In particular, it also involves Princess Alice, such a distinguished person with a reputation all over the world.

People generally like lace news, otherwise the historical fallacy of Bao Si and Daji's wrongdoing of the country would not have been published in textbooks.

All of a sudden, people were more curious about Princess Alice's beauty.

In particular, most people are not qualified to see Alice, which makes them very curious, how beautiful does Alice have to be to let a godslayer die?This can already be called a red-faced disaster.

But the black prince died because of this, and they didn't dare to peep at Alice's beauty, for fear that Luo Zhen would kill their whole family in a rage.

Under the great name of Rozhen, Alice came to Milan in Italy quite smoothly, and stayed at Rozhen's villa.

"You in the astral state are much more lively than you are now."

Luo Zhen said to Alice with a smile.

The current Alice is very fragile and unable to move.

Sitting with Luo Zhen in the pavilion in the middle of the garden like this was done with the help of magic.

"That's why you need your help."

Alice said feebly,

"If even you can't be cured, then I can only wait to die."

"Relax, I won't let you die."

Luo Zhen held Alice in his arms, which was much softer than Erica and Liliana. After all, Alice's physical condition did not allow her to exercise.

"However, your weak appearance makes me feel a little pity, which makes me a little reluctant to cure you..."

"Then you can only watch my Xiangxiaoyu die."

"How can you use this word for yourself."

Luo Zhen laughed, "You are not humble enough."

"I don't need to be humble if you can kill a godslayer for me, right?"

Although her voice was weak, you could still see Alice's lively personality.

"Now, all the magic societies in the world know that because of Princess Alice's charm, a godslayer has fallen."

"Isn't it good? Maybe the title of the most beautiful woman in the world will fall on you."

"I can't bear it."

Alice said, "Among the godslayers, there are female godslayers who will be killed."

"Will not."

Luo Zhen smiled, "With me, no one can kill you."

Alice leaned against Luo Zhen's chest a little intoxicated.

That's right, it's such a sense of peace of mind. Ever since she made her voice heard, she has been shrouded in unease, fearing that she will die because of the god-killer or the god of disobedience.

This fear was heightened after the confrontation with the Black Prince.

No one knew when the Black Prince would get tired of playing such a homely game and show his fangs.

But not now, Luo Zhen gave her an unprecedented sense of security.

Luo Zhen lifted her skirt, and magic power flowed out from her fingertips.

Alice exclaimed: "What are you doing?"

"Engrave Rune Runes."

As Luo Zhen said, the runes fell like tadpoles, giving Alice a warm feeling.

The body that was quite weak has recovered a lot.

Although it is a lot worse than the level of normal people, it is not like before, it seems that it will be broken if touched.

"With my attainments in this area, it is definitely not enough to cure your body. If my master is here, there is no need to wait, and you can be cured directly."

Luo Zhen said, "But if you want to use your body for daily activities, it should be fine.

But if you still want to make it easier, you can use the astral body all the time, and I can heal your body before it deteriorates to the point of being endangered. "

"That's a big thank you."

Alice's eyes were half closed, and she came over,

"My whole being belongs to you, and there is no other way to thank you. This is just a trivial thank you."

Chapter [-] Double Alice, Double Happiness

Alice stayed at Rozen's villa.

The council of sages she led summed it up and simply surrendered to Luo Zhen's subordinates.

This is the subordinate of a godslayer. Although he is the youngest godslayer, he is also the most powerful godslayer.

Have other godslayers ever killed godslayers?


Marquis Vauban was robbed of a god of disobedience by the King of Swords, and later provoked Marquis Vauban in the name of a challenge. Did Marquis Vauban kill him?

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