People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

043. Obito Appears, Danzo's Fangs Show 【Flower Request】

Danzo was not idle at this time, he was thinking about how to deal with the Uchiha clan, after all, the more things like eyeballs, the better.

For Danzo with Izanaki, one eyeball is one life!

It's just that Danzo encountered a strange thing today, he found a strange person.

Wearing a strange one-eyed mask and long hair like a hedgehog, this weirdo came up and claimed to be Uchiha Madara.

Danzo immediately smiled disdainfully in his heart, doesn't he know if Madara is dead or not?

After all, he was the one who saw Madara's body, okay?

It's just that this guy's profile really piqued Danzo's interest.

It doesn't matter if you are Uchiha Madara, what matters is that you are very good!

In the moment of the simple fight just now, Danzo knew the identity of this person, he was the one who attacked Konoha with Nine Tails back then.

During the Nine Tails siege that year, Danzo did not appear from the beginning to the end. The reason is very simple, he was just quietly accumulating strength.

But by coincidence, he discovered the scene where the Fourth Generation was fighting with the man in front of him.

Only since then, Danzo has always remembered this person's aura, until today when he met him, Danzo immediately recognized the familiar aura.

And that powerful space ninjutsu.

Danzo immediately had a new idea in mind.

"How about you and I join forces and destroy the Uchiha clan together?"

Danzo looked at Uchiha Obito in front of him and offered to invite him.

Danzo knew that this person must have hatred for Konoha, otherwise, how could he have driven Nine Tails to attack Konoha!

And this person doesn't care about the Uchiha clan, otherwise how could the whole village see Nine Tails being controlled by Mangekyō!

Didn't this throw the shit pot on the head of the Uchiha clan all at once!

Therefore, Danzo is very confident in his proposal.

Under the mask, Uchiha Obito looked indifferent. He just stopped by to see Lin's grave today, but he happened to be bumped into by Danzo.

And as soon as he came up, he invited himself to kill the Uchiha clan.

But just as Danzo thought, Obito also doesn't care about the Uchiha family anymore. After the North Uchiha Madara taught,

Obito just wants to change this world, a world full of wars and killings.

Since the Uchiha family is the largest family in Konoha, if it is wiped out at this time, it will definitely weaken Konoha's strength to the greatest extent.

This may be helpful for future planning.

So Obito is ready to agree to Danzo's invitation.


Danzo was overjoyed immediately, and now he has recruited a powerful helper, and Mingye is not in the village at this time.

In this way, Uchiha's ending can be said to be doomed.

"But I have two conditions!"

"First, let go of a child named Uchiha Sasuke!"

"Second, the corpses of the Uchiha clan must stay in Konoha!"

Danzo said viciously.

After thinking for a while, Obito agreed to Danzo's proposal.

It's not a big deal to let go of a child.

He doesn't care about corpses or anything like that.

As long as it can weaken Konoha's strength by the way, it is always a good thing.

"Okay, see you then!"

The space twisted in a spiral, and Uchiha Obito disappeared from Danzo's sight.

Danzo suddenly smiled sinisterly, his face full of greed.

He seems to have seen a dozen pairs of Sharingan waiting for him.

Deliberately requesting to leave the body is also for this purpose.

As for, Uchiha Sasuke!

If it weren't for Itachi's strong request, Danzo would have been too lazy to bother.

Thinking of Mingye coming back ten or two days later to find that one of the boss's Uchiha clan just disappeared, what expression should he have on his face?

Danzo immediately looked forward to it.

Afterwards, Danzo didn't delay too much, went back to the base directly, and set off for Hokage's office with Itachi.


In Hokage's office.

All the high-level members of Konoha gathered together.

Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Hokage assists Shimura Danzō!

The two elders of the advisory group are Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura.

Konoha F4 plus a Uchiha Itachi.

"The news that the Uchiha family intends to rebel has been confirmed, I think this time we must act first!"

Danzo threw out a document and threw it in front of Third Generation.

The so-called evidence of treason is naturally fabricated by Danzo, and it is nothing more than a face-saving procedure.

By the way, it's just to deceive the ignorant Itachi.

The third generation result file, opened it and glanced casually, then handed the file to the two elders beside him.

After the three of them checked the documents, they all had strange expressions on their faces.

Based on their years of experience, the authenticity of this document can be seen at a glance.

But all three of them maintained a tacit understanding, and none of them denied the document.

Third Generation has been unhappy with Uchiha for a long time, delaying his control of Konoha, and the hateful Uchiha Mingye has made him ugly several times.

Now that Danzo is willing to be the villain, he is not happy! However, he still forcibly put on a cautious look on his face.

Not to mention the other two elders of the advisory group, Utatane Koharu was directly punched by Mingye and lay on the bed for half a month.

Mitokado Homura was only contradicted a few times by Mingye.

Of course, Mingye is secondary, what they really value is the power vacuum left after the demise of the Uchiha clan.

Third Generation pretended to be deep and said: "Danzo, if this is true, it would be too unbelievable. Can you ensure the authenticity of the information?"

Danzo scolded the old fox inwardly, and at this time, he would still blame him. If he guarantees the authenticity of the information today.

If there is no problem after that day, he, Third Generation, was just misled by the information provided by Danzo.

And he, Danzo, will take all the responsibility.

But Danzo didn't argue too much at this time, and nodded directly.

Let's get the eyeballs of the Uchiha clan first, and then we can talk about the responsibilities in the future.

Maybe it's time for him to Danzo for Hokage.

After seeing Danzo's promise, Third Generation nodded in satisfaction: "Since that's the case, let you, Itachi, be responsible for this matter!"

"You know how to choose between the village and the family!"

When Itachi on the side saw that Third Generation also confirmed the news that Uchiha was planning to rebel, he immediately despaired.

Konoha's high-level executives are all here, so they can't just lie to him!

He also went out with Yi Rong to inquire secretly before, but Mingye killed Shisui and even threw out the broken forehead protector.

Itachi even used Hypnosis to hypnosis that person, but the answer was still the same!

Combining the pictures seen today, Itachi can already confirm that the Uchiha clan has rebelled against Konoha!

Thinking of Shisui's last wish, thinking of the will of fire, Itachi finally nodded

"I have only one request, let Sasuke go!"

Third Generation nodded: "I will let Kakashi assist you, Danzo, go and plan it!"

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