Tsunade left the [Konoha Psychiatric Hospital], the more he thought about it, the more wronged he felt. Who dared to speak to him like that since he was a child.

When he was young, he was surrounded by First Hokage's grandfather, who would dare to be fierce to him? Second Hokage loves him even more.

When he grew up, he had a master named Third Hokage behind him, and his talent began to show, and his strength grew extremely fast. Who would dare to give him face?

Those who dare to give him face are only enemies on the battlefield, and the end of this person is very miserable.

However, only this Mingye dared to scare him like this.

I have to say, I am afraid that it is difficult for people who have only read the original work to imagine that Tsunade will have such a little girl side.

But in fact, Tsunade is also a woman, and she used to be very gentle, but in order to maintain Hokage's majesty, she had to show her strongest side.

But on weekdays, when he didn't become Hokage, Tsunade was still unwilling to do so.

After returning to the residence, Tsunade directly threw the microscope Mingye gave him aside, not interested in studying it at all.

After taking a shower, I went to sleep beautifully.

However, at night Tsunade had a nightmare directly, the dream was very special,

He actually dreamed that Mingye smiled at him, and opened his arms, waiting for him.

Tsunade unexpectedly opened his arms unconsciously and rushed up, but when he was about to touch it.

wake up! !

Tsunade, who was sleeping on the bed, immediately clamped his legs in disbelief.

"Bastard, why do you always dream about this nasty guy in your dreams!"

Tsunade gritted his teeth and said.

The reason is naturally very simple, because he has never seen a man like Mingye.

There are not many men around her who can be compared with him, but the only two men are both strange.

Orochimaru is not nearly feminine!

Jiraiya is too horny!

Moreover, Tsunade thinks he is no worse than these two people, so he has never had any feelings for them!

So, Tsunade has been single for so many years.

But Mingye is different, she can feel that Mingye's strength is very terrifying, and even has the feeling of facing her grandfather, Senju Hashirama.

Most importantly, he is so handsome! !

Strong and handsome, who doesn't like it? ?

If I had met Mingye sooner, maybe Kato Dan wouldn't have mattered! !

At this moment, Tsunade suddenly remembered the thing called a microscope that Mingye gave him.

Out of curiosity, Tsunade immediately got out of bed and fiddled with it.

But I don’t know if I don’t look at it, I’m startled when I look at it! !

Tsunade was immediately taken aback by the little thing in his hand.

I kept zooming in just now, zooming in and out.

First I saw the cells, which is fine, Tsunade already knew about the existence of cells.

Furthermore, Tsunade actually saw the scene inside the cell. Although it was a little blurry, he still saw some unusual things clearly.

She found that the cell was actually like an egg, and there was something like egg yolk inside.

This discovery was immediately shocking! ! !

As the best medical ninja in the world, Tsunade understands how shocking what he saw would be to the whole world! !

Tsunade couldn't help murmuring: "What kind of man is he???"

Looking at this exquisite gadget in her hand, she only felt that she was about to fall.

In the past, the ninja world did not have things similar to microscopes, but the magnification was very limited, and it was not easy to see cells.

But Mingye unexpectedly came up with a better thing that surpassed the ninja world for hundreds of years.

Handsome, strong, and knowledgeable! !

Why is there such a perfect man in the world? ?

She felt like she was going to fall!


Early the next morning, Tsunade rushed to 【Konoha Mental Hospital】.

The look on his face was a bit haggard, and he didn't sleep well last night.

In the first half of the night, I had sex dreams, and in the second half of the night, I was directly shocked by Mingye's microscope and couldn't sleep.

But Tsunade carefully dressed up today, but she also covered it up.

Remembering what Mingye said about recruiting the vice president, Tsunade ran over directly.

No matter from that point of view, he couldn't find a reason to refuse.

For the sake of publicity, she will definitely be able to get closer to the essence of life by following Mingye, and medical ninjutsu will definitely make a qualitative leap.

For the sake of selfishness, she is also willing to get closer to a man like Mingye in the exam. Who doesn't like such a man? .

This time, Tsunade chose to knock.

"bang bang bang"

"Come in!"

Inside, Mingye is discussing with Orochimaru how to treat Shisui, whether it is better to open the cranium or use high-voltage electrical stimulation.

The two have yet to reach a conclusion.

After hearing someone knock on the door, Mingye Observation Haki swept away and immediately found Tsunade.

Mingye immediately looked at Tsunade jokingly: "Don't kick the door this time?"

I saw Tsunade in Orochimaru's shocked look, Tsunade actually showed a shy look, and his face turned red for a rare time.

After looking at Tsunade, a sentence suddenly appeared in Mingye's mind!

"Your son's pectoralis major is so exaggerated?"

Shaking his head inwardly, he threw out some irrelevant thoughts.

"Would you like to be my vice president?"

Mingye asked straight to the point, although Tsunade is really good looking, but Mingye has no interest in talking nonsense with Tsunade.

After all, women will only slow down my ability to draw a knife! Women are evil!

Mentioning this brought Tsunade back to his senses immediately.

"I agree, but Mr. Mingye, you have to teach me these physiological knowledge and lead me to explore the origin of life!! I want to improve my medical ninjutsu!!"

Mingye frowned, why did this sound so strange?

"Okay, since you have come to be my vice president, then this knowledge should be considered as your reward!"

"However, I have to say my ugly words first!"

"From now on, you, Tsunade, are my Mingye's people!"

As soon as Mingye said this, Tsunade was stunned. Was it so direct?

Don't you let me think about it?

Tsunade immediately showed a coy look on his face, with his hands behind his back, his two thumbs kept circling.

Seeing Tsunade's expression, Mingye also knew that the other party had misunderstood.

"In the future, you will be my Uchiha Mingye's people first, and then you will be Konoha's people. Everything must be respected by me and obey my orders, understand?"

Mingye added.

Tsunade was suddenly embarrassed. It turned out that he had misunderstood it, and he didn't mean it at all.

While I was relieved, I also felt a little disappointed.

However, he immediately became worried.

"But, Hokage-sama is my teacher, Konoha is also very important to me!!"

Tsunade said hesitantly.

A hint of ridicule flashed in Mingye's eyes: "Is it interesting to work for your enemy?"

As soon as these words came out, all four were shocked! ! !

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PS: For the new book issue, everyone's support is very important to me. The author will try to update it every day. If you have free flowers, monthly tickets, and recommendation tickets, please vote!

This book is very important to the author, and I hope everyone can support it.

Thank you [Moon Night] for another big award, thank you very much, thank you for your support!

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