People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

003. Mingye Comes Out And Cancels It Directly【Seeking Flowers】

Just when Uchiha Fugaku was a little desperate, a familiar breath appeared in his perception.


A frightening fist light directly hit the center of the venue at a speed that made it difficult to dodge.

The terrifying energy vibrated instantly.

The plaza made of marble seems to have been hit by a meteorite.

Under the huge impact, cracks like spider webs appeared instantly.

Then, it burst open.

A huge cloud of dust directly flooded the entire venue, enveloping everyone in it.


Sarutobi Shinnosuke coughed violently, and because he was a little close to the center of the field, he was directly blown away by the strong wind.

He took several mouthfuls of dust in his mouth.

After recovering, Yuan Fei Xinzhisuke looked very angry.

As Third Hokage's own son, he had never been treated like this.

Let alone being beaten, no one dared to scold him except Third Generation.

"Bastard, what the hell did that bastard do? Do you know who I am?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke immediately yelled and cursed.

Although the smoke hadn't dissipated, he could already see a vague figure standing in the center of the field.

Then, a gust of wind blew by.

The smoke cleared, revealing one of the youths with a very good appearance.

This person is Mingye!

Mingye looked at the embarrassed Sarutobi Shinnosuke indifferently, with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

For such a waste, Mingye is not even interested in talking to him.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke was furious immediately, no one had dared to show such an expression in front of him before.

This is simply insulting him.


Laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the doorway.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke didn't notice anything wrong, but Fugaku's pupils shrank.

Judging from Mingye's speed just now, I'm afraid...

His strength has become stronger again!

Back then, he claimed to be the closest ninja to a Kage-level powerhouse. What is his current strength?

Could it be that Kage-level has been reached?

Thinking of this, Fugaku's expression immediately became agitated. If Mingye really had Kage-level strength, then his Uchiha clan would not be so bullied.

"Asshole, do you know who I am? Why don't you answer my words?"

Mingye looked at the bouncing clown in front of him, and his expression suddenly became a little impatient.

With a movement of his body, he disappeared in place.

Everyone was stunned immediately, and started looking around!

Immediately, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's scalp exploded, and he looked at Mingye in front of him with horror, the hairs on his body stood on end.

He suddenly found that Mingye had appeared in front of him without him even noticing.

Although he is ignorant, he is still a ninja. The speed of the other party is simply beyond his cognition.

If the other party really wanted to kill him, he probably didn't even have the strength to resist.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke swallowed his saliva, and said with some fear: "My father is Third Hokage, if you dare to attack me, the consequences..."

The words are not finished yet.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke was directly held up by Mingye's neck with one hand.

"You just called me an asshole??"

Mingye's face was expressionless, and the killing intent contained in his voice made Sarutobi Shinnosuke a little frightened.

He could feel that Mingye's killing intent was real, and Mingye would really kill him.


The instinct to survive made him swallow the threatening words in his mouth, and he uttered two words with some difficulty.

He could feel that the hands around his neck were getting tighter and tighter!

It even made it hard for him to breathe.

At this moment, the people who were knocked to the ground also reacted, and looked at Mingye with expressions of shock and anger.

It's unimaginable that someone treats Hokage's son like this in Konoha.

"Let go of Shinnosuke-sama, or Third Hokage will never let you go!"

"Send someone to rule Third Hokage, something big is going to happen!"

"He's from the Uchiha family, and I've seen him go into the Uchiha clan before."


The group of people who came with Sarutobi Shinnosuke immediately panicked, and one of them who was quite calm came out.

"No matter who you are, please put down Sarutobi, everything is negotiable!"

This person is the son of Utatane Koharu, the elder of Konoha, and he can be regarded as one of the main personnel in this incident.

Mingye shook her head slightly: "I hate people threatening me the most!"

Immediately, a white halo appeared on Mingye's right hand, and a frightening aura came out from it.

The face of Sarutobi Shinnosuke, who was grasped by Mingye's right hand, immediately turned pale. He was the closest, and he could clearly perceive how terrifying the energy inside was.

If it really erupts, I am afraid that even one life is not enough.

"Don't...don't kill me, my father ordered me to do it!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke immediately pissed in fright, shaking like chaff all over.

Fugaku's face on the side was also a little frightened. If Mingye really killed him, I'm afraid they Uchiha would never be able to stay in Konoha again.

Immediately stepped forward to persuade Mingye to give up the idea of ​​killing.

"Mingye, don't kill him now, otherwise, we will be in trouble!"

Mingye looked at the surrounding crowd, and couldn't help but frown. Although he didn't care about Third Generation's revenge, it would be bad if he involved the Uchiha clan!

After thinking for a while, Mingye made a decision.


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