At this time, Yang Mi secretly sighed that her husband was quite popular with rich women!

Not only did Liu Shishi have a crush on her, but now Song Yuqi seemed to want to call him, so if these two took any one of them, they would not have to worry about food and drink in this life.

Yang Mi also knew that Song Yuqi's family was very powerful in Kimchi Country.

By the way, Yang Mi suddenly realized that Qin Yan had no worries about food and drink now, because she had the capital to support him!

During the live broadcast, although Bai Lu and Song Yuqi did not have the strength to catch up with Qin Yan while riding bicycles, they were lucky enough to meet Qin Yan.

When the two met Qin Yan, they found him brewing noodles next to a canteen.

Although it's not noon yet, Qin Yan does feel a little hungry.

Whether riding a bicycle or scaring people, they are both physically demanding jobs. When Qin Yan saw a canteen, he wanted to make some instant noodles.

As soon as he connected the hot water and pressed the ham sausage and braised eggs on the lid of the instant noodles, Bai Lu and Song Yuqi discovered him.

The two parked their bicycles next to Qin Yan's bicycle and walked towards Qin Yan with a smile.

Bai Ludu joked:"Young master Qin is so elegant and cheerful. He made it easy for us two beauties to find them. I didn't expect you to eat instant noodles here.""

"Wow, it’s ham and braised eggs, a luxurious configuration!!"

After all, Bai Lu's family is very ordinary, so she can best understand what is a luxurious configuration of instant noodles and what is the top-end plus version of Jianbing! Song Yuqi comes from a wealthy family and has few opportunities to eat instant noodles. Today is the first time she heard that instant noodles have top and low configurations.

How come it’s just like buying a computer or a mobile phone.

Anyway, I think it’s quite fun.

Qin Yan was complacent about Bai Lu's words:"As a man, you have to be nice to yourself. I’m financially capable of buying this instant noodles, braised eggs, and ham in full today."

"Money is just a bunch of numbers to me"

"I am 25 years old and my family is very financially sound. I feel there is no need for installments at all. I am just that willful."

Seeing that Qin Yan could be so superior even when eating instant noodles, Bai Lu and Song Yuqi were amused and burst out laughing. This was the first time they had seen Qin Yan speak in this way.

In their opinion, it was very effective for the show.

The audience was amused.

You can eat instant noodles so happily, I'm going to buy instant noodles in full!

Wow, brother is so capable to be able to eat instant noodles in full (admiration)

A cup of instant noodles can make you look like you're buying a house (dog head) It has to be you, Qin Yan.

When can I live as freely as Qin Yan (laughing and crying)

Hahaha, I just like Qin Yan's authenticity, his pretentious look is so likable. Don't say it, after being treated like this by Qin Yan, Bai Lu and Song Yuqi both wanted to eat some instant noodles. Instant noodles will make you feel nauseous after eating them, but you will feel greedy when you don't eat them.

But now Bai Lu and Song Yuqi are not very hungry, and finally the two of them turned their attention to Qin Yan.

The two looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts, and Bai Lu couldn't help but apply.

"Qin Yan, let us have a bite of your instant noodles later!"

"What did you say!"As soon as Bai Lu finished speaking, Qin Yan looked like he hadn't heard anything. At the same time, while looking at the two of them, he spit out the ham sausage he had bitten into the bucket of instant noodles.

Qin Yan's move directly made Song Yuqi and Bai Lu confused on the spot..

The observation room and the audience burst into laughter.

They didn't expect Qin Yan to add ham sausage to the instant noodles in such an unscrupulous way. He took a bite of the ham sausage and spit it in again.

Yang Chenglin saw this. Everyone was numb at the scene:"Qin Yan is rejecting Bai Lu's proposal with his actions!

Du Haitao applauded happily:"Oh, Qin Yan's way of eating makes me miss it so much. I remember that I also ate instant noodles like this when I was a child, hahaha!""

Sister Tianxian could n't help but nod. She admitted that she had eaten instant noodles like this when she was a child. When she was a child, the boys in the class ate this way, and she followed suit, so now Sister Tianxian doesn't think Qin Yan is disgusting, just watching I feel a little nostalgic.

As soon as Du Haitao finished speaking, the barrage was full of comments:

+1 the same way to eat instant noodles when I was a child, hahaha, I really want to die because of Qin Yan! There were two beauties standing there. Should he go his own way or go his own way?

Song Yuqi couldn't help complaining:"Are you a puppy? Is it deliberately taking up space here?"

"I bought this originally! Can't I eat the instant noodle bucket in my own happy way!"Qin Yan now had an expression that asked for a beating. What's the matter? Can these two women bite him? What caught Qin Yan off guard was that Bai Lu beside him suddenly grabbed the fork in Qin Yan's hand. She quickly controlled Qin Yan's hand and used the fork to pull the boiled egg out of the instant noodle bucket.

A mouthful! Bai Lu ate it happily. At this moment, she felt that Qin Yan asked for a beating too much. If he didn't take advantage of her, her resentment would be hard to dissipate. At this moment, Bai Lu felt even happier when she saw Qin Yan's resentful look. She couldn't help but twist her body proudly.

"I can't eat your intestines, and I can't eat your eggs!"


Countless viewers complained, what kind of tiger and wolf words are these! Those who think wrongly, please go out and face the wall, no more words, I'm going to go out and face the wall (dog head)

Ah, Bai Lu has Qin Yan's saliva! May

I ask if this is considered an indirect kiss?

Confession declaration CP, come on!

Hahaha, Bai Lu is so cute, what a clever little ghost!

At this moment, Qin Yan's mentality exploded when he looked at the instant noodles. That was his only boiled egg. Seeing Bai Lu eating so proudly, Qin Yan was speechless and not afraid of choking to death!

Before Qin Yan could react, Song Yuqi also used this trick, grabbing Qin Yan's hand and giving herself a fork of instant noodles.

Song Yuqi ate the instant noodles with big mouthfuls, and there were several pieces of ham sausage in the instant noodles.

After eating, she became proud.

Looking at the two people, Qin Yan gritted his teeth and shouted that it was too much.

At the same time, The audience watching the live broadcast went wild over the actions of Song Yuqi and Bai Lu, and they all excitedly exclaimed that they were touched.

Judging from the looks of the two, they really didn't dislike Qin Yan, not even his saliva.

This candy was so sweet.

In this way, Qin Yan's bucket of instant noodles was snatched up by Bai Lu and Song Yuqi. Who cared whether there was Qin Yan's saliva in the whole process.

Qin Yan didn't give the two people a fork, and the two people ran to the canteen to get disposable chopsticks.

The scene of three people scrambling to eat instant noodles made everyone in the program crew exclaim that it was exciting. In previous love shows, male and female guests would not disregard their image.

Passing tourists were stunned. This scene was rare for everyone. People who didn't know the reason thought that these three young people hadn't eaten for many days. Look how hungry these three children were. They scrambled to eat a bucket of instant noodles..

: Tử Thủy Lam

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