Chapter 239 is worthy of Maori Kogoro!!

Hearing the words of the long plate Mitsu, the three little ghosts of the Junior Detective Team were very excited. Guess thirty seconds! This game they played ah!!

Before camping on the way back, they had played a game of guessing thirty seconds in the car!

Although Mitsuhiko and Motoya are not very good at playing, Bumi guessed the time very accurately!

Thirty seconds, a second is not bad guess!

“Great! Mitsuhiko!! ”

Motoya and Mitsuhiko both slapped their hands.

“Anyway, with Bumi here, we don’t have to be afraid~!”

“The prize must be ours!!”

Motoya and Mitsuhiko were both dying of excitement. Bumi was looking around, looking for Conan.

The last time she guessed thirty seconds correctly, it was all because Conan was by her side, so that her nervous could hear her own heartbeat.

Then count the heartbeats and guess exactly thirty seconds.

But if Conan wasn’t with her, she wouldn’t have been able to guess the game.

“If you want to participate in the game, please leave your watch first!” Later, we will send you another precious stone of equal value based on the value of your watch! ”

Guan Zu held the plate and continued to eat his own food. This game, he did not participate.

Although he also wanted that red sports car, it was worth more than 30 million yuan.

Although he now has money, who wouldn’t want a white sports car?

However, it is estimated that it will not be long before the bombs installed by the gin will explode, and the 480 will be a pot of porridge here.

And he will also go out to fight with the gin in the door.

The guns were all out, and there was certainly no way to come back and ask for the sports car.

If you really do that, wouldn’t you throw yourself into the net and let those criminal police officers improve their performance?

More than a dozen staff members, armed with a basket and a bunting flag, came to each guest and asked if they were involved in the game.

Those who participate in the game need to hand over their watches. A staff member came to Guan Zu’s face.

“I won’t participate.”

Guan Zu refused to participate in the game.

Since you are doomed to not get a sports car, there is no need to play this game, but there is a point that Guan Zu does not understand.

To play this game, just need to hand over the watch? What if the guests who participate in the game look at their phones?

This can also cheat, right?

Or is it that the long plate Mitsu is confident that the guests will not cheat?

Or do you think that even if someone cheats, they can’t escape their eyes?

Although Guan Zu was curious, it didn’t have much to do with him, even if someone cheated, it had no effect on him.

He doesn’t play the game anyway. Just watch the play from the sidelines.

On the other side, Belmode took off the watch from his wrist and placed it inside the staff basket.

And from the hands of the staff, take a small colored flag.

Of course, she wasn’t really going to be involved in the game to win that sports car

She just asked herself not to look too maverick, after all, she was now pretending to be someone else.

Although he participated in the game, Belmode’s mind was not on the game.

Her eyes kept sweeping over each guest, trying to see if she could find out the Humble Bandit 9527 in advance.

Transfiguration this can not be seen.

However, it can be judged according to the behavior of the guests to determine whether it is normal. Normally, kidnappers shouldn’t play this kind of mini-game, right? But maybe the gangster 9527 has that bad taste?

Suddenly, Belmode’s gaze fell on Guan Zu, who was still eating.

“This man…”

Belmode sensed something strange about Guan Zu. Only……… A look that is out of step with your surroundings.

The others, even if they did not participate in this mini-game, put down their plates, wine glasses and so on.

Today is the opening day of the Longboard Consortium’s Twin Towers skyscraper, and Changpan Mixu, as the chairman of the Long-Disk Consortium, has come to the stage.

As a guest, how can you give some face? And it’s also a courtesy.

But this person was still eating leisurely, as if he did not pay attention to the long plate of beauty in his eyes at all.

This is a bit abnormal.

In addition, Guan Zu had no other companions around him, which made Belmode feel that the person in front of him was very problematic.

Belmode decided to focus on this man who was still leisurely eating!

“Let’s go to the place where you can see clearly in front of you!”

Changpan Mitsuru said.

The children at the scene all walked to the front of the crowd

“Well, let’s get started!”

“After she says start, when you count to thirty seconds, please raise the flag in your hand.”

Long Pan Mitsu pointed to the secretary next to him and said.

“Ready… Begin~! ”

Secretary Sawaguchi pressed the stopwatch in his hand. As the game begins, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly becomes tense.

Most of the guests have participated in the game and are now all silently counting the time in their minds.

It’s a matter of whether the red imported sports car can be attributed, but no one is stupid enough to read out the time they calculated.

Isn’t that helping everyone else around you?

This caused the whole hall to suddenly become very quiet. But the ancestor was still eating.

Others around him could even hear the occasional knock of chopsticks against a dinner plate.

Fortunately, this banquet hall is big enough that only some people in close proximity can hear it.

If everyone could hear it, it would be a bit embarrassing.

Although Guan Zu wears a human skin mask and is not afraid of embarrassment, he does not want to attract too much attention.

Being stared at by too many people will affect his appetite.

Fifteen seconds later, one after another, people began to raise the flags in their hands. Twenty seconds later, more and more people were raising the flag.

Thirty seconds straight.


A baby in the arms of a young mother suddenly burst into tears.

The frightened Maori Kogoro raised the flag in his hand.


“It’s time!”

Secretary Sawaguchi raised his hand to indicate that the game was over.

“The guest with the blue flag over there!”

On the stage, Miyu Nagapan points to Maori Kogoro in the crowd.

Guan Zu looked at Maori Kogoro in the crowd and had some surprises.

Shouldn’t a game like this one that requires luck be Xiaolan’s strength? Maori Kogoro robbed Xiaolan of his luck today?

Maori Kogoro walked out of the crowd.

“It’s Maori seniors.” Please come over here. ”

Nagapan Miyu only then discovers that it is Maori Kogoro.

Maori Kogoro stepped onto the stage and came to Miyuki’s side.

“Guys, the winner is Detective Maori Kogoro, let’s ask him to say a few words!”

Miyu Nagapan hands the microphone to Maori Kogoro.

“Now I can finally say goodbye to my car rental career~~”

Maori Kogoro smiled sheepishly as he grabbed the back of his head.

Caused laughter from the guests below the stage.

Guan Zu couldn’t help but smile, and he really deserved to be Maori Kogoro. In the original plot, the red sports car was driven by Conan to the roof swimming pool of Building B opposite.

Maori Kogoro’s dream of saying goodbye to car rental was shattered.

But now, Maori Kogoro should be able to really say goodbye to car rental career. Because the bombs in the banquet hall were all taken away by him.

Without the bomb, that red sports car would naturally not be destroyed.

After the mini-game ended, Guan Zu returned to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the building a few hundred meters away…

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