People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

073. Tsunade’S Complaints, Zilai Instantly Bewildered

After traveling for a while, Jiraiya finally arrived at Konoha Village.

At this moment, instead of looking for Danzo first, he sneaked into the village secretly.

Anyway, he also wanted to understand, no matter whether Uchiha Mingye is the son of prophecy or not, he has no reason to find Uchiha Mingye for revenge.

Because Uchiha Mingye wiped away dust and brought hope to Konoha.

Even this dust is his own teacher, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But Jiraiya can only accept it, but is powerless to change anything.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to confirm whether Uchiha Mingye is the child of prophecy.

If Uchiha Mingye is the son of prophecy, then even if he spells his own name, he must be protected.

After wandering around the village for a while, Jiraiya got some~ news.

Immediately raised his footsteps and walked towards [Konoha Mental Hospital], where his teacher seemed to be.

Mingye is in the office at the moment, and Tsunade, as the vice-principal, is wearing a nurse uniform today, showing off her figure very much.

This is specially designed by Mingye!


After being tense, there was a burst of relaxation immediately, and Mingye let out a long breath.

I have to say that Tsunade's technique is really great, and his figure is also excellent in all aspects.

Choosing Tsunade as his vice president is simply a wise choice, no matter from the perspective of work or life.

Tsunade's face was a little rosy, her cheeks puffed out, she gave Mingye a resentful look, and then ran out quickly.

【Ding, release a new mission!】

[Evil Danzo: Shimura Danzō, who committed heinous crimes, is conspiring against the Uchiha clan. Please expose Danzo’s evil side to the Konoha people as soon as possible, subdue him, and imprison him in the Konoha Mental Hospital. 】

[Task Reward: Obtain a new template at random]

[Remarks: Danzo will no longer be rewarded repeatedly when he is admitted to a mental hospital this time!]

Mingye's eyes lit up immediately, after waiting for so long, finally a new task arrived,

And the task reward this time is actually a new template, which immediately attracted Mingye.

At this moment, Tsunade who ran out from Mingye's office happened to run into Jiraiya who sneaked in.

Seeing Jiraiya, Tsunade was startled, swallowed subconsciously, and swallowed half of what was in his mouth.

Then, Tsunade puffed out his cheeks and spat directly into the trash can next to him, spit out a mouthful of white "phlegm".

Jiraiya immediately greeted Tsunade: "Tsunade Ji, long time no see!"

A signature smile appeared on his face.

Tsunade took two breaths of fresh air, and felt a little bit of resentment towards Mingye in his heart, no matter how broad daylight it was, it was not easy.

"Jiraiya, why are you here? You didn't sneak in, did you?"

Tsunade was startled immediately, he restrained himself knowing what would happen to those who trespassed in this【Konoha Mental Hospital】if they were caught.

"Get out quickly, you can't just come in here!"

In line with the friendship of many years of comrades in arms, Tsunade immediately wanted Jiraiya to go out, so as not to end up bloody in time.

At this time, Mingye's voice came in.

"Let him in!"

In fact, Mingye had already discovered Jiraiya, otherwise he might have to play with Tsunade for a while, how could it be over so soon!

It's just that Mingye didn't expect Jiraiya to come to him at this time.

Tsunade nodded: "You go in first, I'll take care of other things!!"

Afterwards, he left in his warm nurse uniform.

Jiraiya took a deep breath and immediately walked into the office, but when passing the trash can.

He immediately smelled a somewhat familiar smell, and turned his head to see how the things in the trash can seemed familiar.

After combining this taste, Jiraiya immediately understood everything.

Unexpectedly, Tsunade also fell, Jiraiya was a little frustrated, he used to have some thoughts about Tsunade!

As a result, now let other people get ahead of them!

Shaking his head, he threw away these messy thoughts, now he has more important things to do.

The love between children can only be put aside first.

open the door!

Jiraiya immediately met the legendary Uchiha Mingye.

"My name is Jiraiya, a disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen!"

Take a deep breath, Jiraiya will give her family name first!

He also wanted to see how Uchiha Mingye would react when he heard that he was an apprentice of Third Generation.

After all, he is one of Sannin's famous, and the way of getting in is sneaky, maybe Mingye will think that he is here for revenge!

Mingye smiled faintly: "Jiraiya, I must know, you are very good, I appreciate you very much!"

Jiraiya was a little confused, how can I answer this?

……ask for flowers……

Why does it sound like an elder is praising the younger, and he doesn't seem to be surprised by his arrival at all?

Jiraiya took a deep breath: "Are you not afraid that I will shoot you?"

Mingye waved his hand indifferently: "You won't, I believe you!"

Jiraiya is also one of the few people in Hokage with a reasonable mind, at least she is a person with a simple sense of justice.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to lose your life in the end just to obtain information.

It's just that he has been deceived too deeply by the Third Generation. As long as he knows the real situation, Jiraiya will definitely know which side he should stand on.

I will never distort my own values ​​for the sake of the so-called master-student relationship!

After hearing Mingye's answer, Jiraiya became even more puzzled.

It's just the first time I met Uchiha Mingye, so I feel like he knows me very well.


Moreover, the strength of this Uchiha Mingye is unfathomable!!

I can't feel the slightest fluctuation of Chakra, it's hidden too deep!

After hesitating for a while, Jiraiya decided to get straight to the point.

"Danzo contacted me and planned to kill you together!!"

Jiraiya stared closely at Uchiha Mingye's face, hoping to see some surprised expression from it.

However, Jiraiya was disappointed.

As soon as Mingye heard this sentence, his face immediately showed excitement, and he laughed and said, "Where is Danzo?"

Unexpectedly, Danzo delivered to your door at this time!

Mingye was a little embarrassed, these Danzos had to use their own bodies to complete the task for themselves.

Jiraiya was suddenly dumbfounded, he found that his anxiety seemed unnecessary, and he was afraid that Danzo would murder Uchiha Mingye before.

Now it looks like the situation is reversed!

Danzo is the one who is scared and hunted by Uchiha Mingye!

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