I have seen people label themselves, but this is the first time I have seen someone take the initiative to put the blame on himself.

Director Zeng Pingping couldn't help but complain:"Others are in love, and you two are playing Werewolf?"

The production team didn't understand what good it was for Qin Yan to label himself as a playboy!!

Werewolf is like hell when it encounters such a troublemaker.

If Hua Siyuan is in the situation, it is considered Werewolf, but now Qin Yan's appearance has turned a good game into a Goose and Duck Kill.

Where did Qin Yan get the identity of a silly bird? ? ?

At this time, even the audience, including He Jiong and others in the observation room, believed it to be true, thinking that Qin Yan was a playboy. Only Yang Mi knew in her heart that Qin Yan was definitely not such a bad character.

She was with Qin Yan at the time, how could she not know whether Butterfly was mentioned on the phone?

"This guy is definitely faking it!"Yang Mi murmured in her heart.

Sister Tianxian is completely indifferent to Qin Yan's answer. In her opinion, personality tests are only for reference. She will never look at whether she likes a person or not.

She will only look at you as a person. If she likes you As for this person, she doesn't care what your zodiac sign is, what your zodiac sign is, what your character is, what your family is, and she won't reason with you when you fall in love with someone.

Thinking clearly, these fairy sisters are surprised. She has never thought about love so deeply before. , now she doesn't understand why she started thinking about this when facing Qin Yan? She acted as if she was going to fall in love with him.

In the show, Hua Siyuan felt secretly happy about Qin Yan's answer, and she got rid of him inexplicably. Not to mention the fancy label, he also had a treasure unicorn premium label.

Thinking about it, he felt that Qin Yan was so cute! Thanks to Qin Yan for assisting. After knowing that Qin Yan was the Butterfly, she felt a little disappointed just now. She subconsciously wished that Qin Yan was the treasure unicorn, but it didn't matter to her whether Hua Siyuan was a butterfly. The most compatible personality is the emotional little fish.

It can be said that Bai Lu’s test result is that the emotional little fish must stay as far away from the flower heart butterfly as possible. No matter how far you hide, it would be a sin for a love-minded person to fall in love with a big-hearted carrot. However, the flower-hearted butterfly is the nemesis of the emotional little fish. Among all the male guests so far, the person Bai Lu likes the most is Qin Yan.

She really doesn't want to. Because of this incident, the two of them became estranged, but she was also afraid that she would fall in love with Qin Yan. What woman would want to fall in love with a scumbag?

Ah~ The question of love is really difficult, especially for someone like her. A novice like Bai Lu!

Liu Shishi smiled to liven up the atmosphere when Bai Lu was struggling.

"Personality tests are for reference only. There are billions of people in the world, and there are too many of them. It is impossible to simply summarize it with a psychological test or twelve zodiac signs."

Reba, Bai Lu, and Cheng Yan all nodded in agreement after listening.

In short, no matter what their personalities are, Bai Lu will try to understand more. She will not fall in love with someone easily without being absolutely sure.

"Especially Qin Yan, we need to know more about him!"Bai Lu secretly decided in her heart.

Qin Yan never thought that he had already slandered himself so much and could make someone want to know more about him.

At the moment when everyone's personality discussion in the show ended, the audience watching the live broadcast suddenly noticed that something appeared on the screen There are a lot of cards.

The cards have everyone’s avatar, their name, and their character animals....

(Information that can be made public)

Qin Yan (Treasure Unicorn)

Hua Siyuan (Flower Butterfly)

Bai Lu (Sentimental Fish)

Liu Shishi ("True Self" Maine Coon Cat)...

Seeing this, Yang Chenglin became excited again:"I knew it, I knew Qin Yan was a unicorn!"

Yang Mi couldn't help but snicker when she saw this. Sister Tianxian saw Qin Yan's card and didn't know why her heart suddenly suddenly A little more pleasure. audience cheers

[Wu~~My premonition came true, Qin Yan is really a unicorn!]

[This Qin Yan actually said that he was a butterfly, which shocked me]

[Hua Siyuan turns out to be a playboy. Could it be that all the previous scandals about him were true?]

[↑Personality tests are all a joke, how can they be taken seriously? My little flower must have a loyal character]

[Oops, the maid came out and screamed again]

After discussing his character, Liu Shishi secretly looked at Hua Siyuan's obviously happy mood.

Her observation skills have always been meticulous. When Hua Siyuan said that he did not understand his character clearly, Liu Shishi knew from his micro-expression that he was lying.

Liu Shishi is an actor with superb acting skills. If a certain singer wants to use her acting skills to deceive her, it would be too big a trick in front of Guan Gong.

Her intuition told her that Qin Yan was the treasured unicorn with a lovable personality, and Huaxin Butterfly was definitely Hua Siyuan.

Liu Shishi finally remembered this scene in his heart and did not expose it!

Originally, Liu Shishi didn't take Qin Yan seriously because of his unusual clothes. But now that she knew Qin Yan's animal personality, she suddenly felt that Qin Yan was quite interesting....

During this dinner, Yu Bowen and Hua Siyuan were trying their best to show themselves. As the saying goes, if you want to conquer a girl, you have to conquer her stomach.

In the view of the program team, if you want to chase a girl, you have to try your best to show yourself.

Even if you can't chase a girl, you can still attract fans if you can cook a good meal!

Looking back at Qin Yan, he was cutting vegetables slowly and leisurely, which was too transparent. Director Zeng Pingping said that it was difficult to give him a shot when he encountered such a scene.

The audience must want to see the chef the most during a dinner, which is the center of the kitchen.

What's more, the chefs are Yu Bowen and Hua Siyuan, two well-known figures. In this situation, the director can only ask all cameramen to give these two more shots.

It is best to shoot the excellence of these two in 360 degrees without dead angles.

The audience will definitely love to watch it!

Although Cheng Yan did not choose to cook, he took the initiative to take on the job of washing dishes, which also added points. As expected, older boys reveal life experience everywhere.

Those who cook frequently know some details.

Not liking to wash dishes is not only because of dislike for food residues, but also a kind of psychological resistance.

No one wants to move when they are full, and who wants to touch oil and dirt when they are full? Aren't you afraid of vomiting the food you have eaten with great difficulty?

Normal people will subconsciously resist entering the kitchen after a full meal, and since Cheng Yan and Bai Lu have taken on the task of washing dishes, they must go in.

The small kitchen creates a space for the two of them to be alone at this time.

If Qin Yan and the others are chatting outside after a full meal.

And Cheng Yan and Bai Lu have to wash the dishes, it will be easier for Cheng Yan and Bai Lu to create an atmosphere of true friendship in times of trouble.

Bai Lu looks lively and cute on the outside, but she is very delicate on the inside. At this time, if Cheng Yan takes the initiative to help Bai Lu take on more dirty and tiring work, she can get this point very well.

Maybe the two of them can really collide with sparks!


PS: Thank you for the 100V reward from [脸有吓], thank you very much...

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