Shiraishi's eyes flickered.

  "Game of Injustice!" [-].

Chapter 497

  Shiraishi and the wolf-shaped Daxu who was swallowing forcibly exchanged positions.


  A knife was raised and slashed at the injured Daxu.

  A burst of pure spiritual power immediately came in.

  After the wolf-shaped big virtual was exchanged, he was stunned for a moment.

  But quickly reacted.

  Looking at Shiraishi.

  A majestic momentum erupted on the wolf-shaped Daxu.

  Much stronger than before.

  Wolf-shaped Daxu glanced at Shiraishi, then turned to Kaguya again.

  In the eyes of Wolf-shaped Daxu, Kaguya's threat was obviously stronger than Shiraishi's.

  Therefore, after the wolf-shaped big virtual devoured his partner, he wanted to solve Kaguya for the first time.

  As for the remaining white stone, the wolf-shaped big virtual simply does not look down on it.

  That day, Tianya and Xingchen puppet lines were indeed a little troublesome, but that was all.

  Nothing more.

  The figure flashed and disappeared in an instant.

  When it reappeared, the wolf-shaped Daxu had already come to Kaguya.

  A sharp claw stabbed Kaguya fiercely.

  And at this time.


  A powerful force of repulsion erupted between Kaguya and the wolf-shaped Daxu.

  At the same time, countless tree trunk eyes extended and swept toward the wolf-shaped void.

  The wolf-shaped Daxu found that even after his own strength improved, there was nothing he could do with Kaguya.

  But this is Kaguya's advantage.

  Because there are three magic circuits.

  Kaguya is extremely rich in abilities.

  Such Kaguya will have a variety of ways of fighting.

  Whether it is an attack or a defense, there are very few responses that can be made.

  To put it simply, the upper limit may not exceed the usual level by too much, but the lower limit will not be too low.

  The situation is deadlocked.

  The Wolf-shaped Daxu failed to take down Kaguya.

  At this time, the wolf-shaped Daxu remembered Shiraishi on the other side.

  A decision flashed through my mind.

  The next moment, the wolf-shaped figure suddenly attacked Shiraishi and gave up Kaguya.

  The wolf-shaped big virtual appeared in front of Shiraishi.

  A paw, raised high.

  Sharp, with a cold glow.

  Wolf-shaped Daxu has already made preparations for the next step, killing Shiraishi in one hit, and then turning back and slowly entangled with Kaguya, one-on-one attrition battle, wolf-shaped Daxu is not afraid.


  Just when the wolf-shaped claws fell.


  On Bai Shi's body, his aura suddenly changed drastically.

  It's like breaking through a bottleneck.

  Suddenly, a qualitative change occurred.


  The wolf-shaped claws fell on the barrier.

  But the enchantment just swayed, not broken.

  The wolf-shaped Daxu was stunned.

  "how can that be?"

  Wolf-shaped Daxu had collided with Shiraishi before, and knew the strength of the barrier.

  After one's own strength is improved, it is not difficult to break through.

  But now, is it blocked?

  Or is it so simple to block?

  A breath escaped from Shiraishi's body.

  The wolf-shaped big virtual pupil shrank.

  At this time, the wolf-shaped Daxu noticed that Shiraishi had become different from before.

  The previous Shiraishi, Reiatsu level, was only Kirian's level.

  And now, Shiroishi's rank has become Achukas.

  "It actually improved so quickly?"

  But at the moment when the wolf-shaped Daxu was stunned, Bai Shi was not stunned.

  "Natural teeth!"

  A knife fell.


  A huge wound appeared on the wolf-shaped Daxu.

  On the other side, Kaguya had already caught up.

  "Woodun! Wood Dragon!"

  A huge wooden dragon pounced towards the wolf-shaped phantom.

  "The Star Puppet Line!"

  Shiraishi took advantage of the time when the wolf-shaped big virtual was entangled by the wooden dragon, and a star puppet thread was wrapped around one of the wolf-shaped big virtual's legs...  

  After that, go up.

  Until it pierced the wolf-shaped wound.

  Just like a living creature.

  The wolf-shaped Daxu felt this change, and his face changed greatly.

  Struggling hard.

  However, Kaguya's attack came again.

  "Seeking Daoyu!"

  Thirty-six Taoist jades have all turned into sharp blades.

  Constantly shooting towards the wolf-shaped big virtual.

  The wolf-shaped big virtual can only constantly dodge and block.

  The attacks of Shiraishi and Kaguya made the wolf-shaped dizziness dizzy.

  Too much.

  And compared to before, Shiraishi's attack became stronger.

  Before, Shiraishi was only a Kirian-level Reiatsu.

  Now it is Achukas.

  The wolf-shaped big virtual fell into a disadvantage.

  And the disadvantage continues to expand.

  "Almost, it's over."

  Shiraishi looked at the scarred wolf-shaped Daxu in front of him.

  "Kaguya, Sarah!"

  "Yes, Master!"

  next moment.

  "Everything moves!"

  "Mirror Flowers Water Moon!"

  The wolf-shaped Daxu fell into a moment of stiffness.

  Shiraishi came to the wolf-shaped Daxu.

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