In Yu Yingdi's opinion, Qin Yan probably came here by accident.

Yu Yingdi could see that Cheng Yan, Bai Lu, Reba, and Song Yuqi wanted to make friends with Liu Genghong and his wife. When encountering such a situation, you can only ask for help yourself, otherwise, are you sure they will pay attention to you?

""Genghong, I haven't come to your place to work out for a long time. Please design a set of fitness methods for me according to my physical condition!" Yu Bowen looked at Liu Genghong and said with ease. He looked like he had a very good relationship with him.

In fact, he and Liu Genghong were just clients, not close friends.

Liu Genghong smiled and nodded at Yu Bowen's words:"Okay!"

Before Yu Bowen could show a little pride, Liu Genghong looked at Qin Yan and said with a smile:"Weiwei and I just did the movements you taught us again"

"I still can't even last fifteen minutes. I didn't know it before I used your moves. Only after I used your moves did I realize that our lower body endurance is so poor!"

As a fitness coach, Liu Genghong naturally knows a lot of fitness moves, and he has practiced many of them to perfection.

In his eyes, some moves are completely useless for his own improvement.

He didn't expect that the moves he casually asked Qin Yan to learn would be so powerful. He even felt that the moves Qin Yan taught were more difficult than horse stance.

Liu Genghong could easily last more than 20 minutes in a horse stance.

Qin Yan's moves are similar to horse stance, but you have to stand up and stimulate the muscles repeatedly at a frequency, and your breathing must also be at a certain frequency.

This made Liu Genghong sigh that it was really difficult.

Qin Yan replied:"Don't worry, you two. You all know from regular fitness that you don't just pursue efficiency. In the early stage, standardize the moves and give your muscles some time to adapt."

"If you force yourself to do it for half an hour at the beginning, your muscles will still not be able to bear it."

Liu Genghong and Weiwei smiled and nodded when they heard Qin Yan's words. They also knew that haste makes waste.

The conversation between Qin Yan and Liu Genghong and his wife surprised Bailu, Reba, Liu Shishi, and Yu Yingdi.

They didn't expect that Qin Yan actually knew Liu Genghong and his wife.

It seemed that they had a very good relationship.

The attitude of Liu Genghong and his wife when talking to Yu Yingdi was far less intimate than when talking to Qin Yan. Liu Shishi couldn't help but be surprised:"Qin Yan, do you know Brother Liu Genghong and Sister Weiwei?"

Liu Shishi knew Liu Genghong and his wife.

When these two people were doing well in the circle, Liu Shishi was just a rookie at that time, and they had met a few times.

Later, Liu Genghong and his wife retired from the circle, and they didn't contact each other much.

Qin Yan didn't say much, but just explained lightly:"Brother Liu Genghong is a very good person, and he also gave me clothes to wear."

His explanation left the audience speechless. Qin Yan's explanation was quite concise. He didn't mention anything about his smash on Liu Genghong earlier.

If it were another male guest, he would definitely not forget to show himself.

Regarding the arrival of Bai Lu, Reba, Liu Shishi, and Song Yuqi, Liu Genghong and his wife decided to have a good chat with them about fitness.

If anyone needs guidance, the couple will tell them everything.

This was also for Qin Yan's sake. If it was just Actor Yu, these two people would definitely not be so easy to talk to.

Because their relationship with Actor Yu is not that good, it's completely a customer relationship.

But Qin Yan is different. The two of them directly regarded Qin Yan as a friend, and their attitude towards Qin Yan was even more intimate and flattering.

After the two of them had a brief communication with Qin Yan just now, they knew that Qin Yan Qin Yan knows a lot about fitness, and he is willing to tell them everything he knows.

So Liu Genghong thought about giving something back, because he knew that he would have many more questions to ask Qin Yan in the future.

The reason why he is so nice to Bai Lu, Reba, Song Yuqi, and Liu Shishi is because they participated in the dating variety show with Qin Yan. What if one of them gets together with Qin Yan in the future?

It is not impossible that these four will get together with Qin Yan in the end, since polygamy is allowed in this world anyway.

Netizens are crazy about Bai Lu, Reba, and Liu Shishi.

In short, in the eyes of Liu Genghong and his wife, it doesn’t matter how close they are to these girls, and it will be a good thing no matter who Qin Yan gets together with in the end.

In this way, Bai Lu, Liu Shishi, Song Yuqi, and Liu Shishi were pulled away by Weiwei, and she could take the four girls to participate first. Watch the entire gym.

If there are any questions about fitness that she doesn't understand, she can answer them.

If the four need personal training, as a woman, she can also be their personal trainer. Weiwei and Liu Genghong have been married for so long, it can be said that she has inherited her husband's true teachings.

Her ability as a coach is not bad.

Liu Genghong stayed to guide Yu Yingdi, Cheng Yan, Hua Siyuan and others.

Qin Yan himself should still play games, he has no interest in fitness at all.

Although Qin Yan looks like he is completely uninterested in fitness, people like He Jiong, Yang Chenglin, Yang Mi, Tianxian Sister and others in the observation room. Including the audience watching the live broadcast, Liu Genghong and his wife know that Qin Yan is a fitness boss.

Don't look at her lazy look, she must be working out hard behind the scenes where the camera can't capture.

Otherwise, how could she have such a good figure. , such a fierce explosive power.

Even Qin Yan's bedmate Yang Mi had such an idea.

She has experienced how fierce Qin Yan is many times, so she often feels weak in the legs when she sees him.

Not long after, Cheng Yan, Hua Siyuan, and Yu Bowen changed into sportswear. Cheng Yan and Hua Siyuan's sportswear are tight.

The whole sportswear fits their bodies just right to outline their figures.

It is not surprising that Cheng Yan has muscles as an athlete, but it was Hua Siyuan who surprised the audience. From the beginning, Yu the actor has been showing off his abdominal muscles, and Hua Siyuan has not said anything from beginning to end.

Everyone thought Hua Siyuan didn't work out much, but they didn't expect that after changing into tights, they could vaguely see the muscles on his body.

Liu Genghong knew at a glance that he also worked out.

The muscles are similar to those of Yu the actor. Although there are muscle lines, they give people a soft feeling. However, the fans are very satisfied and think that as long as there are muscle lines, it is amazing

[Wow, my little Hua has muscles and starry eyes!]

[As someone who regularly works out, he said that Qin Yan’s muscles are the best. In front of Qin Yan, the actor Yu Yu and others are all scum!]

[Everyone has their own preferences for radish and green vegetables, but I personally like this one from Movie Emperor Yu.]

[I personally don't think Qin Yan is that good. He is not as good as my actor Yu. What can you tell by just looking at his muscles?]


PS: Thank you [Y2 Shine] for your monthly ticket encouragement, thank you, thank you...

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