The kitchen is so small and there are so few stoves, so it is impossible to accommodate too many people working at the same time.

In the end, the task of the first meal was given to Hua Siyuan, Yu Bowen, and Liu Shishi. Liu Shishi didn't think about showing off in front of everyone, she just thought that the yellow lantern pepper was quite fresh.

She is also good at making this yellow lantern pepper.

When she met everyone for the first time, she had a little bit of emotion in her heart that she wanted to share. This time she wanted to make friends with everyone through her specialty food. There were

7 people, three of them cooked, and two others were arranged to clean up the tableware and wash the dishes after the meal. The remaining two people were responsible for the work, one washing and picking vegetables; the other cutting vegetables and side dishes.

Qin Yan was not a person who liked to wash dishes. If he was really asked to do something, he just wanted to decide between washing vegetables and cutting vegetables.

In the end, Reba felt that she was not good at cutting vegetables, but she was particularly good at washing and picking vegetables. Then Qin Yan became the vegetable cutter.

Bai Lu and Cheng Yan were responsible for cleaning up the tableware and washing the dishes after the meal.

While everyone was busy with dinner, Bai Lu asked Liu Shishi while watching everyone busy.

"Sister Shi Shi, Brother Yu, God of Flowers and Songs, I forgot to ask you what kind of characters you are!"

What kind of animal is Chengyan's character? She told him when he came. Bai Lu wanted to know more about what kind of animal everyone is, so that she can figure out what kind of character Qin Yan is.

Chengyan's character animal is very reliable and stable..

Brave Humpback Whale (I love your fearless appearance)

Mental age: 45 years old.

Character rarity: C

Rating: Heroic and passionate comic protagonist, sincere and steady.

Tags: [Like to pursue ideals] [Don’t forget the original intention]. [Have the courage to fight] [Persistence] [Live up to the youth] [Boring]

Cheng Feiren's masculine character is not uncommon in daily life.

In fact, when Bai Lu and Reba saw Cheng Feiren, they felt him. It's this kind of animal, and his personality really fits well with the"heroic humpback whale".

Knowing that Bai Lu was good at guessing personalities, Liu Shishi smiled sweetly and asked Bai Lu,"Would you like to guess my personality first?"

At this point, it was actually pretty easy to guess my personality.

There are 8 people, and the remaining ones that have not been revealed are the Wolf King, Cat, Pegasus, Butterfly, and Unicorn!

"Pegasus is too individualistic, Unicorn is childlike and free-spirited, and Wolf King is more proactive...Sister Shi Shi, is your personality like a cat?"

Bai Lu did not mention the butterfly personality.

In fact, this philandering personality is really unpleasant. What if she says something wrong and offends someone? Maybe the butterfly is among these people.

Hearing Bai Lu's guess, Liu Shi Shi praised:"You guessed right, awesome!"

Reba, who was washing vegetables, couldn't help but give Bai Lu a thumbs up:"That's awesome!"

Bai Lu smiled and replied:"There are not many remaining personalities. I think Sister Shi Shi is indeed in line with the cat personality. She is so elegant!"

Liu Shishi:"True Self" Maine Coon (can become a kitten, but the owner needs to choose it himself)

Personality rarity: SS

Mental age: 88 years old with a calm demeanor!

Evaluation: Absolutely sincere, can be slow and quiet or lively and friendly, dare to love and hate.

Tags: [Wisdom] [Good at judging people, with a pair of wise eyes, scumbags and sea kings have nowhere to hide] [Treat people flawlessly] [Emotional intelligence and IQ are both online] [Always elegant] When

Yu Yingdi heard that Liu Shishi was a cat, he liked her even more.

Just thinking about being able to conquer such an elegant woman and turn her into an obedient kitten around him made him feel proud. Liu Shishi is a beauty in front of people. If she is a swinger on the bed again... Ahem, Yu Yingdi doesn't dare to think about it now. He can't help but bend over when he thinks about it.

Next, facing Yu Bowen and Hua Siyuan, Bai Lu didn't guess. She thought it would be better for them to say it themselves. She couldn't see through the personalities of these two men. It would be bad if she guessed wrong and offended them.

Yu Bowen is now smiling while handling the king crabs, while getting straight to the point:"I am the wolf king!!"

He is still very satisfied with his personality!

Determined Wolf King (allergic to all romance, except you)

Personality rarity: A

Mental age: 45 years old with all his strength!

Evaluation: Strong sense of purpose, will stick to what he wants to do, and will never easily waver in his beliefs.

Tags: [Facing difficulties head-on] [Never give up until the goal is achieved] [Independent] [Alienated from unfamiliar people] [Once there is someone he likes, he will instantly become a loyal guardian]

Personality shortcomings: [Straight] [Strong]

Yang Chenglin exclaimed when she saw this, she didn't expect that Yu Yingdi had the same personality as her.

Thinking that Yu Yingdi had been chasing Liu Shishi for so long and didn't give up, everyone thought that he had the same personality as the Wolf King. Very fitting.

After confirming that Yu Yingdi was the Wolf King, Bai Lu and Reba looked at Qin Yan and Hua Siyuan in surprise.

There was a high chance that one of these two people was a butterfly!!

Could it be Qin Yan?

Bai Lu's mind was full of question marks.

Reba was also thinking about this question, and at the same time, she was wondering if the last girl would be a butterfly.

Who said that girls are not fickle?

Qin Yan and Hua Siyuan both have alternative personalities, and the two of them, a unicorn and a free Pegasus, are quite fitting.

In fact, the personality that Bai Lu is most interested in is the"Treasure Unicorn".

This personality is a rare SSS level among hundreds of personality animals. Being an SSS personality does not mean that you are great. It can only be said that your personality is quite strange, and it can be said to be the best in the world.

Most SSS-level personalities are not very likable, except for the treasure unicorn.

Treasure Unicorn (the white moonlight that came out of the novel.)

Personality rarity: SSS

Psychological age: 5 years old!

Evaluation: The ideal type in the world, a"stupid kid" with a pure heart.

Positive labels: [charismatic personality] [the most dazzling existence in the crowd] [unforgettable at first sight] [warm and brilliant】

【Emotional stability] [Worth to rely on] [Return to the original nature in the face of life, abandon hypocrisy and glitz]

Negative labels: [Unicorns will only show their beauty in front of people close to them, and unfamiliar people will only show their attacking unicorns.】

"so...Is either one of you two a treasure unicorn?"Bai Lu looked at Qin Yan and Hua Siyuan and couldn't help but ask!

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