Chapter 0075 – Deidara, Self-Explosion!!!


As soon as it fell, the two moved at the same time.

Shiraishi did not use the Earth Dragon Hidden Technique.

One is that this is not a life-and-death battle, Shiraishi just wants to test his situation.

The other is that the ability to hunt can restrain the Earth Dragon Hidden Art.

Tokage Building.

Onoki stood behind the window and looked down at the training ground.

Shiraishi faced Kai, and did not lose the wind in the slightest.

Onoki nodded in satisfaction.

“Very good.”

“Even if Kai suppresses his strength to the level of upper ninja, but this can also prove that Shiraishi’s strength is completely at the level of upper ninja, Tsuchi three-year-old R one.”

Seeing Shiraishi’s performance, Deidara silently withdrew the detonating clay that had been held in his hand into the ninja bag.

Two days later, a ninja squad walked out of Iwahide Village, passed through the Land of Grass, and entered the confines of the Land of Fire.

Immediately after, another squad.

Onoki’s idea was simple.

Now that it has been decided to set Konoha as the goal, instead of those messy temptations, he will directly fight Konoha after sending a ninja team to investigate the situation in the Land of Fire.

Small-scale temptation is not interesting in Onoki’s opinion.

The strength of Iwahide Village is already stronger than Konoha.

Since Konoha jumped so much, teach him a good lesson.

And the more fierce the battle the elf fitter, the more likely it is to gain more elven power.

It’s like Kai and Akachi.

The speed of progress of these two people is not comparable to that of ordinary ninjas.

It was also much faster than before they got the power of the elves.

“War can make Iwain Village stronger and stronger!”

Kusanagi Village was a lot more honest after the incident in Ghost Lantern City.

Konoha faintly sensed that something was wrong, but did not guess what was going to happen.

An undercurrent is surging.

Once Iwain Village is ready, then it will be a huge storm

A large-scale war between two large ninja villages has not happened for a long time

After the end of the third ninja world war, the ninja world has ushered in many years of calm, but this time, the peace of the ninja world will definitely be broken, and as for whether it will become the fourth ninja world war, no one can be sure.

Half a month later.

The moment he heard the voice, Shiraishi quickly sank his consciousness into the spiritual space.

A new elf is awakening.

It looks like a hot air balloon, floating in mid-air, colorful, mainly purple, and a cloud floating overhead.

A name that floated in Shiraishi’s mind.

“Wind ball!”

A flying and ghostly genie.

To be said in terms of ability characteristics, it is prank and self-explosion.

These two characteristics made Shiraishi think of Deidara.

Shiraishi went to the training ground.

Deidara was already at the training ground.

In the past, when Deidara’s class was in a ninja school, he was lazy in class and liked to play pranks, whether it was a classmate or a teacher, he had suffered from Deidara’s poisonous hands, which attracted a lot of resentment.

But when Onoki arranged Deidara to Shiraishi.

Deidara’s target is White Rock.

One mind was studying his own detonating clay, and he worked extremely hard.

Work harder than most ninjas.

“Deidara, come here.”

Deidara didn’t know why, but walked to Shiraishi’s side.

Shiraishi said: “I believe you have observed something from the Kai-senpai, Akato Senior Brother and them, they are all different from ordinary ninjas. ”

“In addition to Chakra, they also have other powers.”

“That’s a power called elves.”

“The elves chose them.”

“Now, there are also elves who have chosen you. Deidara was silent for a moment. ”

“I didn’t observe, what is an elf?”

Deidara’s answer surprised Shiraishi, Terracotta, Kakago, Dragon Tongue, Kaito and Deidara, training in a training ground, and sometimes revealing elven abilities

In Shiraishi’s opinion, Deidara must have noticed this.

But Deidala didn’t notice.

This can only prove that Deidara’s focus is too focused, what she says is good, it is focused, what she says is not good, it is that Deidara does not care about other people at all, but only cares about herself.

“Elves can give you powers other than ninjas.”

Shiraishi said, “Are you willing to accept it?” ”

“Will that elf give me the power to explode?”


“Then I do.”

Shiraishi raised his hand and put it on Deidara’s shoulder, and the next moment, a force poured out from the body of the wind ball, followed Shiraishi’s arm, and entered the body of Yudala.

There was a hint of novelty in Deidara’s eyes.


Deidara could clearly feel his physical attributes improving.

But more importantly, Deidara gained an ability from the power of the wind ball.


Deidara’s eyes lit up greatly.

“This is art!”

Shiraishi saw Deidara’s performance and shook his head slightly.

This shows the difference between Deidara and Kai.

After getting the ability to self-detonate, the mood is somewhat complicated, self-detonation is indeed a powerful ability, it will be useful when it is critical, but the cost of using it is too great.

As a last resort, Kai will not use self-detonation.

But after Deidara’s ability to self-detonate, he was completely surprised, and even couldn’t wait to try it right away.

“You want to try it?”

Shiraishi asked.

Deidara nodded quickly.

