People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

058. When The Contract Is Reached, Nine Tails Roars To The Sky【Subscribe】

The voice fell, and there was a dead silence in the dark room.

Several other people stared at Mingye nervously, although they wanted to ask if Mingye was joking, how many years had the Fourth Generation been dead, and they had even seen the corpse of the Fourth Generation with their own eyes.

How is it possible to see the Fourth Generation again? Unless the dead are resurrected!

But on this occasion, they can only hold back the doubts in their hearts.

After a while of silence, the talisman paper with the word "seal" on it twisted immediately.


"I knew that such a day would come, but I didn't expect it to come so soon!"

A figure came out from the middle.

Blonde hair, light blue pupils, wearing a Hokage cloak, with a Hexi smile on his face.

This person is none other than Namikaze Minato.

Everyone looked at this figure, and their eyes suddenly became excited.

Little Naruto even had tears in his eyes, although he was still not sure if he was related to the person in front of him by blood.

But the throbbing that comes from the depths of the blood is unmistakable.

Perhaps, the father he had been looking for for a long time was standing in front of him at this moment.

Orochimaru and Tsunade's emotions were fairly stable. After all, they could be regarded as people who have seen strong winds and waves. Their emotions were not too excited, and they just nodded at Minato.

Kakashi rushed forward and knelt down in front of Fourth Generation.


His face was full of excitement, and even his hands trembled slightly.

Fourth Generation smiled gently: "It's Kakashi! They are already so tall!"

At the same time, he patted Kakashi on the shoulder with his hand.

After the two briefly greeted each other, their eyes refocused on Mingye.

After Fourth Generation looked at Mingye slightly for a moment, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that after I left, such a strong man would appear in the village again! What a happy thing!"

Seeing Namikaze Minato's still bright smile in front of him, Mingye was deeply moved, and then pushed Naruto forward who was hiding behind her.

"Meet your son!"

Tsunade and Kakashi watched the Fourth Generation nervously. They hoped to hear an affirmative answer from the innermost part of the Fourth Generation, but they did not want an affirmative answer.

Heart is very tangled.

If Naruto wasn't a child of the Fourth Generation, then everything would be over and the village wouldn't be as dark as they thought.

If Naruto is the child of the Fourth Generation, then the Fourth Generation can have a child to stay, and they are naturally very happy.

However, this issue does not illustrate the darkness of the village in disguise.

The two watched silently without saying anything.

"Naruto has grown so tall!"

With a warm smile on his face, Fourth Generation stepped forward to touch Naruto's head.

I haven't seen my son for many years, so I miss him very much!

Some people are happy and some are sad.

The father and son here want to see each other, but Kakashi and Tsunade on the other side just feel dizzy.

It was dark in front of his eyes, and he almost passed out directly.

Naruto, is really the child of Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato!!!

So why does Third Hokage hide this truth??

Why let the children of Fourth Hokage grow up amidst the discrimination and exclusion in the village??

Is it true that as Mingye said, everything was manipulated by the Third Generation in secret??

Suddenly, a surprising scene appeared.

Naruto dodged the Fourth Generation's hand directly, and ran behind Mingye, looking at the Fourth Generation angrily.

Fourth Generation's hand touching Naruto immediately froze in mid-air, and the smile on his face also froze!

Looking at Naruto with a look of surprise, he said in disbelief: "That's so much, why?"

Naruto didn't speak, just grabbed Mingye's clothes tightly and looked at Fourth Generation resentfully.

"Hey, Kakashi, explain yourself!"

Mingye shook his head, he could understand Naruto's thoughts.

The grievances, exclusion, and discrimination received over the years have all been attributed to Fourth Generation by Naruto. After all, Naruto is too young now, and he doesn't understand many reasons.

He only knows now that he is the son of Fourth Hokage, but he is regarded as a monster in the village.

Naruto has resentment in his heart, he complains why the Fourth Generation is Hokage, but he has such a difficult life.

Therefore, the current Fourth Generation is actually regarded as an object of venting by Naruto.

Kakashi hesitated, and he didn't know how to say some words.

But after a while, Kakashi still gritted his teeth and said: "Naruto is regarded as a monster in the village, and has been isolated by people..."

"Eating expired instant noodles, living in a dilapidated and damp house..."

"When we came to see Naruto today, he was almost beaten by people in the village...

"Later, Mr. Mingye instructed me to come and find Naruto..."

After Kakashi finished speaking, Fourth Generation was furious!!!

But he still forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, gritted his teeth and said, "What about Third Hokage? I entrusted him to take care of Naruto back then!!"

Kakashi suddenly sighed: "Third Hokage has never said this to the outside world!!"


An unknown fire rose from the depths of Fourth Generation's heart, and the surrounding water was immediately washed away by the terrifying momentum.

But what followed was that a huge sadness enveloped the Fourth Generation in an instant.

I ran all my life for the village, and even sacrificed my life in the end. As a result, Third Generation couldn't even take care of my son.

"Naruto, I'm sorry!"

"I am sorry that you, the Fourth Hokage, have been wronged so much."

Fourth Generation's face was a little gloomy, he really couldn't imagine how Naruto got here all these years.

"Kakashi, I hope you can help me take care of Naruto in the future!"

Kakashi nodded immediately: "Don't worry, Sensei!"

"This should be Uchiha Mingye. I'm really glad that Konoha has a strong man like you, who prevented the village from splitting up in time!"

Fourth Generation once again turned its attention to Mingye.

After Kakashi's narration, the Fourth Generation also understood Mingye's identity, and at the same time had a certain understanding of what Mingye did.

Mingye nodded calmly.

