After meeting Mikoto that day with the Uchiha clan, Wanming didn't go to Uchiha much.

On the contrary, Mikoto, the little girl, will deliberately find a virtual song to play when she goes shopping with adults.

In the words of the little girl, Wuming was her first friend outside the clan.

Therefore, it must be especially rare.

Uchiha's elders also simply threw Mikoto to Wanmei, let it go directly, and then went to Wannaru's house to pick Mikoto up after he finished his errands or went shopping for leisure.

"Have I become a nursery?" Humming felt depressed for a while.


Mikoto on the side was playing a puzzle and raised her little face blankly when she heard this.

"I didn't say yours, play yours." Humming waved his hand.

"Oh." Mikoto answered obediently, looking down and continuing to think about where to put the puzzle piece in her hand.

Humming looked at her focused look and sighed helplessly.

What can I do, I think I have an extra sister.

Mikoto, who is only three years old, really makes him unable to think about anything else.

But this soft little face feels really good.

Humming smiled and reached out and squeezed it, and turned upstairs, he also had his own book to read.

"Remember to call me when you eat."

Mikoto didn't move, even if her face was pinched, she didn't move her gaze for half a minute.

It was only when he went upstairs that he shouted.

"Got it, I have already ordered a roast pigeon at the shop in Akimichi, and I will take you to eat it." Humming said as he went up to the second floor.

In just one week, the relationship between the two of them was as harmonious as two siblings.

This traverser, in the field of 'eating', is too much ahead of the Hokage world.

Snakes, frogs, pigeons, yellow eels, crayfish, cicada chrysalis, pigs in the water, etc., let Xiao Meiqin, who foraging with him, open his eyes and call Humming a gourmet immortal!

Then behind the humor, there is an extra little ass worm.


Enter the room.

Humming sat at the table and rubbed his face.

He flipped through one of his notes, looking at the various miscellaneous and miscellaneous contents recorded on it, and his expression became thoughtful.

'Spiral pills, Chidori...'

'The most brilliant technique in the two original works has been learned by Orochimaru, and I have also received a lot of feedback, and my strength has improved a lot. ’

This shows that my plan is effective. ’

Humming groaned, his fingers tapping lightly on the notebook.

The question now, the next time 'seedlings are boosted', what should I guide the big snake pill to learn?

He had seen Hokage and knew a lot of techniques.

But not all powerful ninjutsu are suitable for the big snake pill.

At least for the big snake pill, which is only 10 years old now, some high-end operations such as cell transplantation, gene cloning, and soul transfer are absolutely impossible.

So, it's time to go back to the technique itself. ’

But it can only be ordinary ninjutsu, not the blood succession limit, because I don't understand the blood succession limit. ’

Thinking of this, Wuming couldn't help scratching his head.

If he knew the cultivation methods of Dust and Magnetic Escape, he could teach it to the Great Snake Pill.

It's a pity that in the original work, only these two blood succession limits are revealed, one is developed by the second generation of Tuying, and the other is the third generation of Wind Shadow groped out from Ichio, and the detailed content is missing.

So, let's do it anyway. ’

Huming picked up the pen and drew a circle on the note.

The content in the circle is a word.

- Yang Dun.



After lunch.

Ignoring the little girl's longing eyes, Wanming threw this little fart back to the Uchiha clan, and gave her a copy of Chakra's personal experience of cultivation by the way.

Although it is useless, there are a lot of similar books Yu Zhibo.

But the vain heart effectively increased Mikoto's burden.

Seeing the little girl reluctantly being pulled to study by the elders, Wuming almost couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, happiness is built on the pain of others.

"I've been a little tired of this little guy lately, so let's wait for her to grow up a little and then play with it." Humming muttered to himself and left the Uchiha clan.

He walked towards the ape flying family.

More precisely, it was his teacher Sarutobi who chopped the family.

Recently, Orochimaru has been soaked in the library, sorting out the ninja seal materials obtained from Uchiha and the Senju clan.

This kid didn't go to school either, and he was bent on writing a serious book.

"Big Snake Pill, how's the progress going?"

Huming walked into the library and greeted the people inside.

"The amount of work was too large, and it felt like it needed to be completed in 'years'." Orochimaru raised his head when he heard this, rubbed his eyes, and said with a tired face.

"Then why don't you outsource it?" Humming asked.

"Outsourced?" Orochimaru looked puzzled, hearing the word for the first time.

"Yes, that is, you entrust some boring and repetitive things to other people, you just need to organize the data at the end." Humming explained.

While this is not a common meaning of outsourcing, it doesn't matter if it is used this way.

As Qiu Ming explained, the big snake pill was stunned.

Good for a while.

He just woke up like a dream, and let out a long breath.

"Yes, it can be outsourced..."

Orochimaru muttered, revealing an admiring expression to Wanming.

"Humming, or your thinking is flexible enough."

"Of course!" Humming smiled slightly, and at the same time secretly prayed in his heart for the ninja in Konoha Village.

"Speaking of which, you shouldn't just come to me to say 'outsourcing'." Orochimaru got up and walked aside, took a clean towel and wiped his face.

In an instant, his eyes became heavy.

The whole person's mental outlook was refreshed and full of excitement.

"Is there a new idea of ninjutsu?" Orochimaru stared at Void and asked.

Humming nodded with a smile and said, "That's right, but this time it's not a ninjutsu, but a complete set of ninjutsu." "

"A complete set of ninjutsu?"

The big snake pill was startled, and then his eyes were like torches, and his eyes lit up with a terrifying essence.

"Then I definitely can't miss it."

As he spoke, Orochimaru licked his lips, as if a person suffering from thirst had finally seen manna, revealing an expression of great longing.

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