People Are In Konoha, Sacrifice The Whole Uchiha Family At The Beginning

Chapter 80 The Curtain Opens! (Seeking Subscription)

The moment they saw Yeyue Rinnegan, Nagato and Konan's mind went blank!

The guy in front of him actually has these eyes!

And I have never heard of him using it in the ninja world!

This shows that even in the face of the coalition forces in Sannin Village, he did not go all out!

Similarly, after seeing these eyes, all doubts in their hearts disappeared.

Regardless of status or strength, Yeyue has no need to deceive them.

And if they hadn't come here with good intentions before, Yeyue wouldn't have been able to tell them these secrets!

Yeyue smiled, then put away Rinnegan, "It seems that you finally believe it!"

"so we……………

Konan pursed his lips, and there was a hint of trill in his hoarse voice.

Yeyue nodded indifferently, "It's cruel, but!"

"Your whole life has been planned by others."

Nagato and Konan were completely lost.

Since it's all calculations, then their dreams, their persistence, Yahiko's death...

What is all this?

Yeyue sighed: "The ninja world is like this, we can't predict our own destiny.

"So, we can only look forward and grasp the destiny of the future!"

Two lines of tears flowed from Nagato's closed eyes, as if remembering the past.

After a long time, he said sadly: "Thank you for telling us this."

"I thought I was the savior that Mr. Jiraiya said, and I could bring real peace to this world."

"Unexpectedly, in the end, everything about us turned into a joke...

Yeyue shook his head, "Don't thank me, it's your rational choice that gave you the truth."

"Since you know this now, stay in Konoha! Here, I can guarantee your safety."

Konan didn't speak, but looked at Nagato.

Although she knew this was the best solution, she respected Nagato's choice.

Nagato was silent for a moment, a look of fierceness flashed in his eyes, "No, I have to go back to the Land of Rain!"

"Since they've been plotting against me for so long, it's up to me to make the final break with them!"

Yeyue shrugged, "Then do whatever you want!"

He will not persuade Nagato redundantly, since Nagato has made a choice, it means that he has accepted the fate brought by this choice!

But at this time, Nagato hesitated and said: "But I have a small request, that is Konan..."

"I'll go back with you!"

Before Nagato could finish speaking, Konan interrupted him with a determined face!

Nagato opened his mouth, but under Konan's firm gaze, he still didn't say anything.

But he swore secretly in his heart: Even if he risked his life, he must keep Konan safe!

"In that case, good luck to you!"

After finding out why Nagato and Konan came here, Yeyue is not going to waste time here anymore.

After leaving a word, he used Flying Thunder God to return to Konoha instantly.

Nagato and Konan, who stayed where they were, looked at each other before turning back to Rain Shinobi Village to face their fate.

Time flies, and another month has passed...

During this month, Yeyue also played his bad taste and prepared a lot of tasks for Naruto, a batch of graduates.

While those Jōnin cultivated their teamwork skills, they also began to lead them to experience ninja missions.

Catch cats, find lost pets, harvest crops, grow crops...  

Originally, these little guys were still full of energy, but after boring tasks again and again, they quickly realized the irritability of life.

If they had known what being a Jōnin would do, they might as well have stayed in ninja school for two more years!

But Yeyue never tires of it.

This can be regarded as a rare flavoring agent that can pass the time after he is invincible.

Soon, came the last three days of the Chūnin exam.

Other ninja villages responded to Yeyue's order and brought the elite Genin of the village to Konoha one after another.

Each village has sent more than five teams, and they are all elites of the same generation in the village!

And the 'shadows' of each village, in order to maintain their last dignity in the future, have chosen to come back on the day the exam starts.

Except this guy...

Yeyue looked at Terumi Mei in front of her, feeling a little helpless in her heart.

"You are the shadow of a village, why did you come here so early?"

Terumi Mei smiled and said: "Why, we are not welcome?"

"Or, you don't like us interrupting your date with Sister Quan?"

"Huh!" Quan snorted coldly and turned his head away.

She doesn't know what Yeyue thinks, but she is very upset now!

After finally pulling Yeyue out to accompany her, the result was interrupted by Terumi Mei's arrival not long after.

How can she not be angry?

Quan gritted his teeth and thought: "Another Lang Hoof who covets Yeyue big brother......

'Besides, she still dared to call me sister... I was the one who came first!

Yeyue knew nothing about the resentment in Quan's heart.

But Terumi Mei's arrival, with a look of staying here and not leaving, made him very helpless.

He looked at the three children behind Terumi Mei and chattered, "Are they also here to take the exam?"

Terumi Mei nodded proudly, "The three of them are the best in the village!"

"Come here, say hello to Hokage!"

The three of them stepped forward immediately upon hearing this.

"Hokage-sama, I'm Kimimaro."

"Hokage-sama, I'm Chojuro."

"Master Hokage, I am Ghost Lantern Moon."

Yeyue hears this name, she is an acquaintance in the original book!

However, he felt the breath of Three Tails in Chojuro's body!

This is quite different from the original!

Yeyue said deeply: "It seems that you have dealt with Yagura very boldly!"

Terumi Mei smiled indifferently, "Just for safety's sake!"

She wasn't surprised that Yeyue saw through Changjuro's new Three Tails Jinchūriki identity.

And at this time, she will not foolishly suspect that Yeyue covets Three Tails.

At this time, Yeyue noticed that Quan had not spoken.

He turned his head and saw that Quan's face was covered with the words "unhappy"!

So Yeyue said: "You must be a little tired when you come to Konoha?"

"Anko, take the guests of Xunyin Village to their residences!"

"Whoosh!" Anko's figure suddenly appeared.

She reached out to Terumi Mei, "Please, Mizukage-sama!"

