Chapter 257 He is just an upstart!!

Guan Zu stepped on the robber and waited for the police to arrive.

Xiao Lan had already called the police, and the recent patrol would soon come and take away the robbers who were lying on the ground and being trampled on by Guan Zu.

Just as several people were chatting and waiting for the patrol to come over.

A three-wheeled dwarf stopped at the side of the road.

An old man wearing a hard hat and goggles and a gray beard rides on a motorcycle.

Inside the guy next to the motorcycle sits a dog who is also wearing goggles!

“Oh? Isn’t this a garden? ”

The old man looked at Guan Zu.

Guan Zu and the others all looked at the garden around them.

Does the garden know this old man?

“Jiro Yoshidabur!?”

The garden looked at the old man riding on the three-wheeled nephew in surprise.

This is her great uncle!

Guan Zu looked at the old man in front of him unexpectedly, this is the uncle of the garden who has retired, and then has nothing to do, and carries out various challenges all over the world!?

It was this old man who seemed to regard the strange thief Kidd as an old enemy, right?

“Let me introduce you to you. This is my father’s cousin, an advisor to the Suzuki Foundation, and my great uncle. ”

Yuan Zi introduced himself to Guan Zu and others.

“Please also ask for more than 10 advice.”

Xiao Lan bowed politely.

“Please advise.”

Xiao Ai also behaved very politely.

“Please advise.”

Guan Zu only nodded slightly.

Although he was ready to accept the garden’s pursuit, he would not go to please the garden’s family because of this.

Moreover, the Suzuki Jiro Yoshi in front of him was only the uncle of the garden, not his parents and mother.


Jiro Suzuki is quite cheerful.

“By the way, Uncle, when did you come back?” I heard you left Sakura for a trip six months ago. ”

The garden looked at her uncle curiously.

“It was last week. I was wandering around the world and finally I found it, so I came back. ”

“That’s the best bait!”

Jiro Suzuki said confidently.



The four people of the garden, Xiaolan, Xiaolai and Conan, all showed a puzzled expression The bait that the garden’s uncle said, what is it?

Only Guan Zu’s eyes were a little strange.

The bait that the old man said would not be a gem to lure the monster thief Kidd, right? After all, this old man’s nemesis seems to be the only one of the strange thief Kidd, right? And it can make this old man pay so much attention, even if he is swinging around the world, but also to find the bait to lure the other party.

The only person who can make him pay so much attention is the strange thief Kidd.

“Hum ~ ~ the garden, you and your friends go to my house to see it ~ ~!”

Jiro Suzuki said with a triumphant smile.

It is true for everyone to solve the puzzle, and it is true to take everyone back to show off.

Old children, old children, talking about people like Jiro Suzuki.

Curious, everyone sits in Sekizu’s car and follows Hayashi Jiro to his home.

If it weren’t for the Suzuki family, this villa is really big.

The two houses that Guan Zu bought added up to the size of no one’s villa. This is true not only of the Jiro Suzuki family, but also of the garden family. One of the cloakrooms in the garden is larger than the living room of many people’s homes.

And the bedroom of the garden is even larger than the entire floor of Xiao Lan’s house.

This is the life of a really rich man.

Compared with them, Guan Zu can also be regarded as an upstart.

The group arrived at Jiro Suzuki’s house and was taken to his showroom by the little old man.

The showroom is full of display cases, booths.

A showroom, all caught up with the total area of Guan Zushi’s house.

“Wow, there are so many medals and trophies in there!”

“Golf European Open, and the U.S. Open!”

“And the World Burger Meat Fast Eating Championship!”

“You’ve all won championships!?”

Xiao Lan and Xiao Ai and the others were all stunned.

“What is this?”

Xiaolan noticed a model airplane inside the display case.

“The champion of a human-powered plane flying the Earth for a week?”

Xiao Wei looked at the name plate in front of the model airplane and looked surprised.

This old man is really powerful! It’s really a hobby of rich people.

Sekizu looked at this showroom of Jiro Suzuki.

Inside each display case, Jiro Suzuki won various trophies, medals, and group photos of the time of the award.

It looks very powerful, but the value is actually not high.

Don’t look at those trophies, medals or whatever, it’s all made of gold and silver.

But it’s all plating.

The value is not high at all.

If the display case in this showroom is filled with all kinds of antiques, works of art and the like, then he may consider whether to rob this place

But now, Guan Zu had no such thoughts at all.

These medals and trophies may be valuable to Jiro Suzuki, and can even be regarded as priceless.

But for Guan Zu, it is a complete pile of broken copper and iron, worthless Emmm… Nor can it be said that it is all rags.

Guan Zu saw something that was somewhat familiar.

It was a golden statue of a goddess with a sapphire larger than a fist in its right hand.

Judging from the posture of this statue, it seems to be a statue of the bow of a sailing ship from the previous sailing age.

Previously found on the island of the gods, the pirate ship of the female pirate, the bow of the ship also has a similar statue.

But what makes Guan Zu care most is the familiarity!

The things in Jiro Suzuki’s house can also make Guan Zu feel familiar.

So this statue with a jewel is probably something used to lure Kidd, right?

After all, the target of the strange thief Kidd is a variety of precious gems.

And only in this way would Guan Zu feel that the statue of the goddess holding the jewel was familiar.

“Huh? Has this statue existed before? ”

The garden also noticed the statue of the goddess.

“Oh, that statue was from the nautical age of piracy in the past, decorated on the bow of a ship called the Goddess of the Sea, as a symbolic symbol, a statue of a goddess made of gold.”

Jiro Suzuki looked at the statue and explained.

“What is held high in her right hand, which is said to have been transformed from the tears of a mermaid, is said to have a legendary treasure that prevents shipwrecks, and can be said to be a miracle of the sea.”

“Hence the name Blue Miracle.”

Jiro Suzuki said.

Xiao Lan and Xiao Ai also came to the side of the garden and looked curiously at the statue holding the gem.

Sure enough, no woman can refuse a sparkling treasure.

“I think it’s also very valuable in art, so I bought it at a very high price.” It was just delivered here last week. ”

Jiro Suzuki explains.

“Is it difficult, Uncle Da, the bait you just said is this?”

The garden looked curiously at her uncle.

“That’s right, that’s the bait! Bait for fishing for that guy! ”

Jiro Suzuki looked at the statue in front of him and said with a deep look.

“Who is that?”

The garden looked curious.

“If I’m not mistaken, I’m going to blame Kidd.”

Guan Zu touched his chin and looked at the statue in front of him.

The statue is made of gold throughout, and then holds up a sapphire larger than a fist.

This is worth more than a dozen or two billion to say the least.

When the strange thief Kidd moved, could he intervene a hand?

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