People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

010 Terrifying Shock Fruit, Fragmented Susanoo【Ask For Flowers And Rewards】

The moment Mingye swung his fist, it seemed as if he had hit some entity.

The entire frozen space is like glass, with terrifying cracks appearing.

The crack continued to extend forward with Mingye's fist as the center.

There was a tooth-piercing cracking sound immediately.

A terrifying force suddenly spread out! ! !

The emerald green in Susanoo's hand was like a piece of glass hit by a stone.

Starting from the edge of the sword, it was cracked inch by inch.

But in a short while, the blade of the dark green long sword that exuded terrifying coercion was immediately full of cracks.

Shisui's face was filled with horror!

"How can it be????"

The horror on Fugaku's face can no longer be described!

It is an indescribably shocking color!

Then, under everyone's horrified eyes.

The green long sword shattered like a piece of cracked glass.

However, horrible things are still happening.

The crack didn't stop there, and continued along the hilt.



big arm...


Finally spread to Susanoo's whole body.

At this moment, the green giant is like a glass product full of cracks, as if any movement will cause it to be completely shattered into fragments all over the place.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Shisui felt that the whole world was turned upside down.

The Chakra in the body poured into the eyes crazily, trying to maintain Susanoo's shape~!


These actions have no effect.

In the end, under Uchiha's terrified eyes!

The emerald green Susanoo slowly shattered.

First, the head was broken into two halves along the crack, and one of them fell directly, hitting the ground and smashing into pieces.

After that, an arm was directly shattered! !

next to the chest

waist! !

In the end, the entire emerald-green giant was directly reduced to crumbs all over the place! !

Uchiha Shisui who looked like he saw a ghost in it was revealed.

The scarlet pupils kept trembling! !

He stared at Mingye who was still in the posture of punching out, his eyes were full of horror!

What he saw and heard today simply broke all his previous cognition.

Susanoo... unexpectedly... got punched...

It was broken! ! !

What kind of strength is this???

The faces of Fugaku and a group of old people on the side were also extremely shocked, their chests heaved violently, and they all panted heavily.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

What the hell did they see today???

A thing of myth, a thing that only exists in records, an invincible Susanoo.

It was smashed by a punch today! ! !

However, the more frightening thing is yet to come.

A forest behind Susanoo was immediately divided into several plates! !

Suddenly, the plate fluctuated violently, and the earth trembled violently.

Between the violent ups and downs of several plates, a terrifying fluctuation oscillated.

The strong vibration directly caused Fugaku and the others to fall to the ground.

The whole land was in a mess.

The huge fluctuations even spread tens of kilometers away.

The ground of Konoha Village trembled slightly.

There was also screams and chaos on the street, and countless ordinary people showed panic!

In the Hokage building, Third Generation was also surprised: "Could it be an earthquake?"

Danzo below also felt the slight vibration, and his expression changed immediately.

If there was an earthquake underground, he would probably be buried alive underground! !

The figure flashed immediately, and ran towards the exit! !

Countless people looked desperate.


It's Mingye's side.

Seeing the terrifying and destructive power he caused, Mingye was also a little surprised.

The power of this Shock Fruit obviously exceeded his expectations.

Such an ordinary punch is so powerful! !

Slowly withdraw his right fist.

Mingye let out a foul breath.

"Now, do you have any other hole cards?"

Mingye questioned Shisui in a flat voice, his breath still steady.

Even a piece of clothing on his body Kakuzu has never been stained with dust.

Shisui smiled miserably, and two lines of blood flowed out from his eyes, dripping down the corners of his eyes! !

Now he no longer has the confidence he had before! !

Mingye frowned slightly, and immediately noticed a few sneaky figures beside him.

A white halo appeared above the left fist again, turning into a ball of light and covering the fist.

Punch out! !


Several screams came out from the woods.

This time Mingye controlled his strength and did not cause large-scale damage.

"Hmph, people at the root dare to spy on me!!"

Mingye snorted coldly, and did not show mercy.

Then, he nodded to Fugaku.

Fugaku came back to his senses and smiled bitterly: "Okay, I'll deal with it now!"

It's not once or twice to handle these corpses for his cousin, and Fugaku is also very familiar with it.


After a while, Fugaku came back and nodded to Mingye, indicating that the processing was over.

Mingye nodded slightly: "Take Shisui back!"

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PS: Brothers, the data on the first day of the new book is too important, everyone who has flowers, please vote for the little author!

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