With a single blow, he directly cut the Kusanagi's throat.

  "Come on!"

  The man covered his throat and let out the last sound before the temporary pain.

  The remaining dozen or so people all looked towards this side.

  "Shayin Village, Maki?"

  A Kusanagi recognized Maki's identity.

  Maki looked at these grass forbearers with a very unkind expression.

  "In Grass Ninja Village, our Shayin Village did not have a war with you. We were just here to monitor the situation on the battlefield. We didn't take any shots at you once, so you shot at our Sandyin Village?"

  "Want to start a war with our Sandyin Village at the same time?"

  The faces of these grass ninjas changed slightly.

  This is indeed what they did inappropriately.

  Sandyin Village didn't do anything to them. They just accidentally discovered a stronghold of Sandyin Village's ninjas. They didn't even think much about it and chose to take action.

  But now, that's what happened.

  Then, it can only be wrong.

  "If you kill you, no one will know."

  "If I can kill you, I'll talk about it. Today, all of you will die here, and not just you. After killing you, I will sneak into the area of ​​your grass ninja village and do the same thing as you."

  Maki snorted coldly.

  The next moment, the eleven people rushed towards Maki at the same time.

  But at this time.

  Agency White Tiger.

  Organ snake.

  No. [-] White Tiger.

  Breakthrough Saburo.

  Four large puppets appeared at the same time.

  Shiraishi was maneuvering from a hundred meters away.

  The ground-breaking Qilang on the large puppets rushed towards the grass ninjas, biting and attacking the opponent's key points, making these grass ninjas unable to move normally, and this created opportunities for the large puppets.

  One bite at a time.

  No grass ninja can stop the sharp teeth of the No. [-] white tiger.


  The battle presented a one-sided situation.

  The strength of these grass ninjas is not bad, but the early poisoning of Shiraishi has affected these people to some extent, and the strength of Maki and Shiraishi is even higher than them.

  Two, elite jonin.

  These grasses can't stop it at all.


  When they realized that they were not opponents, they immediately made the decision to escape.

  Eight corpses fell to the ground.

  The four figures fled outside.

  But unfortunately, there were two people who happened to rush to where Shiraishi was.

  "Your luck is so bad."

  Shiraishi shook his wrist.

  "Peaceless Needle!"

  Hit it.

  The two fell.

  And Maki also caught up with the other who escaped.

  There was only one Kusanagi, who was lucky and chose the right direction. The distance from Shiraishi and Maki became farther and farther, and he was about to escape from the attack distance of the two.

  "Can't catch up."

  Maki frowned.

  "I'm still catching up."

  Shiraishi opened the scroll.

  Another puppet appeared.

  Three-foot-winged bat.

  The White Tiger Zero can also fly, but the Sanzhang-winged bat is smaller and can be controlled with less chakra.

  With a slight jump, Shiraishi came to the back of the Sanzhang-winged bat.

  After that, chakra pours in.

  The wings of the three-footed bat vibrated.

  Shiraishi rode a three-foot-winged bat and chased the Kusanagi at a very fast speed.

  Flying from the air is much faster than that Kusanagi running on the ground.

  A chakra line stretched out.

  A kunai, tied to the end of a chakra string.


  He stabbed into this Kusanagi's vest.

  The poison immediately infiltrated in, resulting in the life of the grass ninja.

  Maki looked at the three-footed bat, his eyes lit up.

  Baishi didn't keep the flying ability of Sanzhangyibat and No.[-] White Tiger a secret, but not many people knew about it. Maki didn't know it before, and this moment just felt amazing.

  "This puppet can actually fly?"

  There was a look of envy in Markey's eyes.

  Flying high in the sky is a dream that many people have had when they were young.

  Shiraishi threw the body next to Markey.

  "Senior Maki, someone brought it back."

  "Shiroishi, thank you."

  Markey didn't look at the corpse, but walked inside the stronghold.

  There are several ninjas from Sandyin Village.

  It was all brought over by Maki this time.

  Monitor the situation on the battlefield.

  Markey was familiar with them.

  Not long ago, they were living people.

  And now, it has become a corpse.

  Maki looked at the corpse on the ground and fell into silence.

  After a long time.

  Markey clenched his fists.

  "Baishi, go back first, I want to do one more thing."

  "whats the matter?"

  "It's nothing."

  Maki shook his head and said, "Go back first."

  "Senior Maki, what you have to do is to take revenge on the grass ninja village. Obviously none of our people provoke, but these grass ninjas killed them."

  Shiraishi did not leave.

  "Count me in."

  "I don't like these grass ninjas either. Besides, with me alone, I'll be more certain about this matter, right? My puppets are better at detecting intelligence than humans."

  Markey hesitated.

  "No, it's just my business, and it's too dangerous."

  Shiraishi smiled.

  "Senior Maki, didn't you agree with my strength before? Do you think I'm weak?"

  "That's not true. Your strength, Shiraishi, is no longer under mine."

  Markey shook his head and looked at Shiraishi.

  "Then Baishi, you must promise me that no matter what the situation is, your safety is the main priority. I will let you go, you must go, your life is more important than mine."

  "If you don't agree, I'd rather go back to the village with you now."

Chapter 94

  "it is good."

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