Chapter 259: The Strange Thief Kidd also wants to live forever?!!

Akimi Miyano made breakfast, and together with Xiao Ai, brought breakfast to the table

The three of them sat around the table and enjoyed a tasteless breakfast.

“Zu, did you read today’s morning paper?”

Akimi Miyano looked at Guan Zu and asked.

“Well, look. That Suzuki Jiro Yoshi is really rich and willful, and actually bought the front page of so many newspapers to give the strange thief Kidd the guy a war book. ”

Guan Zu said while eating.

“That is to say, this Jiro Suzuki is the great uncle of the garden, right?” He’s really generous. ”

Akimi Miyano had the expression of a melon-eating crowd.

“After all, it is a big consortium, and this money is only a small meaning to them.”

“Moreover, this old man’s war book to the strange thief Kidd with such a big fanfare, whether the strange thief Kidd has gone or not, it is also a big advertisement for his museum.”

“The popularity of the strange thief Kidd is not small, and the old man Jiro Suzuki is worthy of being an adviser to the Suzuki Foundation, and his business acumen is really good.”

Guan Zu commented.

The businessman hyped up the means, and he also saw a lot before the crossing.

As long as you can increase your vision, businessmen can come out of everything.

Spend some money in the newspaper to fight the strange thief Kidd, using both the newspaper and the strange thief Kidd.

It can be said that it is a one-dollar and two harvests.

“Blame Kidd wouldn’t have gone, right?” The Suzuki Foundation is so rich, and the great uncle of the garden dares to put a war post on the newspaper, and must be fully prepared. ”

“Shouldn’t the strange thief Kidd be stupid enough to throw himself into the net?”

Akimi Miyano analyzed.

For example, she robbed a cash truck before.

If the bank is fully prepared, it will certainly not be used

People have set up a circle, just wait for you to come to the door, and then do it, isn’t that a fool?

“True Knowledge, you guessed wrong, the strange thief Kidd will definitely go.”

Guan Zu looked at Akimi Miyano and said.

“The strange thief Kidd will not dare to come to the door to steal things because he is ready for the target.”

“After all, every time Kidd makes an action, he sends a preview letter to the target.” Theoretically, the goal of each action he takes can be prepared for everything. ”

Sekizu refuted Akimi Miyano’s views.

“That’s what it says.”

Miyano thought for a moment and then nodded

This strange thief Kidd and ordinary thieves are really not very similar.

You can’t think about it with common sense.

“You know Kidd quite well.”

The little mourner on the side looked at Guan Zu strangely and said.

Zi looked at the two men and said.

Just now, when her sister said that the strange thief Kidd would not go, she was ready to tell her sister that the strange thief Kidd had actually accepted the battle book of Jiro Suzuki.

“Just now I was chatting with the garden, and the garden said that two hours ago, her uncle had received an email from the strange thief Kidd, saying that he would go to the appointment.”

“The garden said, the guy who blames Kidd seems to be going to explore the terrain this Saturday.”

Xiao Lai took the chopsticks and looked at the two of them and said.

“Did the strange thief Kidd really take on this challenge?”

Akimi Miyano was a little surprised.

This strange thief Kidd’s boldness is really big.

In other words, she would certainly not act at this time.

However, it is precisely because of this that the strange thief Kidd will be called the strange thief.

“You see, this is the email sent by the strange thief Kidd to Uncle Garden.”

The garden forwarded a copy to me and Xiao Lan.

Xiao Ai opened the mobile phone email and handed it to Akimi Miyano to read.


Akimi Miyano took the phone curiously.

“Since it was your proposal, I gladly accepted it. I will act at 8 p.m. on April 12. Forgive me, the night before I would have gone to explore the local terrain first. Blame the thief on Kidd. ”

Akimi Miyano read the email sent by the strange thief Kidd.

Sekizu continues to eat his own breakfast, but Miyano reads the e-mail of the strange thief Kidd, and he listens to it too.

One day in advance, go to the terrain this Saturday, that is, the official action on Sunday is it.

Now that you know the time, the next action can be well planned and planned.

Whether the blue miracle can be taken away and then let the blame thief Kidd bear the charge this time, it depends on this action.

“There’s a note behind that.”

Xiao Wei turned to the side and pointed to the email on the mobile phone.


Akimi Miyano continued to turn the page.

“To be more apt for the name of the Blue Miracle, I will take this gem with the walking past. What does this mean? ”

Akimi Kanno was suspicious.

With the past of walking, how can the name Blue Miracle be appropriate? The corners of Guan Zu’s mouth were slightly raised.

Hearing this, he already remembered what kind of cultivation method the strange thief Kidd would use.

This ‘walking’ does not mean walking on the ground, but walking in the air or walking in the air.

If the strange thief Kidd really walks through the air without the help of any props.

Then this can indeed be called a miracle, and it does fit the name blue miracle.

After all, the sky is blue.

However, the strange thief Kidd uses props, so at best it is a magic trick, not a miracle.

But for other unsuspecting people, it can also be called a miracle.

Since the strange thief Kidd has already said such a thing, should he also imitate this trick?

After all, the words have already been spoken, and if you don’t have to go to the past at that time, you will feel that he is the right person, the same.

Although he himself is a ‘candidate’.

“I said you, what’s going on in your head?” Wouldn’t it be that she wanted to rob her uncle’s blue miracle in the garden on the day of the strange thief Kidd’s action?? ”

Xiao Ai noticed the abnormality of Guan Zu’s expression again.

It was clear what was being planned.

“Hey hey ~~”

Guan Zu did not admit or deny it, but shifted the topic away.

“Do you know why the strange thief Kidd only likes to steal gems?” And every time he successfully stole the gem, he would return the gem to the owner in a few days. ”

Guan Zu looked at the two with a smile on his face and asked.


Miyano Akimi’s curiosity was indeed hooked.

Because this kind of behavior of the strange thief Kidd is not normal at all.

For money? No way, if that’s the case, you won’t get your stuff back in a few days.

Probably, just for fun.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be called a strange thief by the world.

“Probably just because I like gems, right?” And the guy who blames Kidd should still be a performative personality, like the feeling of being in the limelight, but also like excitement and so on. ”

Xiao Wei analyzed.

The attention of both of them was indeed diverted by Guan Zu.

“Legend has it that there is a gemstone that can make people immortal. And there is an organization that is looking for this gem all over the world. ”

Guan Zu looked at the two people in front of him and said.


Hearing Guan Zu’s words, both Miyano Akimi and Xiao Ai were shocked.

There are also organizations with the same purpose as the Black Organization!??

It’s just that one tries to live forever through drugs, while the other tries to live forever through gems??

Wouldn’t it be true that Kidd the Strange Thief was a member of that organization!?? He also wanted to live forever!??

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