After Qin Yan took off the headphones from the two people, he put them directly on a speaker in the room, which kept playing the rumbling sound of thunder.

The huge sound made all the cameramen in the horror house、NPC...Loud communication noise.

Everyone subconsciously turned off their earphones, because just now everyone felt that their ears were going deaf. Who could be so wicked and make so much noise in communication equipment.

Some people were cursing on the channel, but because of the loud noise, it was impossible to hear who was saying what.

This also led to the staff and director standing outside the horror house from the perspective of heaven....There was no way to quickly convey the information.

Only a very small number of people tried to switch to other channels, but in such a short time, everyone might not be able to switch to the same channel.

At this time, Qin Yan did not want to delay everyone too much time, as long as a little delay would be enough.

Just like that, Qin Yan left in Bai Lu's resentful eyes.

When he began to rush to the horror hospital area, the cameraman next to Bai Lu first sent Bai Lu to the safe employee passage, and then quickly turned back and chased Qin Yan with a camera.

He must ensure that Qin Yan could not leave his sight.

Otherwise, if this kid left for a while, who knows what would scare the director outside. He was too unexpected.

The whole horror house was very dark, and the atmosphere of horror was everywhere.

The lights in some places were still flickering, and as Qin Yan left the ghost marriage area, other places were still filled with gloomy BGM.

At this time, NPCs in other places, including the cameraman, were still confused. No one understood what happened in the ghost marriage area.

Everyone clearly heard the screams from over there, but now Bai Lu is silent in the channel.

"What's going on here? ?"

Wei Zi is one of the many NPCs in the horror house. His usual task is to wear scary clothes, hide in an unexpected corner, and instantly pop his head out to scare customers when they arrive. At this time, he was in the corner and kept fiddling with his headphones, not understanding what was wrong with the communication equipment.

The channel they usually use was particularly noisy today, and he couldn't hear what his colleagues were shouting inside.

Switching to other channels would instantly become quiet, but he only met one or two colleagues in other channels.

The other one or two colleagues were also confused, not understanding why the original channel was so noisy.

"This is not normal!! Something must have happened in the ghost marriage area. Why did I hear Bai Lu's female guest screaming? This shouldn't be the case. Didn't she go to scare Qin Yan? What was her name?"

"You also said there is someone behind the camera guy? who?"

"Our conductor is also strange. He is usually calm. What happened today? You also said that there is a shadow floating in the air?"

There are various signs that something unexpected happened in the entire House of Horror today beyond everyone's expectations.

For Weizi, everything is weird.

Weizi has been working in the House of Horror for several years, and today is the first time for him to experience this special situation. Encountered.

The cameraman next to him was also shaking his head. As a staff member here, Weizi didn't know what was going on, and he, the cameraman of the program team, didn't know what was going on.

Currently, there was something wrong with his headphones. The noise was the same as Weizi's.

The cameraman was confused. Should he stay on the original channel and wait for it to be repaired? Or should he switch to another channel because he couldn't communicate with the outside world ? The cameraman and Wei Zi felt a chill on their backs.

Suddenly, a strange sound of footsteps came, making the two of them look curiously.

When they saw the figure, they were so frightened that they did not dare to move.!

Mainly, they are not sure whether the person making the footsteps is a person?

Have you ever seen someone walking with his back on the ground and his hands and feet stretched out like a spider? Wearing a blood-stained white robe, his body was extremely deformed and bloated, like a scientific failure. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

What shocked the two of them was that this deformed breed had a special ability to crawl. It's fast, and it will kick on the wall like a flea from time to time.

The opponent is very light, as if it is really like a flea.

How can ordinary people be so flexible?

, his head rotated 360 degrees as if looking for something.

Weizi's face turned pale when he saw this scene. He was very sure that the creature in front of him was not a human at all! The cameraman on the side asked curiously:"This...This is your staff, right?"

"Shh, don't talk!"Weizi covered the mouth of the cameraman next to him in panic!

It looked like he was afraid that the monster in front of him would find them.

He was complaining, how could this thing in front of him be his colleague? This weird posture and strange steps and jumps It didn't look like something a human could do.

He felt Weizi's whole body shaking, breaking out in cold sweat, and his hair standing on end. Only then did the cameraman next to him realize that the monster in front of him was not a staff member at all.

Even the staff here didn't know what it was.

At this moment, the cameraman really wanted to go home. He was obviously here to shoot a love story. How could the style of painting become so scary? Hey, sweet love! What? ?

Pat, pat, pat, pat~~ The monster patrolled around Wei Zi and the two of them for a while. It crawled very fast, and the whole behavior was like a spider. Finally, they huddled in that small corner, not daring to move or take a breath.

The two of them could only check the situation outside through the hole the size of a football.

Finally, the spider monster seemed to have not noticed the two of them. Snap~~ ran away quickly.

Listening to the other party's footsteps getting further away, Wei Zi and the two finally breathed a sigh of relief. The moment they breathed a sigh of relief, they suddenly noticed a terrifying face appearing at the entrance of the hole. Gou stared at the two people. What could this face be if it wasn't the humanoid monster just now?

At this moment, the human face was making a gurgling, rough and hoarse laugh, like a hiccup. Weizi, whose heart was beating wildly, and the cameraman next to him finally couldn't bear it anymore. Live!!

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