"What are you doing, eh?~~~"

Song Yuqi's sudden slap caught Qin Yan off guard.

Although the slap she gave was not painful, it still shocked Qin Yan.

Qin Yan suddenly made a"strange" cry, which made Liu Shishi, Yu Yingdi, Cheng Yan, Reba, and Bai Lu silently look towards Hua Siyuan.

Everyone knows that this line is Hua Siyuan’s famous scene!

Hua Siyuan couldn't help but look at Qin Yan, wanting to say something sweet, but not knowing how to say it.

The audience burst into laughter

[Hahaha, Qin Yan made me laugh to death, he's using his ultimate skill again, right?!]

[Little Heizi, you can’t eat fried cakes! (dog head)]

[Hua Siyuan's expression made me laugh to death, and the program team even gave him a close-up]

[Hua Siyuan thinks about the knife. You can't hide the look in one's eyes, hhhhh]

[Hey, I used to like Qin Yan]

[↑I like it even more now (laughing and crying)]

If you ask Song Yuqi why she suddenly patted Qin Yan, she just wanted to find out something. After she patted Qin Yan's back, she touched Qin Yan with her jade hand and cried out in surprise.

"Wu~~Yes, brother, you have such muscles...So hard!!"

Song Yuqi has always had a tomboyish personality. If you don't look at her cute appearance and only look at her personality, you will think she is a cool boy.

At this moment, she touched Qin Yan's back and found something different.

Very strong arms. Although Qin Yan always looked weak, Song Yuqi only realized now that Qin Yan was actually a fitness master.

It's just that he deliberately didn't show his figure.

Bai Lu, Liu Shishi, and Reba admitted that Song Yuqi did what they wanted to do but didn't dare to do. The three of them also wanted to touch Qin Yan's muscles.

The three people's reserve made them struggle.

Seeing that their reserve only lasted for 1 second and was finally defeated, Qin Yan dodged Song Yuqi's jade hand.

"Men and women should not touch each other, stay away from me!"

The audience looked at Qin Yan's straight man and exclaimed,"What a guy!"

Weiwei knew that Song Yuqi, Reba, Bai Lu, and Liu Shishi were curious about Qin Yan's figure, so she introduced him to them when she was with them.

"Qin Yan has a great body. You can tell at a glance that he works out regularly. When we were playing volleyball just now, I noticed that his muscles were particularly nice."

"The way he smashes the ball is so handsome, our Liu Genghong is no match for him."

At the same time, Weiwei also told about Qin Yan's meeting with Baduanjin. In Weiwei and Liu Genghong's view, if Qin Yan is willing to be a personal trainer, it will be nothing to them.

"If you don't know anything about fitness, feel free to ask Qin Yan. He actually knows a lot."This is also the information Weiwei revealed quietly.

As for whether the four girls in front of her can grasp it, it is not her concern. If

Qin Yan is really willing to share fitness knowledge with someone, Weiwei is confident that within a month, that person will be reborn.

Weiwei's words let Bailu and others know that there is a great master around them.

With a master around, why bother to go far away.

After listening to Weiwei's words, Bailu, Liu Shishi, and Song Yuqi finally understood how powerful Qin Yan is. It turns out that Qin Yan knows more about fitness than Liu Genghong.

No wonder Liu Genghong just showed a hint of asking Qin Yan for advice.

It must be said that this discovery made Qin Yan gain a lot of points in their hearts.

The three of them are people who love fitness, who doesn't want to... There is always a senior coach to guide you, and it would be even better if this senior coach is particularly reassuring.

For unfamiliar coaches, you will always feel constrained when exercising.

And Reba was particularly happy after knowing that Qin Yan is also very good at fitness. This morning she discovered that Qin Yan is very good at piano, and she benefited a lot from simply gaining a little piano knowledge from Qin Yan.

Reba really admires Qin Yan, and now Reba feels that she can ask Qin Yan for guidance when she works out.

Reba is not very interested in whether the opposite sex is in love or not. What excites her most is to work hard to make herself stronger.

She wants to be talented and healthy. She also knows that becoming stronger requires a lot of hardship, but she is not afraid.

"I just ask the teacher to push me hard, I must become very powerful!"

At this time, Reba has secretly decided to take the time to tell Qin Yan not to be soft-hearted towards her, and the stricter he is on himself, the better.

Qin Yan didn't even know what Weiwei said to these girls, but it turned out that these girls were working out Liu Shishi began to ask him frantically for advice.

Occasionally, Liu Shishi would ask him:"Qin Yan, can you swim?"

Bai Lu asked Qin Yan for advice:"Qin Yan, do you have any fitness methods for exercising your waist?" I always feel that my waist is too hard and I always get it easily!

Reba asked:"Qin Yan...Brother, I rarely exercised before, and now I don’t know where to start.

Song Yuqi:"Qin Yan, do you have a vest line training method?" I don't want to make my abdominal muscles too big, as long as I can maintain my current waistline."

The problems of the four girls are all minor problems to Qin Yan, but he always adheres to the principle of keeping a distance from these girls and refuses them all.

At the same time, he emphasizes to Reba not to call him brother, because Reba is obviously a little older than him.

In Qin Yan It seems to Yan that Weiwei can be consulted on these issues. As a professional coach, she knows this issue very well.

Now Qin Yan feels that it is not a good sign for the female guests to approach her frequently.

Yang Chenglin looks at the four female guests who keep approaching Qin. Yan approached, but Qin Yan was unmoved and sighed:"Qin Yan is too straight, a straight man, so hard to seduce!! I must be so happy to have such a good opportunity to write a metonymic blog post."

Sister Tianxian felt that it was because it was difficult for Qin Yan to be attracted to a girl that he was more attractive.

If the male guests were all lickers like Yu Bowen, she might not be interested if it were her.

Yang Mi looked at the right person Liu Shishi and the others, who were very interested in fitness, felt a faint sense of crisis.

"It seems that I have to work harder on fitness next time."Yang Mi found that Liu Shishi and Bai Lu were so aggressive.

If they continued like this, she would have no advantage over Qin Yan.

Yang Mi knew that Qin Yan liked her hard work.

Qin Yan was only responsible for silently urging her from behind.

Yu Bowen, Hua Siyuan, and Cheng Yan also began to wonder what Wei Wei had just said, and why the four female guests began to ask Qin Yan for fitness knowledge.

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