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071. The Son Of Prophecy Turns Out To Be Mingye, Toad Sage Conjectures 【Subscription, Full Order】

"Uchiha Mingye..."

Great Toad Sage's face was startled, and even the half-closed eyes before were fully opened at this moment.

His eyes were full of seriousness.

The aura that was faintly present immediately became stronger, as if a world-shattering monster had awakened.

Toad Fukasaku and Jiraiya looked at Great Toad Sage in surprise. In their impression, it seemed that this was the first time Great Toad Sage had such a performance.

Even when the Ninja World War took place, Toad Sage never fluctuated at all.

But there was such a reaction today, and the two of them immediately became curious in their hearts, and they also became a little dignified.

For Great Toad Sage to have such a reaction, it means that this "Uchiha Mingye" must be something special.

In fact, the Great Toad Sage was predicting Uchiha Mingye's future just now while he was dozing off.

However, soon the Great Toad Sage felt something was wrong, the future of this Uchiha Mingye turned out to be a fog,

I can't see clearly at all, and even after a long time of prediction, I still feel dizzy!

Here's where the Great Toad Sage was amazed, this has never happened before.

However, as the prediction proceeded, the Great Toad Sage immediately discovered something that horrified him.

Uchiha Mingye has a very special aura, although it is very faint, but the Great Toad Sage can still feel it!

The kind of atmosphere that is out of tune with this world!

This breath made him a little frightened, he had sensed it on a woman in the past.

This woman is... Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Of course, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's two sons, Hagoromo and Hamura, also have some faint breath.

This is naturally brought about by the academy relationship between the three of them.

But why does Uchiha Mingye have this kind of breath?

Could it be that... this Uchiha Mingye has something to do with the Ōtsutsuki clan? Or is it a descendant of the Sage of Six Paths or Hamura?

And it's the kind of blood returning to the ancestors?

Great Toad Sage was talking to himself, as if he wanted to find a reasonable explanation for this situation.

However, after thinking for a while, the Great Toad Sage couldn't make up his mind.

At this moment, Jiraiya, who had been waiting all this time, was a little anxious, and her heart became a little nervous. Could it be that the Great Toad Sage can't solve this Uchiha Mingye?

"Toad Sage, what the hell happened?"

Great Toad Sage didn't answer, but was still in deep thought. At this moment, he remembered the prophecy he made in the past,

He once said that there would be such a person who would bring huge changes to the ninja world, but he has never been able to accurately locate this person.

Now this Uchiha Mingye happened to appear, isn't it too coincidental?

Or rather, Uchiha Mingye is the variable!!

The child of prophecy who is destined to bring changes to the ninja world!!

If Mingye knew what the Great Toad Sage was thinking, he would probably die speechless.

How can I reason and snatch the title of Naruto Prophet's Son?

As for the feeling of being out of tune with this world, it is naturally easy to explain. Ōtsutsuki Kaguya is not a native of this world, and neither is Mingye, although it is a soul that has traveled here, and many years have passed.

But it will more or less have some atmosphere of the original world, which is not surprising!

After Great Toad Sage thought carefully, he returned to his half-dead appearance before, and his voice sounded very weak.

"Jiraiya, maybe you have misunderstood many things, Uchiha Mingye is not your enemy!"

"He may be the Son of Prophecy!"

"So, you can't be his enemy, and you have to help him!"

As soon as this remark came out, Jiraiya was shocked!!!

Didn't I come here to ask Great Toad Sage to help me deal with Uchiha Mingye???

How does it feel that Great Toad Sage has become Uchiha Mingye's side? Instead, he has become a loner.

So what is he doing here?? Find a helper for Uchiha Mingye??

"Toad Sage, how could Uchiha Mingye be a child of language?"

Jiraiya immediately said in doubt, with a strong look of doubt on his face.

"Don't be rude!!" Fukasaku Toma immediately reprimanded Jiraiya: "The big master's hands and eyes are in the sky, how could something go wrong!"

Jiraiya stopped talking immediately, and the look on her face immediately returned to normal, but there was a trace of doubt in her eyes from time to time.

No matter what, he couldn't believe that Uchiha Mingye was the son of prophecy.

In comparison, Uchiha Mingye doesn't look like a savior. He contradicted Hokage many times back then, and didn't take the village's orders seriously.

Counting on such a person to change the world, Jiraiya dismissed the idea in the first place.

"Jiraiya, I already know about your teacher Uchiha Mingye is not at fault!"

"And, your teacher's life is not in danger now, don't worry too much!"

Great Toad Sage said slowly.

As soon as these words came out, Jiraiya blushed in a rare way. These days, he has indeed investigated what his teacher did.

According to the understanding of ordinary people, their teacher really deserves it.

I have the cheek to come here and beg Mount Myōboku to lend a helping hand, I am really ashamed!

However, Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what happened.

"Jiraiya, you must remember your mission!" Although Great Toad Sage spoke slowly, there was a sense of sternness in it.

There seems to be this magical magic in the voice, which can reach the deepest part of people's heart.

If Jiraiya is so indiscriminate between right and wrong, I am afraid that Great Toad Sage will also consider whether to continue to cultivate Jiraiya!

After all, how can a person with distorted values ​​guide the Son of Prophecy!

Jiraiya felt a chill in her heart, as if she suddenly woke up from something, she looked at herself with some doubts.

I was actually dazzled by hatred and did such a thing.

Jiraiya suddenly felt a little ashamed, she lowered her head and said nothing. Since she heard the news that the teacher was trapped, she seemed to have forgotten a lot of things.

Even the most basic concept of right and wrong seems to have been forgotten!

".w Toad Sage's teaching Jiraiya understands, I must keep my responsibilities in mind!"

I have to say that Jiraiya is still a person full of sense of justice, Toad Sage reminded him a little, and he woke up immediately!

"However, it is still uncertain whether Uchiha Mingye is the son of the prophecy, so you need to drink him and communicate with him, and verify it with your heart!"

"Also, watch out Danzo!"

The Great Toad Sage gave instructions right away!

Afterwards, the Great Toad Sage fell asleep, ignoring Jiraiya.

Seeing this scene, Jiraiya could only swallow the question that just came to her lips, and walked out with a puzzled expression.

"Attention Danzo? Right"

Isn't Danzo your teacher's comrade-in-arms? Pay attention to what he is doing?

Jiraiya is a bit confused!

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