"I thought I was a gazelle at first, you know?..."The more Bai Lu talked, the more excited she became. At first glance, this girl seemed to be a genuine and straightforward person.

Qin Yan knew from Bai Lu's words that Bai Lu took a mental test when he came.

After filling in the test questions, the answers will tell you what your personality is like. Different personalities will be replaced by different animals.

If you are a smart little antelope, it means that your character is lively and smart....In front of outsiders, you will adhere to the attitude that you are a newcomer, and you are sincere to everyone.

At the same time, you are as cautious as an antelope in what you say and do, for fear of accidentally offending others.

This kind of personality is not rare, it is very common.

Bai Lu initially thought that her personality was that of an antelope, but who would have thought that the test results made her vomit blood!

To be honest, Qin Yan didn't want to talk so much with Bai Lu, but Bai Lu's clueless words really piqued his interest.

Qin Yan couldn't help but ask:"Isn't Yu a bad character? I don't remember taking a personality test when I came here."

After hearing Qin Yan's words, Bai Lu realized that he didn't understand anything.

Bai Lu couldn't help but be curious:"You didn't do a psychological test? I couldn't be the only one who did it! Didn't the program team ask you, if you could change the world as you wanted, what kind of world would you want to create?"

"There are so many questions, and ABCDEF lets you choose!"

Zeng Pingping silently watched the scene coming from the camera. She knew that Qin Yan had also undergone psychological testing. Zeng Pingping knew exactly what animal he represented.

It was just that Qin Yan ignored it at the time.

Qin Yan heard this He patted his head and said,"Oh, I remembered. I was busy at the time, and the program team called and asked me to delay my time for a few minutes, so I answered their questions on the phone."

When the program team contacted Qin Yan, it was the second day after his mother called. At that time, Qin Yan was busy"talking back" to Yang Mi.

Qin Yan hurriedly hung up after answering the question hastily, not caring at all. Knowing that there will be results after answering this question. The program team knew that Qin Yan answered the questions very quickly at that time, relying on instinctive answers without thinking at all. Bai Lu knew that the accuracy of such psychological test results would be very high.

After not knowing the results, she simply told her results. She was very interested in this psychological test, just like understanding the zodiac. In addition to understanding her own animals, she also understood other animals."Heartbeat Love" does not have a psychological test. There is an extra psychological test at the beginning of this episode, which Bai Lu finds very novel.

It can also quickly help the guests get a preliminary understanding of everyone's personality.

"My personality test result says I am a fish!"

Bai Lu's fish is named"Sensitive Fish".

Personality Rarity: B (Level C~SSS)

Mental Age: 31 years old who is bold in pursuing love!

Evaluation: I attach great importance to love, like to heal and be healed, and am very sensitive to other people's emotions.

Tags: [Heavy Love Brain] [Lively and carefree on the outside. Rich on the inside, delicate and sensitive] [Love is important to you】

【Once a fish falls in love with her, she is willing to give up everything for you, and is even more willing to give you all her strength.

Like the antelope, Bai Lu's tested personality is also optimistic.

But she is more sensitive and delicate than the antelope. What Bai Lu can't accept is that this personality is the most love-brained personality among all personalities.

Introduce the emotional fish in one sentence:"You just attack once, and I will use my ultimate move."

In other words, as long as the person who is liked by"emotional fish", you may unconsciously show your goodwill, and this goodwill will be magnified countless times in his heart.

It is easy for him to narcissistically think that the person he likes just happens to like him. If the person he likes attacks once unconsciously, it is easy for"emotional fish" to hand over his ultimate move and be twice as good to you.

Who wants to admit that he is a love-brained person!

In short, Bai Lu will not admit it. She has never been in love, and she thinks she is definitely not a love-brained person.

After hearing this, Qin Yan just replied lightly:"This kind of test is for reference only, just for fun!"

"Hmm, I think so!" Bai Lu agreed very much with Qin Yan's words.

Although she was suspicious in her heart, except for the love brain, the other personality traits of the"emotional little fish" were really similar to hers.

And Qin Yan complained in his heart:"This woman is very dangerous! Stay away from her if you can. I would rather believe her than trust her. It will be troublesome if it causes unnecessary misunderstandings."

Qin Yan just thought in his heart. At the same time as she made her decision, she was also curious about what Yang Mi’s character would be if she were tested.

The answer was soon revealed.

Yang Mi’s character:

Fearless Goshawk (together on top of the world)

Character rarity: S

Mental age: 38 years old with full leadership!


1. Occasionally rational and inhumane.

2. Advance, advance, advance"by any means necessary".

3. Have leadership talents engraved in DNA

Tags: [Workaholic] [Outstanding work ability] [Often unkind in life】

【It is difficult to be interested in love] [It is difficult to be conquered emotionally] [Once a goshawk is conquered, it is often unforgettable for a lifetime]

As a love observer, Yang Mi naturally participated in this psychological test.

I have to say that Yang Mi was a little unhappy when the results of this personality came out. She didn't think she was a workaholic, she just loved work.

People who have come into contact with Yang Mi, such as Sister Tianxian, Yang Chenglin, He Jiong, and Du Haitao, all shouted that it was accurate after seeing this character evaluation.

Yang Mi does occasionally act rationally and unkindly when working. Of course, this is also the advantage of Yang Mi. Work is work and private life is private. If you are too close to others, it will appear that you are too tactful.

After watching Yang Mi's character, the audience sighed, this character is simply full of conquest.

After reading Yang Mi's character, everyone began to wonder about Sister Tianxian's character, and her character was soon announced.

Liu Tianxian: Happy Crane (one house, two people, three meals, four seasons is enough!)

Character rarity: SS

Mental age: 81 years old, leisurely and contented!

Evaluation: A gentle and strong person who likes to think and observe all kinds of people and things. In love, once determined, you will always be loyal.

Tags: [Quiet] [Buddhist] [Reserved] [Emotionally stable] [Confident about many things] [You don’t need many friends, a few close friends are enough】

"Wow, so accurate!"He Jiong exclaimed.

He and Sister Tianxian have known each other for a long time. He knew that Liu Tianxian had very few friends, but they all got along well with each other.

Liu Tianxian would be relatively cold in front of outsiders and seemed to be superior. In fact, she He is very lively, cute, and even a little silly in front of people close to him.

He Jiong's personality: a calm little turtle. He is a fox who has been through many things for thousands of years. He is difficult to understand at a glance and treats people appropriately.

The shortcoming is that

Xiaohao is what Bai Lu thinks of as a little antelope.

Yang Chenglin's character is a determined wolf with a strong sense of purpose, and it is difficult to change once a decision is made.

Du Haitao's character is a happy white swan. A person who likes to make friends, is heartless and carefree.

After hearing everyone's personalities, He Jiong felt that this personality test was really accurate.

Now he was very curious about Qin Yan's personality.?


PS: Some settings of Heart-Dropping 6 are quoted, but they are not exactly the same!

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