But at this time.


  A Shichiro appeared.

  Shiraishi's fingers moved slightly.

  That Breaking Ground Qilang spared the ninja for a week.

  After that, Shiraishi controlled the chakra line to shrink and directly tied the wandering ninja.

  "Senior Hailaozang, the situation seems to be a bit complicated, come over here."

  Bai Shi's voice just fell.

  A figure is flashed.

  "You are not a wandering ninja, but a ninja from the grass ninja village?"

  Hai Laozang frowned, his face gloomy.

  The wandering ninja and the ninja in the grass ninja village are completely different concepts.

  Some wandering ninjas broke into the territory of the Land of Winds, killed them, and the matter was over.

  But if it is the ninja of the grass ninja village, then you must figure out what the purpose of the grass ninja village is.

  This is not a big ninja village.

  But extremely bellicose, fierce.

  The friction with Sandyin Village is not a year or two.

  The ninjas of the grass ninja village play the role of wandering ninjas and enter the country of wind, and there will definitely be some hidden secrets.

  "we are."

  The collapsed ninja hurriedly said, "As long as you promise to spare my life, I can report all the information to you truthfully without concealing a word."

  The leading wandering ninja glared fiercely.

  Shiraishi's fingers moved slightly.

  Immediately, the figure named the leader was lifted into the air.


  Shiraishi threw it aside.

  Eizang looked at the remaining few wandering ninjas.

  "Now you can talk."

  "As long as the information provided is of sufficient value in my opinion, I can spare your life."

  The people looked at each other, and then it was as if some common decision had been made.

  "I said, I said..."

  One by one, scrambling.

  From beginning to end, Hai Laozang did not use any means of coercion. After the first whistleblower appeared, the rest of them betrayed Cao Nin Village and revealed all the information.

  Temari touched Shiraishi's shoulder.

  "Shiroishi, is torture so easy? Why is it different from what we learned at the ninja school?"

  Shiraishi raised his chin in the direction of Hai Laozang.

  "Maybe it's because it's Senior Hai Laozang."

  Baishi could see the expressions of those bandits before, but before he didn't recognize Hai Laozang, those people were a bad old man. Even if Hai Laozang killed a few people, they didn't take it as anything.

  But when they recognized Hai Laozang's identity, their expressions changed completely.

  It was like seeing something extremely terrifying.

  These people must be the same.

  And as ninjas, especially the grass ninja village, this kind of ninja who has more friction with the sand hidden village, it is impossible for them not to know the existence of the sea, and they must have heard a lot of the deeds of the sea.

  This existence is like a demon.

  Therefore, it is not that torture does not require means.

  But Hailaozang standing here has become a means in itself.

  Temari nodded knowingly.

  After a while, Hai Lao Zang stopped.

  "Senior Hailaozang, how do you deal with these people?"

  "Tie up first."

  Hai Laozang said: "You wait here for a while, and I'll come when I go."

  After speaking, Hai Lao hid in a flash and disappeared.

  Shiraishi took out the rope and tied them all together.

  Soon after, Eilean returned.

  However, next to Hailaozang, there was another person.

  A ninja from Sandy Hidden Village.

  "These people will be handed over to you and taken back to the village."

  "Yes, Lord Hailaozang."

  Watching the sand ninja take away the grass ninjas, Shiraishi looked at Eizang.

  "Senior Hailaozang, do we have a second mission?"


  Hai Laozang nodded and said, "Those people are just pawns. They don't know the real purpose of the grass ninja village, so we need to sneak into the grass ninja village to inquire."

  "You guys did a great job just now."

  "So, you are already qualified to participate in the next mission."

  "But it's up to you to decide whether to participate or not."

  "Shiroishi, Temari, what do you think?"

  Shiraishi and Temari looked at each other.

  "Senior Hailaozang, as long as you don't think that we might be dragging our feet."

  "it is good."

  Hai Lao Zang smiled.

  "Let's go then."

  The three left the valley and headed towards the Country of Grass.

  Soon after, a figure appeared.

  "Poisoning, setting fire... it's just killing some wandering ninjas in the area. It took so much effort. Those puppets are a bit new, and they can fly and burrow into the ground."

  "The tiger and the snake look pretty good too."

  "But unfortunately, those wandering ninjas are too weak."

  "not enough."

  "It's not enough."

  The red sand scorpion's eyes flickered for a while, and then looked in one direction.

  The land of fire, the direction of Konoha.

  "If that's the case, then I'll find you some more powerful opponents."

  "My little brother!"

  "Experience the darkness of this world.".

Chapter 58

  The Country of Grass is very small, and only a small part of the land of the Country of Wind is bordered. This part of the land is located between the Country of Rain and the Country of River. Therefore, Grass Ninja Village is not only in conflict with Sandyin Village.

  There is also conflict with Yuren Village.

  The situation in the country of Chuan is a bit special. There is no ninja village here, only a ninja city. This country adopts a strategy of hiring all ninjas.

  Task release in the form of delegation.

  Don't care about being a ninja.

  If you can complete the task, you can get commission money.

  Therefore, this is a paradise for wandering ninjas.

  Not many ninja villages would be interested in the River Land.

  because there is no benefit,

  This is probably a kind of situation - as long as I am too trashy, no one will target me.


  Hai Lao Zang stopped.

  "The country of grass is completely different from our country of wind, so we must make good disguise in advance, otherwise as long as we appear in front of them, we will inevitably be identified."

  "Let's wait here for a while."


  A figure appeared, with four sets of clothes.

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