He Jiong and Yang Chenglin in the observation room cheered when they saw the scene of big hands holding small hands.

The moment Liu Shishi was held by Qin Yan's warm hand, she felt a sense of security. She even suddenly experienced an electric shock sensation that she had never experienced in her entire life.

After holding Liu Shishi's hand, Qin Yan quickly shook the spoon several times. Each piece of chili pepper was quickly tumbling in the flames and exuding an alluring fragrance.

If Qin Yan didn't take action, Liu Shishi would most likely get burned, and the dish would be burnt in an instant. Now he was so hungry that he really didn't want to waste this pot of delicious food.

Just now Qin Yan looked at the pot prepared by the program team and felt at first glance that it was not good.

Thinking that the pot would get burnt easily, he cut the peppers smaller so that they would cook quickly and the pot would not need to continue cooking for a long time.

For this kind of pot, Qin Yan felt that if the fire burned for a long time, the oil would easily burn out.

He expected this situation, but he didn't expect that the pot would have a 100% chance of catching fire! Two cooking pots caught fire at the same time.

However, this fire is a piece of cake for Qin Yan. With this flame, the dishes stir-fried with a spoon are so fragrant! Because the peppers Qin Yan cut were very small, he cooked the peppers just a few times with his spoon.

Turn off the heat, pour in the scrambled eggs, and season. After a smooth operation, use the residual heat of the pot to quickly combine the eggs, chili, seasonings, etc. with a few stirs.

He took out the washed plate and quickly scooped out the dishes. A dish of chili scrambled eggs with full color, aroma and flavor was put on the plate. At this time, a faint flame was still rising on the plate.

However, as the oil temperature drops, the flame gradually becomes smaller.

The cameraman took a picture of the scrambled egg with flame chili pepper on the plate, exclaiming inwardly that it was awesome. Just now the director said that he learned from Qin Yan's mother that he can cook, but many people behind the scenes still didn't believe it.

After all, any mother will brag too much about her children.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Qin Yan performed a trick for everyone. He made this dish so fast that it happened in a very short time.

With such skillful operation, it would take decades to achieve such silky smoothness.

Are you telling me now that Qin Yan can’t cook? Who believes it!

[Qin Yan, you said you didn’t know how to cook, but I saw you shaking the spoon as soon as I came in!]

[Wu, scrambled eggs with flaming peppers, looks good]

[Saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth]

[Qin Yan was too quick when he flipped the spoon just now. The food was ready before I could even react.]

[At this moment, I finally get Qin Yan's handsomeness. He is really reliable. I love him.

After finishing the chili scrambled eggs, Qin Yan let go of Liu Shishi's hand and ran to the sink to wash his hands. It was as if the scene just now had never happened.

The audience was speechless. The first thing Qin Yan did after letting go of Liu Shishi's hand was to wash his hands. If it were them, they would probably never wash their hands in this life.

At this moment, Yu Bowen and the others solved another pot.

When the pot went out, the actor Yu ran to Liu Shishi's side and asked,"Shishi, are you okay?"

He had been in a panic just now and didn't pay much attention to the situation on Liu Shishi's side. The corner of his eye just told him that Liu Shishi's side was also in trouble.

Then Qin Yan came up and seemed to help.

Because the time of help was very short, he didn't see the specific details clearly. When he came over, the tempting chili scrambled eggs had been quietly placed on the stove.

Liu Shishi just shook her head indifferently in the face of Yu Bowen's question:"I'm fine, this pot really scared me!"

She glanced at Qin Yan while speaking, and she had to admit that Qin Yan's help just now touched her heart all of a sudden.

Just now, Liu Shishi was somewhat amazed when she saw Qin Yan's face reflected by the fire.

Qin Yan had already run far away. He was standing next to Hua Siyuan, Cheng Yan, Bai Lu, and Reba. Everyone was discussing the steak fried by Hua Siyuan.

The outside of the steak was burnt by the flames, but the inside was still raw.

In Qin Yan's opinion, it was not a big problem:"This steak can be eaten after scraping the burnt skin on the outside and frying it slowly over low heat!"

Cheng Yan agreed with a smile, and he thought so too.

Bai Lu and Reba were not squeamish, and it was good to have something to eat.

After experiencing this incident, everyone knew that the pot provided by the program team was really not good. You can't use it for stir-frying, but it's still okay to stir-fry it over low heat. After

Reba washed the vegetables and Qin Yan cut the vegetables, they sat on the sofa with Bai Lu and Cheng Feiren early to wait for dinner.

Not letting everyone wait too long, a sumptuous dinner was served on the table under the arrangement of Liu Shishi, Yu Yingdi, and Hua Siyuan.

Although most of them were a little burnt, Qin Yan thought it was still edible.

6 dishes, with fruits, snacks, and drinks should not be too rich.

The dishes were served, and the next step was naturally the seating session that everyone had been looking forward to. Everyone was curious about who would eat next to whom for the first dinner?

Even the audience and the heartbeat observers were looking forward to this scene.

The first person to officially sit down was Qin Yan. He was the first to sit in the lower 4th position, which happened to be the right corner of the table.

The dining table in the villa is a horizontal long table with 8 positions.

Upper 1, upper 2, upper 3, upper 4

, lower 1, lower 2, lower 3, Qin Yan

Seeing Qin Yan's actions, Du Haitao sighed:"Qin Yan really doesn't fight at all!"

As a person who has been through it, Yang Mi knows Qin Yan's character in her heart. At the beginning, she took the initiative to pursue him. It's too difficult to let Qin Yan take the initiative to pursue girls.

The reason why Du Haitao commented on Qin Yan in this way is entirely because the three positions of lower 1, lower 2, and lower 3 are the most sought-after, and Qin Yan is a perfect way to avoid these three positions.

Just now, among the cooking trio, Liu Shishi finished her dishes first.

After all, her dishes are all home-cooked dishes. After Qin Yan helped cut the vegetables, she simply fried them and finished.

While waiting for Yu Yingdi and Hua Siyuan to cook, Liu Shishi, Bai Lu and Reba sat at the dining table and chatted for a while.

Reba sat in the top 1 position, Bai Lu sat in the top 2 position, and Liu Shishi sat in the top 3 position. Therefore, the male guests only need to choose the bottom 1, bottom 2, and bottom 3 positions, and these three beauties are sitting opposite them.

Who would have thought that when other male guests were eyeing these positions, Qin Yan chose the irrelevant bottom 4 without thinking, which was perfect for him.

Whoever wants to fight for other positions can fight for them.

Just sit in the corner and show off your meal quietly.

The second person to choose a position was Yu Yingdi.

After he brought the dishes to the table, he took off his suit jacket and naturally put it on the chair in the top 4 position, which was opposite Qin Yan.

Don't get me wrong, Yu Yingdi is not interested in Qin Yan.

The reason why he occupied the top 4 position is because Liu Shishi is sitting next to him in the top 3!

Yang Chenglin, He Jiong and others couldn't help laughing at this scene.

He Jiong sighed:"His intention is too obvious, he just wants to be next to Shi Shi!"

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