Chapter 127 Return to the Underwater Palace!!

Officer Megumi and Officer Shiratori, as well as the patrol on the island, drove a small police car from the patrol station back to the Shenhai Hotel.

However, when I arrived at the hotel, I saw Takagi and Sato standing in the hotel lobby with a frustrated face.

“Takagi! Sato! What about the two men? ”

Officer Muzu asked hurriedly.

“Officer Megumi, we didn’t catch those two people…” Officer Takagi said apologetically.

“Officer Mumu, we asked the staff the day before yesterday about the situation. Before Takagi and I returned, the two treasure hunters had already left. ”

“And they left with that Ito.”

Miwako Sato explains.

“What!? Those guys must be aware of the danger and want to escape!! ”

Officer Megumi was furious.

The two international wanted criminals, since they have been found in their jurisdiction, must not be allowed to escape by them!

“Is there any way to get out of this island!?”

Officer Megumi immediately looked at the patrol on the island.

“There is only one regular boat every afternoon, and if you want to leave at other times, you have to rely on fishing boats.”

The old inspector of the island said.

“Good! In order to avoid the fishing boat being robbed, please pay attention to everyone! ”

Officer Megumi ordered.

“Good! I know! ”

The old inspector saluted and rushed to make arrangements.

“Let’s go, let’s go to Steve’s room.”

Officer Megumi took the lead and walked toward the front desk.

Takagi and the others immediately followed.

Not long after, Guan Zu returned.

However, Officer Megumi and the others are investigating in the room of Steve and the others, so they do not know that Guan Zu, who left with Stev, has returned.

Early the next morning.

Guan Zu got up and opened the window to breathe.

“Huh? The wind seems to be stronger today than yesterday? ”

“I hope those two people slept on the boat last night and didn’t die of cold.”

Guan Zu silently prayed for the two men.

He was sent to the underground palace, at least buried with the pirate ship.

In a few hundred years, perhaps future generations will think that the two of them were once pirates.

But if you freeze to death in the speedboat, you will have to throw it into the sea to feed the sharks.

However, the temperature on this island is not low, even at night, there are still more than twenty degrees.

At this temperature, a cold is possible, but it is basically not enough to say that people freeze to death.

Went to the restaurant for breakfast.

Guan Zu drove his car to the place where the two men had parked quickly.

Parked the car on the side of the road, bought two sets of diving equipment from inside the system store.

Carrying your gear, follow the cliff-side path to the beach.

The two treasure hunters had woken up, and both of them were snotty at this moment.

Seeing Guan Zu coming, the two of them hurriedly knelt down for Guan Zu.

“Big Brother! Please let me go, please!! ”

“Please don’t remember the villains, let us go as a fart!!”

The two treasure hunters knelt on the ground and kept bowing.

Although they are foreigners, they are also very proficient in kneeling as a criminal who travels around the world and often stays in the Sakura country.

They know that in the cherry blossom country, an apology must be done on a kneeling to show the greatest sincerity.

If it weren’t for the two hands tied by rope to the metal handrail on the edge of the ship, they would even give Guan Zu a ‘five-body throw’.

Because they know that the earth seat can show the greatest sincerity.

Like some politicians, capitalists and the like, apologizing only knows how to bow, that is purely perfunctory.

But because their hands are tied by ropes, they can only kneel and bow non-stop.


Guan Zu threw a bunch of things onto the speedboat.

I jumped on the speedboat myself.

“Don’t be afraid, I won’t kill you. You’ve not always wanted to find the treasure of the female pirate Ann Bonnie, so I’ll take you to find it. ”

Guan Zu walked to the cab.

Start the fast fixing and drive away in the speedboat.

It wasn’t hard to drive a speedboat, and the lady boss had taught him a little bit before and quickly learned it.

Of course, it’s just an ordinary meeting.

If he had to drive a speedboat to the pile, over the obstacles or something, then Guan Zu’s technology was still not enough.

As for the keys to the speedboat, he had searched them out of the two yesterday.

Today’s wind and waves are relatively large, but for the time being, the speedboat is only a little more rocky than yesterday.

Not to the point where the ship will capsize.

The two treasure hunters, whose hands were still tied by ropes, looked at Guan Zu’s back and felt weak in their hearts.

Because on Guan Zu’s back, he was carrying a very strange gun.

The overall structure of the gun is similar to that of a normal gun, but the magazine is very wide!

It seems that the bullets inside are very long!

This guy wouldn’t want to take them to a place far from the island and kill them, right??

Soon, Guan Zu drove the speedboat to the sea near the underwater palace and dropped the anchor.

Guan Zu used a diving knife to cut the rope that bound the hands of the two treasure hunters.

“Put your diving gear on!”

Guan Zu commanded.

At the same time, I also put a compressed air bottle on my back.

He didn’t wear either a wetsuit or a buoyancy suit because it wasn’t necessary.

It’s just a few tens of meters deep, and it is not a big problem to be equipped without it.

Put the compressed air bottle on your back and hold the underwater rifle in your hand.

That’s right, underwater rifles.

In order to overcome the resistance of the water and prevent the bullets from rolling underwater, the bullets of the special underwater rifle are completely different from the bullets of ordinary rifles.

The bullets of the underwater rifle are thin and long, more like a flying needle.

The effective range of an underwater rifle at five meters underwater is forty meters, and the deeper the depth, the shorter the range.

By forty meters underwater, the range was less than twenty meters.

However, this range is enough, after all, the underwater vision is not good, the body is not flexible, and the range of tens of meters is not short.

In the face of Guan Zu’s orders, the two treasure hunters could only obediently obey the orders.

They don’t want to die.

Soon, the two treasure hunters put on all their diving gear.

“Get into the water! Go to that crack! ”

Guan Zu held a rifle and pointed at the two men and threatened.

As soon as the two of them listened, they immediately knew that the person in front of them had indeed found the entrance to the underground palace.

But now they are weak and can only obey.

Poof! Poof!

Two sounds of water entering the water sounded, and the two treasure hunters fell backwards and fell directly into the sea.

Guan Zu also jumped down.

After entering the water, continue to follow the two people and drive them both in the direction of the underwater palace.

Soon, the three of them came to the underwater palace.

The three did not stop and continued to swim to the south side of the underwater palace. When you reach the cliff, immediately go downstream along the cliff.

Shenhai Island.

Guan Zu had just left the island in a speedboat when someone took out his mobile phone and checked the tracking map on his mobile phone.

Then ride your bike to the port.

Drive a speedboat off the island…

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