In the Land of Fire, in the village of Konoha Shinobi.

After experiencing the siege of Nine Tails, Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato died in battle, and Third Generation regained the position of Hokage.

Among the back mountains of the Uchiha family!

A young man stands here!


Following the young man's low shout, a white halo of energy enveloped the young man's palm!

Then, he punched the sky violently.

The air on the fist is directly compressed into a cone-shaped air cannon, rushing into the sky!


The white halo on the fist seems to have smashed the space.

The whole sky made a sound like breaking glass.

The huge energy directly turned into a gust of wind blowing around, tearing apart the clouds in the sky!

In an instant, there is no cloud in the sky!

On the ground, a circular open space with a diameter of about 50 meters appeared around the young man, and the trees that originally grew on it were uprooted by the strong wind!

After a while, the young man withdrew his movements with an expression of excitement on his face.

The youth is none other than Uchiha Mingye, a time traveler.

Looking at the masterpiece in front of him, Mingye couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction. Such a powerful fruit really deserves to be Shock Fruit!

Like other traversers, Mingye also has his own system.

The ability of this fruit naturally comes from the system!

The function of the system is also very simple, Mingye can get some character templates by completing tasks.

The source of the character templates are the characters in some animation film and television works that Mingye had seen in his previous life!

For example, the template Mingye uses now is 【Edward Newgate】!

"System, open the personal panel!"


Host: Uchiha Mingye

System: God-level character template

Current template: Edward Newgate

Fusion progress: 80%


It has been a while since Mingye came to this world. In the past days, Mingye successfully increased the template integration progress of Whitebeard to 80%.

It also unlocks Shock Fruit's ability at 80% progress.

Since then, Mingye has mastered all the abilities of Whitebeard!

The difference is only the strength of ability!

For example, the various Haki of Whitebeard have been unlocked long ago, and Mingye has already memorized it!

But Shock Fruit is only unlocked today, so Mingye is not very skilled.

The native Mingye who was thinking about Shock Fruit smiled slightly.

In Observation Haki's perception, someone is approaching here!

It's just that this person's strength is not strong, and it can even be said to be very weak.

Mingye frowned slightly, basically no one would come to disturb his cultivation on weekdays.


Something happened to the family!

"Master Mingye, it's not good,"

"Some people are making trouble in the land!"

"The patriarch is... confronting them!"

The person who came was wearing clothes with the Uchiha family crest, so one could tell at a glance that he was from the Uchiha family.

It seemed that he was a little panicked and stuttered!

"Don't worry, speak slowly!"

Mingye's indifferent words came over, as if there was an inexplicable force, which calmed down the ninja's emotions all of a sudden.

"People from the Sarutobi family came here with a large number of ninjas from other families, saying that the Nine Tails demon fox was secretly instigated by Uchiha, and asked Uchiha to hand over half of the family property and the rights of the Konoha Guard to compensate everyone for the loss. "

Mingye squinted, Sarutobi family?

Isn't this the family of Third Hokage? Doesn't Third Hokage know about this? Or is that what he meant?

According to the original plot, it seems that the upper class of Konoha is going to attack the Uchiha clan!

As for the so-called Nine Tails demon fox, it is even more of a joke.

If the current Uchiha family really has the ability to control Nine Tails, this group of people might not even have time to run away! There is also the courage to come to the door and ask for compensation.

I'm afraid the compensation is false, and it is true that the Uchiha clan will be suppressed in the name of compensation!

"Master Mingye, the other party has already broken into the clan's land. If he does it lightly, he may directly offend Lord Third Hokage. The patriarch has already sent someone to pass the news to Third Hokage."

Mingye shook his head slightly, maybe it was the Third Generation's acquiescence.

If you dare to resist and take action against the Sarutobi family, I am afraid that you will be in trouble with the Third Generation!

If you don't resist, then just take this opportunity to directly annex part of the Uchiha family's property.

What a good idea!

It's a pity that you met Uchiha Mingye, although he is not from this world, and he doesn't have any sense of belonging to Uchiha,

But no matter what, the Uchiha family took care of him for a while during his most difficult time.

"Today is just a shot, so let's treat it as a favor!" Mingye said to himself.

When the ninja wanted to say something more, he looked up and found that Mingye's people had disappeared without a trace.


ps: For the new book issue, everyone's support is very important to me. The author will try to update it every day. If you have free flowers, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets, please vote!


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