Terumi Mei smiled and nodded, "The three of them are still young, so they must be tired!"

"Then trouble you to take the three of them there, I will chat with Master Hokage for a while!"

Suddenly, Yeju felt that the smile on Terumi Mei's face was like a devil!

Could it be that she couldn't see clearly that she shouldn't appear now?

And Anko also looked at Yeyue with a face of embarrassment, his eyes were full of inquiries.

At this time Terumi Mei said again: "Speaking of which, last time you invited me to visit Konoha, but you left halfway..."

She brought up the incident with Danzo.

Terumi said nothing about this, Ye Qi could only say: "Then you come with us!"

Quan pouted when he heard the words, but did not refute Yeyue's words.

Seeing this, Terumi Mei was also delighted, anyway, she still has some status in Yeyue's heart.

As for why she is so eager to lean on Yeyue...

She is already 26!

Before trying to change Kirigakure, she didn't feel much, but now that she is free, she begins to realize that she is getting older and older.

If you don't find a boyfriend quickly, when she gets older, will no one want her?

But after seeing Yeyue, she really can't see other men.

Plus at the beginning...

That's why she clings to Yeyue so directly!

Afterwards, the three of them started their extremely weird shopping.

Quan and Terumi Mei compete secretly, but let Yeyue enjoy the blessings of being equal.

But in the end, Terumi Mei also found that she suffered more and more losses, and the atmosphere became strangely quiet for an instant.

Therefore, Yeyue can only announce that today's game is over.

"Hmph! That woman seems to have taken a fancy to Big Brother!"

On the way home, Yuan began to express the grievances in his heart.

"Haha... Really? You feel wrong, don't you?"

Of course, Yeyue can't be stupid enough to go along with this kind of thing, it's the correct way to say 'haha' and get away with it.

But at this moment, Quan stopped, and looked at Yeyue with dark eyes.

She pouted and said, "I'm fine, after all, apart from her, there are Samuel, Tsunade and the others."

0 looking for flowers......

"I just hope that Yeyue big brother doesn't ignore me because of them..."

Yeyue stepped forward and gently took her into his arms, and said softly: "Don't worry, you are the most indispensable to me!"

Time flies, and another three days have passed.

Konoha, which is getting more and more lively, ushered in the first Chūnin exam of this year!

Because of the particularity of this exam, Yeyue selected the best 20 teams from many Genin teams under the advice of others.

As for the others, you can only wait for the exam in the second half of the year.

Adding up other villages, there are exactly 30 participating teams.

In this way, 50 teams entered the test room for the first test.

As for the content of the exam, in order to avoid trouble, Ye naturally followed Konoha's tradition.

When the exam officially started, Yeyue took Tsunade and Izumi to the pre-arranged observation room.

Inside, Terumi Mei and the other four shadows have been waiting for a long time.

Yeyue pushed the door open and entered, and took the first seat under the gaze of the crowd.

He smiled and said, "Everyone, it's been a long time!"

The conference room was silent, and no one dared to stand up and respond first.

Among them, Terumi Mei was watching a movie, and the other three were because of embarrassment.

After all, they once joined forces and were beaten by Yeyue.

And most importantly, they have ghosts in their hearts!


After a long silence, Terumi Mei smiled and said:

"I would also like to thank Mr. Hokage for the invitation. This kind of event is probably the first time in the ninja world for thousands of years, right?"

Yeyue also smiled and said: "After all, people in the ninja world were very impetuous in the past, but now they can be stable."

As soon as these words came out, Onoki Sankage's complexion darkened again!

In the end, Ohnoki, who lived the longest, said: "The ninja world has Mr. Hokage in charge, so it will naturally maintain stability!"

It was a weak answer, but it was also Onoki's cover-up.

He didn't know if other villages cooperated with that 'Madara', but since he agreed, it was a bet on everything!

Before you get into trouble, you can better protect yourself with a little grievance!

But he didn't know that all of this was Yeyue's plan.

Yeyue didn't expose it, and said: "The ninja world is stable, but I don't know if the next generation still has a sense of crisis."

"So I held this special exam to see how the juniors are doing.


"Now, let's take a look at the performance of these little guys!"

With that said, a large screen appeared in the center of the table.

Konoha has reformed for so long, Yeyue will naturally not let go of the improvement of technology.

What's more, this kind of monitor already exists, but it was relatively backward before.

The situation of the examination room soon appeared on the screen.

Others temporarily let go of the complicated thoughts in their hearts and watched the candidates' performance.

In the examination room, as the elites of each village, they quickly realized the purpose of this examination.

Get intel and deliver intel!

As a result, the examinees used their own means, and the ability to show off can be seen everywhere.

Compared with the original, the level of excitement has almost doubled!

However, there are always those who are not good at this.

Such as Naruto, such as Cloud Shinobi Village has some guys with muscles in their heads.

But Naruto has two good teammates. With their current abilities, it is trivial to pass a few questions to Naruto.

In the end, until the closing time, only the two teams from Cloud Shinobi Village finally handed in a blank paper!

This also makes Fourth Raikage black!

They only came to a total of 7 teams, and two of them disappeared before the first test was over! (There are changes, the test results are not qualified, and they are not eligible to enter the second test)

After that, the examiner began to announce the tenth question according to the original work.

This time, everyone was stumped!

After all, under Yeyue's power, if you lose the chance to be promoted to Chūnin, you will naturally be Genin forever!

Even candidates from other ninja villages are terrified of this!

After all, with Yeyue's reputation, no one in the whole ninja world would dare to disobey his orders!

Thus, this test ended another 6 teams.

It wasn't until Naruto stood up that he built confidence for everyone like the original work!


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