But there are very few who can enter the Anbu.

Or don't let them die in vain.

"But in this way, you won't be able to get accurate information."

Qianshou Tobirama looked at Tian Yudao.

"It doesn't matter, I have now learned the technique of flying thunder god, and I have left the technique here in Konoha. If there is any danger, I will use the technique of flying thunder **** to bring Jiraiya back at any time. What's more, I I don’t think Beiyuhu will be stronger than me, and maybe we will have mysterious reinforcements.”

Tian Yu smiled.

Chapter 250 Negotiation, pursuit team

Akatsuki's Bai Jue's ability to gather intelligence is first-rate, and Obito must have known about the big battle of Bei Liuhu.

Obito is a very complicated person who lost confidence in the ninja world because of Rin's death.

Therefore, he chose the Eye of the Moon plan, and wanted to let all people get false peace from their dreams.

But treating Kakashi is still a little different. After all, no matter how much Obito tossed, he never wanted to get Kakashi's eye back.


Everyone was a little puzzled.

"It's a secret!"

Tian Yu smiled.

"Sir Tsunade, Kakashi asks to see you."

Outside the Hokage office.

Kakashi knocked on the door.

"come in."

Tsunade nodded.

Kakashi walked into Naruto's office.

Tian Yu looked at Kakashi, and he found that Kakashi had a puppet mark on his forehead.

This puppet mark is constantly eating away at Kakashi's consciousness.

When Kakashi's willpower can't resist, he will be controlled by the puppet and go to the place where Belyuu is.

"Lord Hokage, Tian Yu, this time Bei Liuhu is directed at me, so I hope this matter can be resolved by me."

Kakashi had a short knife on his back at this time.

Obviously, Kakashi's recent swordsmanship practice is good. Although he has lost it for so many years, after practicing for a few days, he can use it easily.

"What we discussed just now was the issue of Beiluhu. We already know about you. We decided to let you be the bait. Tianyu and Zilai also followed behind you to monitor. In a moment, he will be taken down directly and brought back!"

Tsunade looked at Kakashi.

"It turns out that you adults have already made a decision? Then do as you said, and then I will make this puppet imprint on me to go to Belyuhu, and I will leave the rest to Tianyu-sama and Jiraiya. Well, if, I mean, if there is an accident, leave it to me and deal with it yourself."

Kakashi froze for a moment, then nodded.

It's just that he was still a little uneasy and said the last sentence.

Listening to Kakashi's words, Tianyu hugged his arms and looked at the short knife behind Kakashi.

"Kakashi, I mean what will you do if we miss?"

"On this knife, a spell is sealed. Once the spell is activated, the person who controls the knife and the enemy will be sealed in a different space. At that time, I will activate this spell. I will perish together with Bei Liuhu, once that time comes, I will find a way to send this writing wheel eye, and I hope Lord Tianyu can take good care of it!"

Kakashi said this to Tian Yu, as if explaining his last words.

Obito once gave him this writing wheel eye as a gift for promotion to Jōnin.

If something goes wrong this time, then Kakashi will leave this writing wheel to Tian Yu.

Because Kakashi knows that Tianyu is the first person who can change Konoha in the future.

If it hadn't been for Tianyu's actions before, then the current Konoha would not exist.

All this was brought by Tian Yu, and he was qualified to inherit this eye.

"Don't be so pessimistic, there must be no problem with me and Jirai."

Tian Yu heard this, sighed, stepped forward and patted Kakashi on the shoulder and said.

"That's right, believe me, if Belyuhu is really that kind of evil person, I will definitely kill him with my own hands!"

Jiraiya's expression also became solemn.

Obviously, after seeing Kakashi's determination, he thought he couldn't go on like this anymore.

After all, if he is soft-hearted on the battlefield, then it may be his companions who will die.

This is something he absolutely cannot tolerate.

"That's all up to the two of you."

Kakashi nodded.

"Bilyuhu must have subordinates, and his subordinates will clear the obstacles behind Kakashi when he advances, so we have to send Konoha's pursuit team to pursue Kakashi, and make a look, so that we can I won't be suspected by Beiruhu, if there is no problem, I want to send Shikamaru, Ino, Dingji, Neji, and..."

"Of course there's me, Big Brother Tianyu, you can't forget me."

Naruto didn't know when he appeared outside Hokage's office.

So when Yu announced the list of people to be pursued that day, Naruto deliberately couldn't hold it in directly and volunteered to participate.

After all, Kakashi is the teacher of the seventh class.

He is also very good to him, although sometimes he is partial to Sasuke, but it is also one of the few people who treats him well when Naruto is spurned by those people in the village.

So of course Naruto wouldn't just watch Kakashi go like this.

"Naruto, this is Hokage's office, are you able to break in without saying hello?"

Tsunade suddenly got angry.

But seeing Tian Yu's appearance as an old god, Tsunade instantly understood something.

Also, Tian Yu's perception ability is very powerful.

