People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

050. Death Of Utatane Koharu, Mingye Fed Directly To The Dog

Mingye, who was played later, looked at the two bluffing people in front of him, and suddenly became a little confused.

However, he was not interested in talking nonsense with these two old things, and with another slap, the double-headed devil dog under his crotch turned into a black lightning and rushed towards the two.

At this moment, when the two heard the roar of the magic dog behind them, three souls came out of their bodies and seven souls ascended to heaven.

Immediately ran to the edge of the barrier, bombarded the barrier vigorously, and finally called Kakashi continuously.

Now Kakashi is their last hope.

It's a pity they were desperate.

At the beginning, this enchantment could even block Mingye's [Fire Style Great Fireball Technique] with a layer of strength.

And Third Generation said that this thing can withstand a blow from Nine Tails head-on.

How could it be possible for these two old fellows of mediocre strength to break through so easily?

As for the sound, it is even more impenetrable. As long as the barrier is opened, the inside and outside are completely isolated.

Of course, it is true for others.

Not so for Kakashi, who is responsible for opening the barrier, which contains his Chakra.

He can have some weak sense of enchantment.

If the current Kakashi is on the alert and perceives carefully, he will be able to hear the cries of Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura.

It's a pity that Kakashi is still thinking about Naruto's problem, and he hasn't rested for several days, so his mind is not on the enchantment at all.

In this way, the spatial distance between Kakashi and the two is only one or two meters.

But the distance of one or two meters seems to never be crossed.

The two immediately despaired.

At this time, Mingye also came close to the two of them.

Looking at Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura, who looked desperate, Mingye smiled brightly and said, "You two, it's almost time to get on the road!"

The two-headed devil dog under him opened its mouth wide, and a stream of stinky saliva sprayed directly on the faces of the two of them.

The two looked at the minced meat in the mouth of the magic dog, and a look of horror appeared on their faces.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't want to die!"

Mitokado Homura immediately fell to his knees, tears and snot all streaming down his nose.

With a panicked look on his face, he doesn't look like an elder of the Konoha Advisory Group.

Seeing Mitokado Homura who kept kowtowing, Mingye suddenly felt a little bored. If the two resisted, Mingye might still have some interest.

After all, what's the point of attacking two people who don't resist?

Mingye's eyes turned to Utatane Koharu, who was on the side, and looked at her with a playful face.

After noticing Mingye's gaze, Utatane Koharu's body trembled, and his body immediately went limp.

He looked at the sky in despair.

He's just greedy, not stupid.

According to his understanding of Mingye's behavior style, it is absolutely impossible for him to let himself go today.

Rather than wishing to die like Mitokado Homura, it would be better to die with dignity.

Mingye couldn't help but take a look at this woman, she can face death calmly, she can be regarded as a character to some extent.


The magic dog below roared, and the huge sound wave directly shook the heads of the two of them blank.

Utatane Koharu, who was originally expressionless, immediately peed in fright.

That's right, it literally means, scared to pee! !

Mingye immediately gave her a contemptuous look, she was indeed a soft-legged shrimp.

Afterwards, Mingye didn't talk too much nonsense, and patted the two-headed magic dog directly, signaling that it was time to serve dinner.

The two-headed demon dog roared excitedly, biting a person with one head.

The two of them didn't even resist. It seemed that they were scared out of their wits by Mingye.

Immediately, the two-headed magic dog ran back with its own food, ready to find a place where no one was around to enjoy it.

These two old things are not even interested in letting Mingye do it.

"Ah... ah..."

The screams were endless.

At this time, Kakashi outside the barrier seemed to have sensed something.

"It seems that there is a dog barking again???"

Kakashi wondered to himself.

Then, as if he remembered something important, he should go in with the two elders of the advisory group.

Why did you stay outside alone?

What if something happens to the two elders?

At this moment, Kakashi is still thinking about protecting Konoha's senior management. After all, he hasn't got a definite answer yet.


Kakashi made several very complicated gestures.

A portal with a height of one person appeared on the barrier again.

Afterwards, Kakashi rushed in directly, ready to see what was going on inside.

He also had no idea what was going on with the Uchiha clan.

It's just that as soon as he entered, he seemed to hear something screaming, very shrill.

Then, Mingye was found standing here.

Kakashi's face was also shocked, he had asked before, Mingye should be on a mission, why did he appear here.

"You must have lost that bitterness!"

Mingye glanced at Kakashi with admiration, and he was indeed a rare normal person in Konoha, who dared to report the news at this time.

Kakashi was also calm, nodded and admitted directly!

"Master Mingye has met the two elders, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura?"

Mingye shook his head, with an indifferent look on his face: "Who knows, maybe it was eaten by a dog!"

Kakashi's mouth twitched, was eaten by a dog? ? ?

If this is true, I am afraid that he, the Elite Jōnin, the captain of the Anbu squad, will be gone immediately.

He might even receive a more severe punishment.

"Master Mingye really knows how to joke!!"

Mingye glanced at Kakashi and didn't explain anything. Although he admired Kakashi, Mingye was not interested in explaining to others.

Seeing Mingye's expression, Kakashi suddenly had a bad idea in his heart.

Mingye probably didn't lie to him!

I thought I heard a dog barking before.

Could it be that the two elders were really eaten by dogs?

"Hurry up and remove this enchantment, it's annoying to see!!"

Mingye said directly to Kakashi, and then the figure disappeared.

He has no interest in wrangling Kakashi here right now.

Kakashi, who was still sluggish in place, looked a little hesitant.

Do you want to report your conjecture to Hokage-sama?

Kakashi is hesitating!

But after a moment, Kakashi dropped the idea.

After all, I have no evidence and no witnesses in my hands.

Go out and tell people that the two elders who are two of the four people with the highest power in Konoha were eaten by dogs, who will listen to themselves?

Third Generation may think of themselves as mentally ill!

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