“Come with me. Shiraishi brought incense phosphorus. ”

The group of three came to the edge of Yanyin Village, this is not a training ground, but a ruin, the power of self-explosion is extremely strong, even if Deidara’s is not strong enough, but the training ground cannot withstand it.

And it also frightens the people around you.

Only such ruins are suitable for real risk.

“Big brother, what are we going to do?”

Xiangphos looked around curiously.

“He’s going to test his new abilities.”

Shiraishi pointed at Deidara.

At this time, Deidara had come to the middle of the ruins, far from both the white stone and the incense phosphorus.

Deidara closed her eyes.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and looked down at his hands, Deidara’s hands were shaking, but this was not fear, but excitement, excitement, excitement, impatience.

Because now, among the ninjutsu that Deidara has researched to detonate clay, there is no ninjutsu that can compare to the ability of self-explosion that Deidara’s goes.

The explosion is the most powerful.

“Such an explosion, I don’t know how gorgeous it will be.”

“It’s exciting!”

Deidara’s fists clenched and her eyes froze.


A large amount of power condensed in Deidara’s body.

Constant cohesion, compression.

Deidara felt the changes in his body, and for a moment, countless inspirations exploded in Deidara’s mind, and Deidara thought of many, many ninjutsu that he could use the detonation clay to develop.

“In this direction.”

“My art will become stronger!”

Finally, both cohesion and compression stopped.


Explosions appeared.

The whole ruins were shaking.

Countless stones splashed out to the side.

Even the location of Shiraishi and Xiangphos was affected.

“Tudun, the art of the earth flow wall!”

Shiraishi created a wall of earth flow to block the stones that flew over, and Xiangphos hid behind Shiraishi.

“Earth escape, the art of earth nucleus.”

The ground at Shiraishi’s feet began to rise, allowing Shiraishi to stand high and look down at the situation below.

Deidara lay flat on the ground.

The injuries on his body looked very serious and he had fallen into a coma.

But the expression on Deidara’s face was still excited, excited, and a little satisfied.

Shiraishi couldn’t help but shake his head.

“What a madman!”

Shiraishi led Deidara out of the ruins.

“Fragrant phosphorus, use the drops of life on him.”

“Yes, big brother.”

Some life droplets were made by incense phosphorus and fell on Deidara’s body, and the injuries on Deidara’s body recovered very quickly, and it took a while for Deidara’s eyes to open.

The two figures came towards this side at an extremely fast speed.


These are two patrolling ninjas from Iwain Village, after hearing the movement, they couldn’t help but rush to this side, wanting to see what happened, there have been many things in Iwain Village recently.

Both Kusanagi and Konoha took action against Iwahide Village, as well as Orochimaru.

“It’s okay, we just tested ninjutsu.”

“Okay, then Shiraishi-sama, let’s go back.”


Deidara’s eyes opened, not caring about his injuries and physical pain at all, but still immersed in the excitement of the explosion, and his eyes lit up greatly.

“This is real art!”


Deidara looked at Shiraishi.

“Can I do it again?”

Shiraishi shook his head, a little incomprehensible, self-explosion of this kind of thing can still be addictive? Kai can avoid self-explosion, even if Deidara likes explosions again, after seeing the power of his own self-explosion, is it not enough?

Isn’t it the same effect again?

“Xiangphos’s ability is not wasted in this kind of thing, you have to blow yourself up, you can, but I won’t let Xiangphos treat you, I will only send you to the medical department.”

“In the medical department, you need to lie down for about a month.”

Deidara weighed it up and gave up, somewhat disappointed.

Shiraishi continued: “Since you still have the energy to blow yourself up again, then there must be no problem for you to walk back by yourself, you can go back to the training ground by yourself, we won’t wait for you.” ”

After speaking, Shiraishi left with Xiangphos.

“Big brother, isn’t that guy 0.7 a bit of a problem here.”

Xiangphos pointed to his head.

Shiraishi shrugged.

“Who knows.”

At this moment, a voice came from behind the two.

“Shiraishi… Thank you, my lord. ”

Shiraishi raised his eyebrows slightly, raised his hand and waved his hand, did not look back, did not say anything, this was the first time Shiraishi heard this title from Deidara’s mouth.

Deidara, before, was very unconvinced by Shiraishi.

“But anyway, he is also our companion.”

“For me, Fragrant Phosphorus you, Deidara, Black Earth, Scaleless… It’s all the same. ”

“We’re all partners.”

“They are all members of Yanyin Village.”

Shiraishi had just arrived at the training ground when a dark ninja came to Shiraishi.

“Shiraishi-sama, Hikage-sama let you go.”

“Okay, I see.”

Shiraishi did not delay, went directly to the direction of the Tuying Building, and when he entered, he saw that there were many people sitting in the office, all of them were high-level of Yanyin Village.

The kind that has actual power.


“Shiraishi is here, sit.”

Onoki pointed to the location next to him.

This position, next to Onoki, is second, let Shiraishi sit in this seat, in the current situation, basically designated Shiraishi will become the next Tsuchikage…

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