"plz follow me."

  Gaara looked at Luo Sha subconsciously.

  Rosa nodded.

  Gaara walked in the direction of Wuwei.

  "Please put your hand on this."

  Gaara raised her hand.

  A cold breath came.

  The next moment, Wuwei started to really move.

  Everyone only felt that there was a great attraction on the box of bliss.

  The chakra on Gaara flowed to the box of bliss at a very fast speed.

  This made Gaara's expression suddenly turn hideous.

  Very painful.

  This feeling of chakra being forcibly drawn is almost the same as blood being forcibly drawn.

  "I love Luo!"

  Temari looked worried when he saw Gaara's appearance.

  Shiraishi clenched Temari's hand.

  Luo Sha's eyes showed a tangle, but he still didn't speak.

  A layer of sand appeared on Gaara's surface.

  A roar sounded.

  "What a big (good promise) courage!"

  "How dare you!"

  It's not Gaara's voice, it's Morizuru's.

  However, the extraction of Gaara Chakra from the Box of Bliss continues.

  Everyone's eyes were fixed on the Box of Bliss.

  A strange breath spread out.


  Makes people tremble.

  Shiraishi took the scroll in his hand.

  Finally, the box of bliss stopped.


  Gaara's figure fell to the ground.

  "I love Luo!"

  A layer of golden sand appeared under Gaara's body, lifted Gaara together, and sent it back to Temari and Shiraishi.


  On the box of bliss, a gap appeared.

  A door opened.

  A figure appeared at the door.

  is a teenager.

  Wuwei looked at this figure and was stunned, and then tears filled his eyes.

  "Wugou, you are finally back!".

Chapter 80

  Luo Sha's face sank.

  "Wuwei, I hope you can give me a reasonable explanation."

  A mass of golden sand floated beside Luo Sha.

  Luo Sha was very dissatisfied with Wugou's appearance.

  Because Luo Sha asked very clearly, what he wanted was wealth, the wealth that Shayin Village desperately needed.

  However, it was a boy who walked out of the box of bliss.

  And judging from Wuwei's expression, this seems to be what Wuwei expected.


  Wuwei knelt down directly in the direction of Luo Sha.

  "Lord Fengying, I'm sorry."

  "But, I had to do it."

  "Wugou is my son. I also deceived the grass ninja village before and asked them to help me get the power of Renzhuli. I just want to resurrect my son."

  "But this also proves that the ability of the Box of Bliss is real, doesn't it?"

  "It's unbelievable that my dead son can reappear."

  "Lord Fengying, please forgive me this time."

  "From now on, I will definitely do my best in Shayin Village."

  Luo Sha did not mean to forgive Wuwei.

  Wuwei's son has nothing to do with Luo Sha.

  Your own son Luo Sha doesn't care much, and Huizi cares about Wuwei's son?

  Seeing Luo Sha's expression, Wuwei gritted his teeth.

  "Master Fengying, you can't kill me, only I know how to use the box of bliss."

  "Please spare me and my son!"

  Rosa was stagnant.

  This is indeed where inaction can threaten Luo Sha.

  The appearance of the Unsullied seems to prove that the Bliss Box's abilities are working

  Even the dead can be resurrected, how can other things be impossible?

  After obtaining the Box of Bliss, the strength of Shayin Village will be greatly increased.

  Even dominate the entire ninja world.

  Not only Luo Sha, but also some senior officials of Shayin Village who came to watch, were also moved.

  But, at this time.

  Wugou glanced around, and then his eyes stayed on Wuwei's body, and suddenly, he shot.


  One shot down.

  Inaction fell to the ground.

  "Lord Fengying?"

  Wuwei thought it was Luo Sha who attacked him, after raising his head, he glared at Luo Sha angrily.

  Luo Sha looked at Wugou, and her expression became a little dignified.

  "It wasn't me who attacked you, it was him."

  Doing nothing is turning back.

  After that, his pupils shrank suddenly.

  is to see.

  Wugou's body seems to be undergoing some kind of strange change, constantly expanding, and black hair grows on his body, which looks extremely terrifying and intimidating.

  at last.


  A complete monster appeared, with a huge body, like a huge sphere in the middle, with wings, sharp and ferocious fangs, and a powerful momentum radiated from the monster's body.


  Wuwei looked at the monster in disbelief.

  Do not believe that his son turned into a monster.

  The next moment, the monster suddenly rushed towards Luo Sha.

  Among the people present, the monster seemed to feel that Luo Sha was the greatest threat to him, so Luo Sha was the first to choose to attack, which was the monster's instinctive reaction.


  Rosa snorted coldly.

  A mass of gold sand greeted him.

  At the same time, the other people next to him also chose to take action, Hailaozang, Chiyo...

  This monster is strong.

  However, everyone present was the top strength of Shayin Village, and they were not afraid at all.

  "Don't hurt my son!"

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