"No matter what you decide to do, I just hope you don't hurt the ordinary people in Konoha, after all, they are innocent!"

At the last minute, "Fourth Generation still has Konoha Village in mind.

Mingye also had to admire this point, at least he couldn't sacrifice his life for the village, and even after knowing how the people in the village treated his children, he could still think about the village wholeheartedly.

Afterwards, the body of the Fourth Generation began to dissipate slowly, and there was not much Chakra left in the past, and it could not persist for too long.

"Well, no matter what, I hope you grow up healthy and happy!"

A warm smile appeared on Fourth Generation's face, and then slowly dissipated into the air.

Naruto suddenly became anxious, rushed out from behind Mingye, and ran towards the direction of the Fourth Generation.

Unfortunately, the figure of the Fourth Generation has completely disappeared into thin air.

"Okay, everyone, the time for reminiscing about the past is over, now it's time to get down to business!"

Mingye clapped his hands and focused everyone's attention on himself.

They were not brought to this place for anything else.

The first is to let Tsunade completely give up his naive thoughts, and honestly be the vice president for himself.

Second, it is for the unfinished mission [The Ugly Third Generation]!

Although the Third Generation won't come to trouble me anymore, but I still have to complete this task, otherwise where will I get the reward?

Wouldn't it be a great opportunity to release this Nine Tails now, if Nine Tails were released to confront Third Generation.

At the same time, Naruto's identity was directly exposed.

It is estimated that this task can be successfully completed!

As for whether Nine Tails will mess around after going out, there is no need to worry about this.

Mingye moved forward, and immediately disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of the prison door.

"Kurama, how about we make a deal?"

Mingye's voice echoed in the empty dark room, everyone looked at Mingye suspiciously, not understanding what he was going to do.

At this time, in the dark seal, those blood-red pupils full of killing once again appeared on the minister of darkness.

"I let you out, but you need to testify to me about one thing!"

A trace of doubt flashed in the blood-red pupils, let him out so easily?

In fact, the Nine Tails demon fox is not really afraid of Mingye, it's just that it's sealed inside, so it's futile to say more, so Nine Tails doesn't want to talk too much nonsense,

...asking for flowers...0

"Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen you know it!"

After hearing this name, a flash of memory flashed in the blood-red eyes.

In Naruto's body, Nine Tails has seen Third Generation many times, so he is no stranger.

Afterwards, the pupils became bigger and bigger, and a huge fox head slowly emerged from the shadows.

It seems that the flame of resentment is burning on the body, and it looks very scary!

"Humans, state your purpose!"

Mingye smiled slightly: "It's very simple, you just need to tell what you know, how the Third Generation planned Naruto, and Naruto's identity, and it's done!"

"So you're willing to let me out? Are you...sure...sure?"

Nine Tails' voice was slow and deep.

In this dark seal, it is always looking for when it will be able to get out, so it pays special attention to the movement of the outside world, to see if there is a chance to break through the seal.

As long as Naruto doesn't learn how to use Chakra to limit Nine Tails' field of vision, Five Tails can see the specific situation of the outside world through Naruto's eyes.

So it is also very clear what the Third Generation is doing.

Even the attitude of the people in the village towards Naruto is very familiar.

Nine Tails has been waiting for Naruto to grow up, and then tells Naruto these things, hoping to use these things to control Naruto's emotions, directly blacken Naruto, and let Naruto break the seal.

But the current Naruto is too young, he can't even condense Chakra, and he can't even enter the seal, so there's no way to break the seal!


If Mingye can tear the seal directly, then there is no need to wait for Naruto to grow up.

A hint of emotion flashed in Nine Tails' eyes, but he still had doubts.

"Human, how do you guarantee what you say?"

Mingye smiled coldly: "I don't need to promise anything, as long as you promise, I will release you directly, and you are the one who needs to guarantee!"

Nine Tails was shocked, how could someone be so stupid???

Let him out without restricting him?

Really think he Nine Tails is a kitten!

There was a hint of mockery in Nine Tails' eyes, it seemed that this was just another guy who came to tease him.

"Okay, I promise in the name of Nine Tails, as long as you dare to lift the seal, I will

Will testify for you!"

Mingye chuckled, a trace of mockery flashed across his face!

Meanwhile, the Anbu ninja who was previously in charge of monitoring Naruto returned far behind Mingye and the others.

Immediately went back and reported the situation to Third Generation.

After Third Generation heard that Mingye led a group of people to find Naruto, his heart sank immediately.

Although I don't know why Mingye went to Naruto, but no matter what, the Nine Tails in Naruto's body must not be released.

Once Nine Tails has any problems, I'm afraid his Hokage will be over.

After all, if Nine Tails came out, the village would be gone, so why would he be a Hokage!

Moreover, Naruto's identity must never be exposed, once the identities of the Fourth Generation's parent and child are exposed.

So how should he explain all this to the Konoha people?


Third Generation cursed angrily, originally he planned to train another "Namikaze Minato" as his successor.

This candidate is Naruto!

Originally planning to live a few more days, Third Generation went directly to deliver some delicious food to Naruto, and slowly developed a relationship with Naruto.

At that time, Naruto will naturally trust him and be willing to believe in the "will of fire", and then there will be another powerful ninja who can fascinate the village to death.

Then his Third Generation's rule will be longer.

However, this Uchiha Mingye disrupted everything.

The furious Third Generation immediately sent someone to inform Danzo, and he immediately changed into a combat uniform. Now the situation can no longer allow him to hide behind the scenes.

If he is not careful, he will be ruined!

PS: The author's hand speed is not fast, and basically no manuscripts have been saved. Today, I will post while writing, about 20,000 words,

-- and one.

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