Um? ? ?

As soon as Song Yuqi said these words, Qin Yan, who was yawning after eating and drinking, immediately became energetic. Even Cheng Yan and Yu Bowen looked surprised.

The barrage is even more exciting!

Let me go, brother Yuqi actually brought up the matter of cleaning shoes?

No way she really wants to clean Qin Yan’s shoes!

Damn, that’s so sweet!

Impossible, that question is extremely difficult. I think brother Yuqi should stimulate Qin Yan.

That question is really difficult. There are indeed very few standard answers on the Internet.

Several people in the observation room were a little excited at this moment. Unexpectedly, Song Yuqi actually Will take the initiative to bring up the matter of cleaning shoes.

Even if she simply provoked Qin Yan, in the eyes of everyone in the observation room, Song Yuqi's behavior showed that she paid attention to Qin Yan.

I also know that Qin Yan doesn't like cleaning shoes.

She just knew Qin Yan's pain point, so she raised this issue. If you're not interested in someone at all, you won't know what they need most because you don't want to know them.

Bai Lu and Reba were both shocked by Song Yuqi's conditions.

Unexpectedly, Song Yuqi would talk about cleaning shoes in order to stimulate Qin Yan.

After Qin Yanren was stimulated by Song Yuqi, he immediately said:

"Hey, if you want to brush my shoes, just say it directly. There's no need to beat around the bush. We're friends by heart. If you want it, how could I refuse you?"

"Here, the shoes are at the entrance, you can get them yourself!"

Qin Yan's words made Song Yuqi laugh:"I don't want to brush your shoes, you definitely can't answer my question!"

"If you can't answer, you have to brush my shoes, and I'm lazy too!"

The audience couldn't sit still when they saw this.

Damn, why should he be rewarded! Ahhh

, in my opinion, Qin Yan will be rewarded generously whether he succeeds or not (dog head). Let me have brother Yuqi's shoes, and it's best if you give me the socks and underwear, and don't mind.

Original flavor, slurp, slurp, slurp.

Good man, your abacus beads are all broken on my face (laughing and crying).

I can hear the abacus upstairs in Sichuan Province!

I'm peeing yellow, I'm going to wake him up, brother Yuqi's shoes have to be given to me.

Who would have thought that in the eyes of the audience, whether Qin Yan succeeds or not, the reward is good. But in Qin Yan's eyes, he doesn't have the habit of brushing other people's shoes.

He doesn't have such a strong taste.

He still likes to be served.

Qin Yan was free here and asked Song Yuqi:"Brush shoes, how long is the agreed time?.?"

"Just one week! Song Yuqi thought for a moment and said, after all, Qin Yan and Hua Siyuan just agreed on this time.

Hearing this, Qin Yan nodded:"Okay, what a gentleman!""

""It's hard to catch up with a good guy!" Song Yuqi said seriously, she always kept her word.

The main reason was that Song Yuqi was confident, and Qin Yan really couldn't answer this question. Cheng Yan and Yu Bowen were curious about how Qin Yan would answer this question, and in their opinion, this question was really difficult.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yan looked at Song Yuqi and asked:"Let me look at the question again, I didn't even look at it just now!"

Qin Yan's words made Song Yuqi speechless:"Okay, you were really fooling me just now, you didn't even look at my question!"

"Oops, I’m really tired today! I don’t want to die so many brain cells!"

Looking at Qin Yan, Song Yuqi was really drunk. She had been in contact with so many members of the opposite sex, and none of them paid special attention to her.

Qin Yan was the only one who treated her casually.

But now that the bet has been concluded, Song Yuqi paid special attention to her this time. Qin Yan explained what the question meant. Everyone brainstormed to see if they could come up with a solution to the problem.

Song Yuqi called Reba and Bai Lu aside, and she needed the two of them to cooperate with her.

After Bai Lu stood up, Song Yuqi began to give Qin Yan questions seriously.

"I have a cherry tomato, and I just gave it to one of them. You can ask questions to find out who has the cherry tomato."

"Pay special attention to the fact that one of them can only tell the truth, and the other can only tell lies."

"Rule 1: Don’t ask them questions that have nothing to do with cherry tomatoes. For example, am I taller or shorter than you?...Are my clothes white or something?...Such irrelevant issues"

"Rule 2: Between the two of them, you can only ask three questions!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Rule three, you can’t touch them, you can’t look in their pockets!"

After saying this, Song Yuqi let Qin Yan play freely. In Cheng Yan's opinion, these rules are really annoying.

At the beginning, he wanted to ask the two people if his clothes were blue. Cheng Yan was wearing a sports vest now. It is indeed blue.

When this obvious question comes up, it is clear who is telling the truth and who is lying.

Unfortunately, the rules do not allow it.

What Yu Bowen thought was:"If I ask you what is in your pocket." No cherry tomatoes, you will answer me the truth, right?"

In short, Yu Bowen is too controversial. Everyone can get what he means. His purpose is actually similar to what Cheng Yan just thought. He is also looking for an obvious thing to judge who is true and who is false!

Yu Bowen's The question did not violate the rules, because the question he asked was also related to cherry tomatoes. Of course, as soon as Yu Bowen asked the question, both Bai Lu and Reba had to ask it again. This was already a waste of two opportunities.

There may not necessarily be an answer to the question. The person who answers the truth will definitely answer:"Yes C!""(De Nuo Zhao)

The person who answered the lie can also answer:"Yes!"

It's like wasting two opportunities and getting nothing.

But Yu Bowen still hasn't given up. He just feels that his idea is very close to the answer to the question.

In short, the question must be related to cherry tomatoes. Yu Bowen suddenly answered again :"If I ask them separately, is the cherry tomato given by Song Yuqi red, right? This is not a violation of the rules!"

Hearing this, some viewers have begun to admire it. Everyone thinks this idea is good.

Those who tell the truth will definitely answer this question:"Yes!"

And the liar will definitely answer when faced with this question:"No!!

Hearing this, Song Yuqi nodded:"It's a kind of problem-solving idea. This kind of idea only requires two questions to solve the answer."...

No, it still takes three questions to solve it!".: Tử Thủy Lam

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