
Originally, Zhenxun thought that he would only have himself and the old butler go out.

But unexpectedly, when he got into a very luxurious stretch car driven by the old butler, he found that the “ordinary” glasses maid, I don’t know when, followed him and sat in the car.


As if sensing Zhenxun’s gaze, the glasses maid, who had been silent and kept a sitting position, immediately responded with a slight smile at him.


Although the glasses and hairstyle hide most of her appearance.

But if you remove these and dress up well, Zhenxun is sure that the appearance of the glasses maid in front of you is definitely not low.

Even if you go to the Miss World beauty pageant, you are definitely the kind that can be at the top or even win the championship.

But I don’t know why, it is this simple dress and ordinary appearance that makes Zhenxun feel that she is very dangerous.

How to describe his hunch?

By the way, it’s like under the appearance of a maid, but what is hidden is actually the Devil Terminator!

It is this feeling, it is simply strong to the point of inhuman premonition, even if it is as strong as the old butler, it has not been able to give Zhenxun such a dangerous feeling, but the ordinary glasses maid in front of her can.

And after the glasses maid smiled at Chao Zhenxun, her bright blue eyes also quickly scanned the carriage and window through the round-rimmed glasses, as if confirming something.

“Don’t worry, this car is specially made, so it’s barely safe, by the way, I don’t know what your name is?”

Therefore, the glasses maid in front of me, who looks to be in her twenties, is more like a bodyguard and like a maid!

And from the very beginning, she has always maintained the best reaction and combat state to deal with various emergencies and so on.

For example, if she receives an attack, then she will protect him as soon as possible, or take him out of the car as soon as possible, because Zhenxun has noticed that a gas machine is always locking on to him from just now.

But there is no malice, but always pay attention to and protect him!

“Yes, my name is Robert, nice to meet you, young master.”

Although the true search said so, and the glasses maid has long been determined, this extended version of the car, in addition to TV, refrigerator and other configurations, even the body and windows are thickened bulletproof, at least to resist conventional weapons is enough.

But the glasses maid … That is, Robert did not think so, if someone really wanted the young master’s life, then these protections were simply not enough.

In her opinion, there is nothing that an anti-materiel rifle cannot solve!

Although this is an exaggeration, her current young master is indeed worth some people’s risk, after all, isn’t the young master’s parents “accidentally” passed away like this?

And to protect the young master, it is also her… Or their tasks and responsibilities, but she is more pure.


“Yes, what’s the problem? Master. ”

“No, it’s nothing, I’m a little thirsty, drink something.”


Well, Shinzomi admits that he changed the subject.

Because the name “Robert” and the ordinary-looking glasses maid in front of him give him a strong sense of immediacy.

He vaguely remembers that the other party seems to be an important character in a certain anime?

It’s a pity that Mahiro didn’t go to watch that anime because it wasn’t the genre he liked.

But some videos I watched on a certain station, and there were some posts related to the maid, and I had seen the relevant introduction of the maid.

It seems to be very strong in combat, I heard that it is still the combat power ceiling of the anime, and it seems to be a character based on the “Terminator”, which is simply strong to inhuman.

And on Robert’s side, she also knew that Zhenxun had changed the topic, but since the young master didn’t want to say it, then she wouldn’t ask.

Because her mission is to protect the safety of Shinxun, the importance is even above her life!

She didn’t want to talk about the past, she only knew that after being hunted down, she was rescued by the Shinomiya family during her escape, and helped her settle the trouble, and then finally came to Neon.

No matter what the purpose of the Shinomiya family to save her was, at least she had a home for her who had nowhere to go, and she also had a kindness to repay with the rest of her life, that is——

Swear to protect Mahiro’s safety!

To this end, after training how to become a qualified maid for half a year, she finally successfully passed the test and came to Mahiro.


After opening the refrigerator and selecting a bottle of juice that Mahiro liked to drink, Robert did not hand it to him for the first time, but unscrewed the lid and used it as a cup, poured a little sip, and then handed it to Mahiro with a smile after confirming that there was no problem.


On the other side, watch Robert’s actions.

Although Mahiro really wanted to tell her that she didn’t have to be so cautious, because as long as he didn’t want to die, it would be absolutely difficult to die.

With the “power of healing”, in addition to old age and death or instant explosion into ashes, as long as he still has a breath, he can recover in the blink of an eye!

What the?

Knock unconscious or drunk or something like that and then kill?

It’s just in vain!

Because regardless of whether Makoto will be unconscious or drunk, as long as his “consciousness” is still there, even if his heart stops beating or becomes fragmented, he can be traced back to an intact state.

Simply put, it’s an alternative immortality!

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immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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