Reba was really unconvinced by Hua Siyuan's words and came to the piano.

Just come, no one is afraid of whom!

When Reba wanted to play"Canon", Qin Yan glanced at her sideways and ignored her.

At this moment, he was jumping around and saw that he had reached 2000 points!

Reba was at the piano with her beautiful fingers on the black and white keys, and the beautiful melody of"Canon" echoed throughout the villa.

Liu Shishi, Song Yuqi, Bai Lu, and Yu Bowen suddenly got goosebumps when they heard this melody.

The whole"Canon" rhythm is so good.

The canon played by Reba is not the rushing melody of a certain mobile phone ringtone. The rhythm of her playing was very slow, just like the sun setting in the distance, neither urgent nor slow.

As the sun sets, the sky in the west is illuminated red.

The waves on the entire sea surface are reflected red, and the line between sea and sky is really beautiful.

A few seagulls flew lazily towards the sun, slowly turning into dark silhouettes. There are couples on the beach who stop to watch the sunset, mesmerized.

At this moment, all the staff including director Zeng Pingping were immersed in the beautiful melody.

Everyone sighed that it was Qin Yan who taught her. It didn’t take long for Reba to already know how to play the canon.

Yang Mi was in the observation room and looked at everyone around her with intoxicated smiles on their faces.

She felt that it was too wise to leave Reba in Qin Yan's hands.

Needless to say, Reba's talent will gain a large number of fans. You must know that Reba has not even read the music score.

Yang Mi knew that the versatile Qin Yan was also very good at teaching.

She learned things quickly from Qin Yan.

The future development direction of Yang Mi's company is to absorb more high-quality beauty trainees like Reba and give them to Qin Yan if there is an opportunity, so that Qin Yan can train them well.

When Qin Yan jumped to 3000 points, the system's prompt finally came.

【Congratulations to the host for completing the 3000-point task of jumping and getting the silver treasure chest】

"Open the treasure chest!"

【Ding~ The silver treasure chest has been opened. Congratulations to the host for getting +2 body enhancement. Congratulations to the host for getting the S-level Respect for Teachers skill.】

【It is detected that the host's skill of respecting teachers and respecting the way has reached the maximum level, and the skill is automatically converted into 6 points of strengthening value! 】

Qin Yan was not surprised about the repeated rewards!

The reason why Qin Yan suddenly wanted to play Jump Jump was because the system suddenly issued a task.

Introduction to the skill of respecting teachers and respecting the way: No matter how dull the disciple is, he can be enlightened by the host. The more favorable and loyal the person is to the host, the more efficient the knowledge he can learn from the host.

If a disciple has a betrayal mentality towards the host, all the teachings will be taken back.

It is because of this skill that Reba can learn so fast. Qin Yan just doesn't know how loyal Reba is to him now.

To be honest, Reba's learning efficiency is a bit exaggerated in Qin Yan's opinion.

After the song Canon ended, Liu Shishi, Bai Lu, Song Yuqi, and Yu Bowen were all intoxicated. Who would have thought that Reba could play this classic song so well.

Liu Shishi couldn't help but praise Reba as a master!

After listening to the song, the audience praised Reba for being amazing!

Mom, I saw the goddess!

Reba is so talented, how long has it been since she started learning and she can play so well?

The way Reba plays is so charming, I love it!

I think Qin Yan is the best teacher!

I agree, Qin Yan is a really good teacher, I even want Qin Yan to be my teacher. Oh my god

, I suddenly knelt down to Qin Yan!

At this time, everyone in the observation room was praising Qin Yan for his amazing teaching, and he could train a talented girl with just a few simple teachings.

Song Yuqi was even more dissatisfied:"Reba, you play so beautifully, do you know any other songs? Play another one quickly.".!"

To be honest, Reba is now very proficient in playing"Canon".

But there was a piece of music that she really wanted to play.

"I don't play this piece well, so don't laugh at me!"

"how come!"Liu Shishi, Bai Lu, and Song Yuqi smiled and shook their heads. They were too late to indulge in intoxication. How could they laugh at Reba!

The next second, a familiar melody for everyone in the program team sounded. (To read Baoshuan novels, go to Feilu novels ( Net!)

Some cameramen even silently pointed their cameras at Qin Yan, because the song Reba played was"All I Think About is the Galaxy" taught by Qin Yan.

Everyone felt that this song matched the current environment very well!

Just as the mountains were setting, the night fell, and the lights began to shine!

In fact, the song played by Reba seemed to Qin Yan to be completely messy, with frequent mistakes in the rhythm, and the sound of the keys in some places was wrong, of course. For those who have listened to this piece of music, Liu Shishi, Bai Lu, Song Yuqi, and Cheng Yan really liked it.

After the song ended, Song Yuqi was completely convinced and clamored for Reba to teach her how to play the piano.

Hua Siyuan was even more surprised by this scene. He was unhappy. He should have acted this way, but now

Reba completely stole the spotlight.

This made Hua Siyuan quite embarrassed.

At the same time, not long after the piano music ended, Bai Lu's voice sounded in surprise. :"Reba, I found the song you played by listening to songs."

"All I think about is the stars? The composer and copyright holder wrote...Qin Yan!!"


Reba never expected that Bai Lu would be able to use the song recognition function, and she didn't expect that this song could be found by the song recognition function. For a moment, she looked at Qin Yan awkwardly.

When everyone's eyes were on Qin Yan, Qin Yan said casually:"Do you think I can play the piano? And compose music? Of course, if you really think so, that's fine."

"Oh, damn, my charm that has nowhere to go!!"

Seeing Qin Yan being so cocky, Yu Bowen said sourly:"I think it must be someone with the same name!"

Hua Siyuan nodded:"I agree!"

At the same time, Hua Siyuan sighed:"I didn't expect that there is also a person named Qin Yan in the circle. I must call that excellent Qin Yan over and let him know our funny Qin Yan, hahaha!"

Although Hua Siyuan and Yu Yingdi were suspicious, how could there be such a coincidence that the song played by Reba was composed by Qin Yan.

But the two of them looked at Qin Yan's cocky look and really didn't want to believe that Qin Yan had this ability.

Instead, Liu Shishi, Song Yuqi, and Bai Lu took a deep look at Qin Yan. The intuition of women (Qian Lihao) told them that this song must be written by Qin Yan.

It's a pity that Qin Yan has been making jokes all the time.

Seeing this, Liu Shishi stopped asking, she was 100% sure that this warm song was created by Qin Yan.

Last night, Reba was muttering something, thinking about the stars, teacher...These words!

Now Liu Shishi admires Qin Yan more and more. She didn't expect that he is so good at playing the piano and can teach Reba to play the piano.

Liu Shishi remembers clearly that Reba's piano playing was really bad on the first day.

Now Liu Shishi has decided that when she has the opportunity to be alone with Qin Yan, she must dig deeper into this treasure boy.

As everyone finished dinner, it was time for the heart-moving text messages.

Liu Shishi sent the text message to Qin Yan without any dispute. My treasure brother, how many treasures do you have in your body that you are hiding from me? By the way, can you reply to my text message tonight? Can you perfunctorily answer my question in your busy schedule?.

: Tử Thủy Lam

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