People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

076. Grab Danzo And Exchange For Hokage【Please Subscribe, Please Customize】

At this moment, Danzo didn't know that he was being broadcast live, and he was still looking at the so-called "Secret Weapon of Mount Myōboku" with a salivating expression.

"Danzo, how are you going to kill Uchiha Mingye?"

Jiraiya asked in a deep voice, at the moment he was preparing to lure Danzo into today's topic.

After Danzo heard Jiraiya's words, he could only temporarily put away his greed for the crystal ball. After all, the main problem now is to solve the Uchiha clan.

"You and I join hands, and cooperate with the roots I have cultivated for many years, will we be able to completely eradicate the Uchiha clan?"

A ruthless look appeared on Danzo's face, and the holy will was undoubtedly revealed.

Jiraiya immediately pretended to be very surprised and said, "Didn't you agree to only deal with Uchiha Mingye? Why did you become the Uchiha family again?"

"Didn't you apologize to the Uchiha clan on behalf of the Konoha executives two days ago?"

Danzo's expression was gloomy, and there was a chill all over his body: "The previous apology was just to hold back Uchiha Mingye temporarily, otherwise I would not be like this!"

"If the Uchiha family hadn't been resisting, Sarutobi wouldn't have ended up where it is today. The Uchiha family must die!"

"Besides, you also know that I just took over Hokage's position from your teacher. I have to appease the public opinion first, just for the time being!"

A smile flashed in Jiraiya's eyes, that's what he wanted.

At this moment, the Konoha crowd who were watching Danzo through the stone wall were stunned!


Hokage-sama's previous behavior was just a show!!

Moreover, the Uchiha family is going to be wiped out!!

Immediately, the Hokage image created by Danzo, who was united, friendly, daring to admit mistakes, and brave to take responsibility, collapsed in an instant!

The crowd in Konoha felt like the sky was falling, and it was fine for the Third Hokage, but they didn’t expect the next Hokage to be like this!

However, the more frightening thing is yet to come.

Jiraiya then seduced Danzo, trying hard to get Danzo to tell more stories.

"I don't care about the Uchiha clan, I just want to know why Uchiha Mingye keeps targeting my teacher"?"

"It is said in the market that you have confessed to the crimes committed by the Third Generation. Why is that?"

After Danzo thought for a while, he didn't find anything wrong. It was normal for Jiraiya to ask this question, after all, it was something related to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Danzo put on a helpless look!

"Hey, do you know what's going on with Konoha now? It's just internal and external troubles. If Hokage doesn't come out to control the overall situation, Konoha will be even more dangerous!"

"Although I don't want to admit this fact, I still have to put the village first!"

Jiraiya sneered: "If this is the case, then Danzo, you are clean? Didn't you participate in the things that the teacher was sitting on?"

Danzo smiled coldly: "Sometimes, I have to take some special measures for the sake of the village, this is my way of ninja!"

Jiraiya secretly rejoiced, this is not equivalent to admitting in disguise that he and Third Generation are in the same boat!

"As for why Uchiha Mingye clashed with Sarutobi, the reason is very simple, he does not obey Sarutobi's orders!"

Jiraiya asked suspiciously: "I know this, but Uchiha Mingye seems to have never harmed the village, has he even made many outstanding contributions to the village? Why must the teacher target him?"

"Isn't Uchiha Mingye also implementing the meaning of fire!"

Danzo sneered in his heart, Sarutobi's apprentice is really one-sided, I don't know whether he is innocent or stupid!

"Jiraiya, you have to know that as a Hokage, the first condition for judging whether a person is useful or not is whether he obeys orders, and it has nothing to do with anything else!"

"After all, your teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen has a lot of things to consider. The so-called will of fire is just something to bluff people. It's just a catchphrase! 11

"You are Sarutobi's disciple, that is, my Danzo's disciple. I hope you can understand this. When I grow old, I will train you into a new generation of Hokage!"

Danzo tried his best to pretend to be a kind teacher, after all, now he has to rely on Jiraiya to deal with the Uchiha clan.

In the future, I may also be able to catch this line from Mount Myōboku through Jiraiya.

Therefore, Danzo attaches great importance to Jiraiya.

As for the so-called succession of Jiraiya, it is nothing more than drawing a big picture. Unless Danzo dies, it is absolutely impossible to step down from Hokage's position.

The Konoha people on the other side are completely out of their minds, as Hokage of the village of Konoha Shinobi in the Land of Fire, a supreme ruler!

Actually directly denied the "will of fire"!!!

This is the core value that the village relies on to cohere!

Now, their Hokage tells them that everything before was just a show.

Moreover, Danzo also admitted in disguise that he had something to do with the crimes committed by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Immediately, all the Konoha crowd and some low-level ninjas immediately became angry. They couldn't accept that what they had always regarded as ideals in their hearts was suddenly shattered.

Even, directly aimed this spearhead at Danzo.

"."You dare to publicly insult the will of fire, this is the will left by Master First Hokage, Danzo, he is not worthy to be Hokage!"

"Danzo is actually related to the crime committed by Sarutobi Hiruzen, then let Danzo be arrested and tried together, such a person must not be a Hokage!"

"Catch Danzo for Hokage!"

"Catch Danzo for Hokage!"

"Catch Danzo for Hokage!"

Hearing the shouts of ordinary people below, Mingye nodded in satisfaction, this is what he wanted.

The next thing is very simple, as long as you find Danzo directly, and then take it down.

Even if this task is completed!

Moreover, I can take advantage of the opportunity to change Konoha Village to an unobtrusive Hokage, so as to save the trouble of finding Uchiha here every day.

Just doing what he said, Mingye directly put back the small black box projector, and the picture on the stone wall disappeared immediately.

Then, the figure shot directly towards the place where Jiraiya was.

Under normal circumstances, he can't find Danzo, but now that he (good Li Zhao) has a mother device in his hand, where does Jiraiya have a daughter device.

There is a connection between the two, and the closer they are, the stronger the connection.

In this way, Mingye can easily find Danzo's hiding place!

A cruel smile appeared on Mingye's face, and it was time to admit Danzo, a psychopath with antisocial personality, to the hospital.

If Danzo resists too fiercely, then Mingye will take some violent measures too!

PS: Brothers, if you have a monthly pass, vote, this is really critical!

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Finally, Happy Chinese New Year at home!

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