Orochimaru's body.

  The puppet master's scroll.

  Ninja Master's Scroll.

  These can hold a lot of stuff.

  However, the cost is relatively high.

  Otherwise, it can be used as a regular attack method, not just for storage.

  Take a simple example.

  Use a storage scroll to store countless seawater in it.

  Then came to the sky above a village to release.

  Then these seawater can submerge the entire village.

  If no one does it, it proves impossible.

  Soon, the copper figurines were made.

  Shiraishi deliberately reserved a place on the bronze man's body to place the puppet.

  "Then now, the other puppets are put into the scroll."

  Shiraishi used the knot seal he learned from Chiyo.


  A white smoke exploded.

  The next moment, the white tiger of the organ disappeared.

  Followed by, breaking ground Saburo.

  Organ snake.

  Three-foot-winged bat.

  But Shirojiro Shiraishi didn't get it in the scroll. Some of the dozen or so Shirojiro were attached to the bronze figure's body, and the other part was in Shiraishi's own pocket.

  In the event of a sudden attack, Shichiro can take it out and use it in time.

  Open the scroll, to put it bluntly, it will take a certain amount of time.

  This is the first thing.

  The second one is supply.

  The supplies needed by a puppet master are completely different concepts from those needed by a normal ninja.

  In addition to food, you have to prepare commonly used accessories.

  Maintain the props to be used by the puppet.

  And poison, and antidote.

  Shiraishi hadn't learned the poison part yet, so the poison and antidote were both taken from Chiyo. There were two kinds in total, one could paralyze the opponent's body and coma.

  The other one is fatal.

  When all these things are ready, Shiraishi's preparation will be considered truly complete.


  Temari stood at the door and waved at Shiraishi.

  Shiraishi walked over with the bronze man.

  This bronze man, Baishi put on his clothes and a mask, he looked no different from ordinary people, but his footsteps would be a little heavier, making people mistakenly think that he was a strong man.

  "Senior Hailaozang."


  Hai Lao Zang nodded.

  "It's all ready."

  "All right."

  "That's alright, let's go."

  Shiraishi looked back.

  A figure stood on the second floor, looking at the three of Shiraishi.

  "Mother-in-law Chiyo, goodbye."

  Chiyo didn't speak, but involuntarily, he grabbed the window edge.

  Chiyo is worried about Shiraishi's first mission out.

  "Senior Hailaozang, what is our mission this time?"

  "Go and collect a wandering ninja."

  Hailaozang said: "A group of wandering ninjas who were originally in the country of rivers, for some reason, came to the country of wind and looted the villages of the country of wind."

  "The name of the country of wind is very dissatisfied, so we hired us to clear it."

  Shiraishi hesitated.

  "Does the clearing mean to kill them all?"


  Eizang glanced at Shiroishi and Temari.

  "You two must not have sympathy for them."

  "Because the people who died in their hands were far more than normal ninjas."

  "Once you give them a chance, they will definitely kill you without any hesitation."

  "This is another test for you young ninjas."

  "After passing this test, you are considered a qualified ninja."

  "Only strength alone is not enough."

Chapter 51

  "Let's go."

  Hai Lao hides in front and leads the way.

  Temari looked at the surrounding situation with excitement. This was not the first time Temari had left the village, but the outside environment still made Temari feel very fresh.

  Shiraishi took a few glances before withdrawing his gaze.

  A piece of yellow sand.

  Apart from sand, there is almost nothing to see.

  "Compared to other ninja villages, it is indeed too barren."

  Not to mention Konoha, the land is between the plains and the mountains.

  Can be planted, can be grazing, rich in water resources...

  Wuyin Village, surrounded by sea, has countless marine resources.

  The situation of Yunyin Village is slightly worse than that of Konoha, but it is located in a secret place, it is difficult for outsiders to find it, and there is no shortage of resources.

  The area where Yanyin Village is located is not very rich.

  But Yanyin Village has the advantage of mineral resources.

  The Land of Iron has a very stable trading channel.

  Only Shayin Village can be called the Great Ninja Village. Except for the strength and size of the village, it is nothing, and it is not even as rich in resources as Takiyin Village and Rainin Village.

  "The country of wind and the country of rain border."

  "A yellow sand is everywhere, and a year-round rainfall is a strange thing."

  As he walked, Hai Laozang said, "Most of the ninjas in Sandyin Village are active in the Land of Winds. Besides the enemy, it is this windy sand that should be paid attention to."

  "The desert outside is different from the desert near the village."

  "It will kill."

  "Sandstorms, quicksand, these are things that need special attention. Once caught, even ninjas are likely to die in these two things."

  "By the way, Shiroishi, can your groundbreaking Saburo move in the desert?"

  Shiraishi nodded.


  "That's not bad."

  Hai Lao Zang's eyes lit up.

  "In the event of a sandstorm, you can use Saburo to hide underground."

  The sun is hot, and walking in the desert is already exhausting.

  It took half a day.

  Shiraishi and Hailaozang are fine.

  But Temari's physical strength is not enough.

  "Hold on a little longer."

  "You'll be able to go to a drinking spot in no time."

  Eizang looked back at Shiraishi and Temari.

  "Have you all kept the map? This thing is very important. There are no obvious signs in the desert, and the terrain changes frequently. Once you get lost, it will be difficult to get out."

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