Shiraishi looked at the purse in his hand.

  Temari gave almost all his personal money to Shiraishi.

  Shiraishi is grateful for that.

  "and many more."

  "Mother-in-law Chiyo doesn't mean that she doesn't allow me to have more puppets, but she just says that she won't give me resources and let me take responsibility myself."

  "So, it's not really one test, but two."

  "One is a test of earning ability."

  "Then the test against the Kinmatsu Ten People."

  Shiraishi looked in the direction of the puppet master building.

  "The sand boat is not very suitable to take out now."

  "But I still have something to take out."

  "For example, the arm and the arm."

  "There are not a few ninjas who have lost limbs because of missions and wars."

  "The hands and legs are of great use to them."

  "And it's not the same as the red sand scorpion and the puppet art transformed by the grandmother Chiyo."

  "You don't need chakra, you can control it."

  "After all, this is an organ technique, not a simple puppet technique."

  Shiraishi looked back.

  "But it's definitely more suitable to do this through mother-in-law Chiyo."

  Shiraishi walked out of the courtyard.

  A puppy caught Shiraishi's attention with a broken leg and a limp.

  Shiraishi beckoned from the puppy.


  The puppy came to Shiraishi very affectionately, showing a pleasing smile.

  Shiraishi lifted the puppy and looked at the wound on it seriously.

  "Take this puppy as an example, I believe I can convince mother-in-law Chiyo."

  Shiraishi went to the previous commercial street shop to buy some materials.

  After that, he went back to the yard and fiddled around.

  It didn't take much effort.

  Everything was already in Shiraishi's mind.

  The difficulty of making this is much easier than that of Iron Spider.

  In just one day, Shiraishi had already finished making this leg.


  The puppy was stunned.

  The feeling that all four legs are down-to-earth, the puppy has not felt it for a long time.


  The puppy doesn't understand what's going on

  However, after getting used to it for a while, the puppy got excited.

  Temari walked in and saw the puppy, his eyes lit up.

  "Baishi, is this your new pet?"

  "Not counting."

  "That is?"

  And at this moment, Temari saw the puppy's hind leg.

  "This leg, is it fake?"

  "Strictly speaking, a puppet."

  Shiraishi said: "I saw it on the side of the road before, and I thought it was pitiful, so I thought about giving it a leg, and now it seems to be working pretty well."

  "Also, I've found a way for me to make money."

  Temari thought at the same time.

  "Are those ninjas?"

  "Not limited to ninjas, everyone."

  Shiraishi said: "Those who have lost their hands or legs, they must be very, very eager to experience the feeling of having healthy limbs again, let's go, let's go to Grandma Chiyo."

  When Shiraishi and Temari brought the puppy to Chiyo, Chiyo was obviously stunned.

  Shiraishi told Chiyo about the puppy's situation.

  "A puppet that can be controlled without Chakra."

  Chiyo became interested, and disassembled the leg and studied it carefully.

  The puppy was dumbfounded.

  Shiraishi stroked the puppy's head.

  "I'll give it back to you later, don't worry."

  After a while, Chiyo stood up and put down the dogleg in his hands.

  Shiraishi reattached the dog's leg to the puppy.

  Chiyo looked at Shiraishi.

  "It's a very delicate design, so your puppets are also designed like this? So you don't need to use so many chakras to control those puppets?"

  Shiraishi nodded.

  Did not hide.

  Because there is no need to hide it, as long as Shiraishi continues to use puppets to fight, it will definitely be seen, especially the puppet master like Chiyo Tashi.

  Chiyo just didn't look at it seriously before.

  And it's not something that can't be revealed.

  Shiraishi still remembers the content of some bloggers.

  The scientific ninja equipment in there was dead to make such a prosthetic limb.

  Chakras are not required, but other energies are used for activities.

  "No wonder, I said that with your chakra volume, how can you continue to fight for so long, the original problem is here."

  "In this way, Chakra can indeed be saved, but if the corresponding puppet is attacked, it may have a more serious impact on the puppet. Have you thought of a solution for this Shiraishi?"

  Shiraishi nodded.

  "I got it."

  "When those designs are damaged by external forces, I can also use the chakra wire to control the remaining parts, which will not cause the puppet to be unusable due to a slight injury."

  Chiyo thought for a while.

  "But in that case, you need to have stronger control over the chakra lines. This is not something that ordinary puppet masters can do. Even if they are skilled, it is not easy."

  "For the puppet master of Sandyin Village, the practicality is not very high."

  Chiyo made a judgment.

  "However, it is useful for ninjas who have lost their hands and legs, as well as ordinary people."

  Chiyo looked at Shiraishi and paused.

  "Baishi, congratulations, you passed this test."

  "What do you want to do with this technology?"

  Shiraishi said: "I thought this before, I can make special customizations for those who have lost their hands and feet, and they can pay me accordingly."

  "If the village agrees, I would like to set up a store like this to do this kind of thing."

  Chiyo nodded.


  "The village will not refuse such a thing, after all, it is a good thing for the village.".

Chapter 46

  A small shop opened.

  Chiyo and Luo Sha spoke.

  The address is not far from Chiyo Garden.

  Because Shiraishi has to do daily training in addition to that.

  Some ninjas came to the shop.

  It was brought by Hailaozang.

  Most of them are subordinates before Eizang, similar to Konoha's Anbu ninjas, who are engaged in relatively dangerous tasks, and casualties are frequent.

  Some people have broken legs, some people have broken hands.

  In their situation, if they were asked to learn the control of Chakra lines, in fact, they had hope that they could become puppet masters. In that case, they would have the ability to act.

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