Naruto standing outside Tianyu would never be unaware, and now that Naruto broke in, maybe it happened to fall into Tianyu's plan.

"That, Tsunade-sama, Hokage-sama, I'm just too worried about Kakashi-sensei, so let me go, now my strength has been enhanced, Big Brother Tianyu can testify for me, I went to the absolute It won't hold everyone back."

Naruto hastily promised.

"Well, I can testify on this point, Naruto is indeed very strong." Tian Yu said with a smile.

"Then the choice of the chaser is Zhuludie, Neji, and Naruto are in charge of five people, Kakashi is the bait, Tianyu, Jirai also cooperates from the dark, let's go tonight, Konoha will do his best. to match your actions this time."

Senju Tobirama made the final decision.


Everyone nodded together.

"Then I should go too!"

Orochimaru finished his work and turned to leave.

"Orochimaru, wait a minute, I have something for you to do."

Tian Yu looked at Orochimaru and said.


Although Orochimaru was a little confused, he still listened to Tian Yu's words and stood aside.

The others all left the Hokage office.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Orochimaru sat on the sofa unceremoniously, looked up at Tian Yu and asked.

And Tian Yu was not polite.

There are only Chishou Tobirama, Tsunade, he and Orochimaru left in the Hokage office now.

Waiting for what he is going to say, there is absolutely no possibility of leaking between these four people.

Chapter 251 Gui Luo Ya's Technique, Tian Yu's Attitude

"Orochimaru, Bei Liuhu used the technique of Gui Luo Ya to live for so many years as a teenager, and he also absorbed the blood of other people in the five great kingdoms, so he could make himself immortal and immortal by just a little bit. Ninja."

"This is very similar to your reincarnation, don't you want to do something?"

Tian Yu smiled and said in a seductive tone.

That look and the righteous and awe-inspiring look he had just now were completely different from two extremes.

When Orochimaru heard this, his pupils shrank, and instantly turned into the vertical pupils of a snake, but quickly recovered.

"Listening to your words, I seem to be expecting something from me?"

Orochimaru pretended to be relaxed.

At the same time, Orochimaru looked at Tian Yu's appearance, and couldn't help but say a word in his heart.

Sure enough, squinting is a monster.

"What are you talking about!"

Senju Tobirama seemed to be a little out of place when he heard their words, and spoke out directly.

"Ah, I almost forgot, there is also the second-generation Hokage-sama. I believe you must be very interested in the trick of the ghost."

Tian Yu continued with a smile.

"Tianyu, what are you talking about, the so-called ghostly teeth technique is a forbidden technique at all, and the secret technique of appropriating the boundaries of other people's blood as one's own is not a good thing at all."

Tsunade said hurriedly.

Tsunade didn't want Senju Tobirama to misunderstand Tianyu.

"A kind of ninjutsu, there is no distinction between good and bad. The only difference is who it is used for. If it is used on the right person, it is a good thing, and if it is used on the unsuitable person. , that is the greatest sadness, and this is the case with this ghostly tooth technique, if it can be used by us."

"I believe that with the help of the second-generation Naruto and Orochimaru, we can improve this ninjutsu even better, so that Konoha can also train more ninjas, and the so-called Ghost Rabbit Technique It is a very good research material in itself, the research on the boundaries of blood."

"The major ninja villages have never stopped. If we can make good use of it, maybe we can develop something unprecedented."

Tian Yu smiled and looked at the three.

"Then are you sure that Beiliuhu can give us the magic trick?"

Orochimaru was obviously a little moved and asked anxiously.

"I don't know, but whether he is willing to give us that thing or not, we must get it, Orochimaru, how is your research on the Eye of Sangou Jade?"

Tian Yu smiled and looked at Orochimaru.

"Ah, you mean that, because of the existence of Sasuke, the research speed has been greatly improved, but there are still some parts that can't be broken through, but as long as you give me a while, I believe that the eyes of Sangouyu can be made again. evolution!"

Orochimaru said confidently.

After all, his strength is more used to study the human body.

In particular, the wonderful power of Sharinyan made him intoxicated.

"Very good, I believe that after you get the Ghost Raja Art this time, you will be able to decipher the secrets of Sharinyan, but this will depend on the help of the second Hokage."

Tian Yu said and turned to look at Qianshou Tobirama.

Tian Yu didn't believe it. Qianshou Tobirama was a kind person who was reincarnated from a dirty land. If this kind of ninjutsu could bring the dead back from the pure land, Tian Yu would never believe it if he hadn't experimented with living people.

Furthermore, the second generation of Hokage may be a very decent figure who can control a village from the Warring States period to the time of the war.

However, he is definitely not a good person.

Especially when it comes to suppressing the Uchiha clan, it is simply omnipotent in this regard.

And it is precisely because of Senju Tobirama's attitude that the tragedy of the Uchiha family is determined in the future.

But this is also helpless.

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