People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

065. Tsunade's Misunderstanding, Mingye Took A Breath【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

After solving the problem of Third Generation's admission to the hospital, Mingye returned to his office, ready to take a good look at the rewards he had received.

When Third Generation was admitted to the hospital, the system gave him a chance to draw a lottery.

"Draw the lottery now!"

A colorful turntable immediately spun, this time Mingye stared hard at the turntable, hoping to see something from above.

However, he was soon disappointed. When he stared at the turntable, he found that his eyes were like a 1000-degree myopic eye, and he still didn't wear glasses.

"Congratulations to Host for getting Whitebeard template integration +5%!"

"The current integration rate is 95%!!"

Mingye squinted his eyes, feeling the changes in his body, and immediately showed a satisfied expression on his face.

Although there is a Sage Body now, the strength of the Whitebeard template is definitely not bad, even if it is Senju Hashirama who closed the peak state of the year.

Whitebeard's strength is not lost at all.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Come in!"

The one who entered was Tsunade!

But today's Tsunade is a bit special, instead of the loose casual clothes of the past, he changed into a kimono.

And it seems to have a little makeup on.

The whole person looks very delicate, and under the background of the kimono belt, the whole figure presents an S-shaped appearance!

Mingye couldn't help but take a second look.

Perhaps because he sensed Mingye's gaze, Tsunade's face turned slightly rosy, but his expression was still normal, not like some little girls who are twitchy!

"What's the matter?"

Perhaps it was because of the good things that were won in the lottery just now, Mingye's complexion was soft, and he was in a very happy mood!

"Mr. Mingye, after I go back and think about it carefully, I am willing to be your vice president!"

"In the past, my thinking was too simple, and I didn't see the true face of the village's high-level people.

"Now I am a little disappointed in the village, so I don't want to work for the village for the time being!"

Today's Tsunade's words are not as bold as in the past at all, but a lot more gentle, and the words spoken are waxy, which makes people feel very comfortable to listen to.

Mingye nodded, with a smile on his face: "Okay, now that you've figured it out, you'll be mine from now on... under my command!!"

Perhaps because he was a little distracted, Mingye almost said the wrong thing!

Tsunade nodded: "But, I have two conditions!"

"First, I hope Mingye-kun will help Konoha as much as possible if it is convenient in the future!"

Mingye nodded, this request is not too much, after all, he is also a Konoha now!

And the Uchiha clan is also in Konoha, even if you don't care about Konoha, you still have to control the Uchiha clan!

"Second, I hope Mr. Mingye can give me your knowledge!"

Mingye glanced at this woman in surprise, and said that this woman likes to gamble, but at present, this statement seems to be inaccurate!

If he likes to gamble, he should ask Mingye to open a casino for him!

But now she actually asks Mingye to teach him some biological knowledge, it seems that she still loves medicine more in her heart!

However, Mingye did shake his head slowly.

"Knowledge can be given to you, but it is absolutely impossible to give it to you so simply!"

Mingye didn't have any expression on his face, just looked at Tsunade in kimono with a playful face.

If I remember correctly, island country women seemed to be in a vacuum in ancient times!

It seems that no one invented such a thing as underwear in that era!

So, did someone in the ninja world invent such a thing?

Although Mingye didn't have any dirty thoughts in his mind, he just lost his mind for a while.

However, this look in Tsunade's eyes completely changed his taste.

Tsunade only knew that Mingye refused his request, and then kept focusing on a certain part of her body.

Tsunade was a little confused, although Mingye was strong, handsome, and excellent in strategy, but...

Tsunade's inner entanglements Mingye naturally did not know.

After recovering, Mingye thought Tsunade couldn't accept such a condition when he saw the changing expression on Tsunade's face!

Mingye just wants to use knowledge as Tsunade's wages.

You are the deputy dean now, do the work first, and I will teach some biological knowledge as a reward every month.

But what does that look on your face mean right now?

Want to gain direct access to all biology knowledge as soon as you join the job today?

Is there a boss in the world who will directly pay employees a year's salary as soon as they join the job? Unless the boss is a cerebral palsy!

Or the boss is your father!

But, is Mingye cerebral palsy? Is Mingye Tsunade's father?


So Mingye's expression became indifferent all of a sudden, this Tsunade still wants to be an empty-handed wolf?

"If this is your sincerity, then you can go out!"

There is no emotion in the voice, even a little cold!

Tsunade suddenly became a little flustered, and the originally cloudy look on his face disappeared immediately.

If Mingye is really fucked out today, I'm afraid she will never be able to come in again in the future!

Tsunade gritted his silver teeth, walked towards Mingye with a shy face.

Mingye raised his eyebrows, what was he doing? He was so angry that he wanted to be tough? But he didn't feel any killing intent!

Besides, why is there something wrong with the expression on Tsunade's face? What kind of expression is this? Aren't we talking about business today! It's not about dating.

Resisting the doubts in his heart, Mingye sat on the office chair without any movement.

He wants to see what Tsunade is up to!

After Tsunade walked in front of him, he said in a low voice: "Close your eyes!"

Mingye frowned, but did it anyway!

After all, in the 197 situation with the top Observation Haki, there is basically nothing to do if Mingye opens his eyes.

Just play with Tsunade and see what she can do!

Seeing that Mingye closed her eyes, Tsunade gritted her teeth and squatted down!!


Mingye suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air.

He immediately realized something was wrong, Tsunade seemed to have misunderstood something!

Tsunade doesn't think he is the kind of person who uses biological knowledge as a threat to take advantage of the fire!

Conscience, I was just discussing with Tsunade how to impart knowledge.

How did this thing develop in a strange direction?

However, now that the matter has developed to this point, Mingye can only sigh helplessly.

If you misunderstand, just misunderstand, if you stop now, wouldn't it be even more unclear!

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