People Are In Konoha, Get The Whitebeard Template At The Beginning

082. The Terror Pressure Of Mingye, The Final Decision Of The Hyuga Clan【Please Subscribe, Please Cu

Among the Hyuga family, the main tasks of the family are gathered here, but everyone's faces are not very good-looking.

As one of Konoha's big families, they have been directly threatened face to face for so many years.

Even if it was Cloud Shinobi, that was just secretly tripping them up.

If ordinary people dared to threaten them like this, they would have been on Konoha's S-rank kill list long ago.

However, facing Uchiha Mingye, everyone hesitated.

"Gentlemen, now that Danzo has been captured by Uchiha Mingye, the next Hokage is undecided, and Anbu has nothing to do with it.

"Now the most powerful force in the village is probably Uchiha!"

"Now, in the face of Uchiha Mingye's threat, what is the best way to deal with it, if you can't think of a way..."

Hyuga Hiashi's voice was low, with both hands tightly clutching his thighs, a look of humiliation appeared on his face.

No matter how problematic the branch house of their family is, it is their own family business, but now Uchiha Mingye, an outsider, came to intervene.

His patriarch's face was really ugly.

"Master patriarch, absolutely not, the branch house was originally created to protect the clan, it is to protect the family's blood inheritance!"

"Lord patriarch, the law of the ancestors is immutable!!!"

"Patriarch 290, Uchiha bullies people too much. I, the Hyuga clan, can't bully anyone. At worst, I will fight with the Uchiha clan!"

"Konoha has forgotten the original promise, the will of fire, this Konoha doesn't matter!!!"

Hyuga Hizashi remained silent, as the head of the branch house, no matter what he said at this time, he would be attacked by everyone.

After all, if Uchiha Mingye's request is successful, then he is the biggest beneficiary.

Facing the excitement and excitement of the clansmen, Hyuga Hiashi remained calm, not as angry as the others.

As the patriarch, what he thinks is far deeper than others.

"Everyone, has Yinjia ever thought about a question!"

"Even if we turn against Konoha, is there any village in the world willing to accept the Hyuga clan? Will other people worry that the Hyuga clan is Konoha's eyeliner?"

"Also, you won't forget about the matter of the Cloud Shadow Mission a few days ago, right? Don't you know how much outsiders covet the power of our Hyuga family's blood?"

"I'm afraid if we really go out, we will be the first to die!"

Hyuga Hiashi's words directly silenced everyone. Blood Successor Boundary is not only a gift (bfbi) given to them by God, but also a scourge.

With this thing on their body, there will be countless greedy eyes watching them wherever they go, and there are not a few who dare to make a move.

After leaving Konoha, can the lonely Hyuga clan stop the siege of wolves?

The answer is probably very obvious.

"Besides, since Uchiha Mingye dared to put down such harsh words, do you think he might have no cards? Could Uchiha Mingye not know about our situation today?"

"I'm afraid, in the entire Konoha, no one can punish the Uchiha clan anymore!!"

The expression on Hyuga Hiashi's face was a bit bitter. Back then, the Uchiha clan was almost dug out of the inner circle by Konoha's senior management.

Now that they have turned around, Konoha's top management has fallen into the hands of Uchiha Mingye one by one.

The faces of the members of the clan are also a little ugly. Up to now, they seem to be like frogs in warm water.

I watched the Uchiha clan become more and more powerful, until no one in the entire Konoha could compete with them.

"Master patriarch, I propose to accept Uchiha Mingye's proposal as the patriarch of the branch house!"

"At the same time, in order to express my heart, I am willing to resign as the head of the branch house. In addition, I am also willing to call on all the people in the branch house to give up all positions and start anew!"

At this time, Hyuga Hizashi can no longer keep silent, what is missing now is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

He knew that the members of the clan were still a little unwilling in their hearts, but as long as they put out some benefits to stop their mouths, the problem would surely be resolved.

Even if you pay all the branch house, it is worth it, as long as you can get a free agent, there will be unlimited possibilities in the future!

Hyuga Hiashi looked at his younger brother with some shame, while the eyes of other members of the clan brightened.

In the past, the people in the branch house held many important positions in the family business, and now the branch house is willing to donate all these things.

Doesn't it mean that one's relatives and descendants can obtain a large number of benefits.

With the terrifying pressure from Uchiha Mingye on the outside and the temptation of benefits from the branch house on the inside, many members of the clan were shaken.

Hyuga Hiashi said in a deep voice: "Now, there are two choices before everyone!"

"First, reject Uchiha Mingye's proposal. Since then, the Hyuga clan has turned against the Uchiha clan. The most serious consequence is being pushed out of Konoha and living alone in the ninja world!"

"Second, agree to Uchiha Mingye's proposal, the branch house is willing to give all the duties!"

"Those who agree with the first condition may stand up!"

The audience was silent!!

No one dares to bear such terrible consequences. After making this choice, if there is any mistake, it will be the end of family ruin.

"Those who agree with the second condition stand up!!"

Hyuga Hizashi stood up first, followed by the rest of the branch house.

After the rest of the clan hesitated for a while, they still stood up one after another. The matter had developed to this point, and they had no more choices.

Seeing this result, Hyuga Hizashi breathed a sigh of relief, he has always felt ashamed of his younger brother Hyuga Hizashi.

But I am also powerless to change the thoughts of many clan members, and I have always been powerless.

"Then, the matter has been decided like this, from now on the Hyuga clan will no longer be a branch house!!"

"I will find a way to undo the curse seal of Caged Bird. No one can use this curse seal anymore, and those who violate it will be expelled from the family!!"

After Hyuga Hiashi made the announcement, as if some burden had been lifted from his shoulders, he breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a hint of excitement on Hyuga Hizashi's face, like a Caged Bird that was about to get out of the cage and return to the blue sky.

Most importantly, his own son Neji is finally able to regain his health.

You don't have to bear such a tragic fate from birth!

After all, he has fulfilled his responsibilities as a father.

However, the main credit for this matter is still all on Uchiha Mingye,

Hyuga Hizashi is also extremely grateful to Uchiha Mingye.

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Neji has always been a regret in the author's heart, how can a genius be born as a sacrifice to others!

So the author wrote this chapter, it can be regarded as fulfilling a little personal wish!

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