an instructor."


  Chiyo shook his head.

  "I'm not sure, but Temari is Kazekage's daughter. He will definitely arrange his own daughter. Why, Shiraishi, do you have any other ideas?"

  "I thought this before, if Kazuki-sama doesn't have any plans, I want Temari to train with me."


  Chiyo thought for a while.

  "Besides the test, you do need a sparring role."

  "Well, I'll go to Fengying and ask when I have time."

  Shiraishi nodded quickly.

  "Then thank you mother-in-law Chiyo."

  Chiyo waved his hand.

  "I won't bother you anymore, let's make puppets."


  After Chiyo left, only Shiraishi was left in the entire backyard.

  Just like the puppets he made before, Baishi already knew about the White Tiger, the complete blueprint, and all the accessories in his mind.

  With the Mechanic Snake already made, the Mechanic White Tiger is not too difficult for Baishi.

  This mechanism was designed after a real tiger.

  There are three types of attacks in total.

  One is to swoop, using sharp claws.

  One is biting, using teeth.

  One is a swipe, relying on the tail.

  Compared with the mechanical snake, it is more flexible and good at guerrilla warfare.

  And the more important point about the existence of the white tiger, the mechanism that Shiraishi made this time, is that it can sit on people.

  Three times the material of the Mechanic Snake.

  The white tiger created is much taller than a human being.

  According to Shiraishi estimates.

  The white tiger will be as high as 2 meters.

  And the length, excluding the tail, will be up to 5 meters.

  Compared with humans, it is much larger.

  What's more, compared to the human beings in this world.

  Once it is done, it is equivalent to a behemoth.

  "It's many times bigger than Fei Liuhu of the Red Sand Scorpion."

  Larger, it means an increase in the difficulty of production.

  Organ White Tiger is not an iron spider, and requires very finesse, not much worse than Po Earth Qilang, and even more complicated than Organ Snake in terms of production difficulty.

  The core is located in the chest.

  There are a total of seven positions that need to be controlled.

  They are the head, four legs, tail, and waist.

  The complexity is the highest among the puppets made by Shiraishi.

  "Make the accessories first."

  "The core is at the end."

  Shiraishi sinks into the world of puppet making.

  For such a huge white tiger, Baishi estimates that it will take at least ten days to complete.

  This is still in the case of Shiraishi's efficiency far exceeding other puppet masters.

  At this time, Chiyo was preparing to go out.

  Chiyo intends to deal with Temari's matter.

  To be honest, Chiyo didn't like Luo Sha very much.

  I don't think Luo Sha is a good person, nor how well Luo Sha has done in Fengying's position.

  But Temari Chiyo still intends to take care of it.

  Chiyo was faintly worried about a situation in his heart, that is, in the future, Shiraishi and Temari would form a team to perform the mission, because Temari's strength was too poor, and Shiraishi was dragged down.

  This was not the scene Chiyo wanted to see.

  Therefore, Chiyo's idea is that since Shiraishi and Temari have basically established a relationship, then let Temari become stronger.

  "Sister, where are you going?"

  Seeing Chiyo preparing to go out, Eizang couldn't help but be a little curious.

  "Go to Fengying and ask for someone."


  "His daughter."

  "You mean that little girl with blond hair, Temari, right?"


  "Sister, what do you want her to do? Wouldn't that interfere with Shiraishi's training? If the two of them are together, I'm afraid they don't have much mood to train."

  "I just don't want Temari to be too weak."

  Chiyo said, "And isn't there still you?"


  "When I bring Temari back, let Temari be your disciple, how about it? Don't you want to compete with me? Then let's compare and see if your disciple is stronger or my disciple is stronger. ."

  Hai Laozang: "..."

  Did you arrange this yourself?

  And it's still such an unfair arrangement.

  "Can we change the disciples?"

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