"Come on, send Izumo and Zitie to Konoha Hospital for good treatment!"

Tian Yu ordered to Anbu who was following him.


The two Anbu in the shadows quickly appeared in front of Tian Yu, knelt down on one knee and saluted, and took away Izumo and Zitie.

"Naruto, it's up to you next."

Tian Yu looked into the distance.

Afterwards, he and Jirai also concealed their bodies and followed Kakashi.

Chapter 253 The sniper's messenger from the four countries

Meanwhile, on the far frontier.

The messengers of the Four Great Ninja Villages are rushing to Konoha with all their strength.

However, all four of them encountered the interception of different enemies on the way.

"Who are you?"

Temari of Sand Ninja Village clenched the fan in his hand and looked at the man with the Konoha forehead who appeared in front of him.

"We are from Konoha, and we were ordered by Hokage-sama to come down to solve you."

The man answered without hesitation.

"No, you are not Konoha's ninjas!"

Hearing this, Temari panicked.

But soon Temari calmed down, although she hadn't fully seen Konoha's ninja.

But she was also certain that the man in front of her was definitely not a Konoha ninja.

A ninja in an Omura cannot be disguised by anyone who casually wears a forehead guard.

"It doesn't matter if I'm Konoha's ninja, because soon you will be dead, and then everyone will know that Konoha's ninja killed you."

The man laughed loudly and said with a winning expression.

Then the hands are tied.

"Spirituality, two-headed snake!"

"Secret technique, snake bondage!"

The man made a seal on his hands, and soon after the smoke cleared, countless two-headed snakes attacked Temari directly.

Facing the thousands of two-headed snakes, Temari could not help but take a step back even though he was a ninja.

But soon, Temari clenched the fan in his hand.

"Wind escape, wind cut!"

Temari unfolded the three-star fan without hesitation, and swung it forward vigorously.

Suddenly, the wind in the air was compressed, killing those two-headed snakes like a sharp blade.

"Bang bang bang!"

The white mist that disappeared with the spiritism came.

Temari also landed on the branch.

And those leading two-headed snakes have all disappeared one after another.

"It's not bad, but you don't want to live."

The man sneered.

No surprise to Temari's ability.

"Spirituality, the snake dances wildly!"

Countless double snakes appeared again, but this time hundreds of more giant snakes appeared on the ground.

The moment these giant snakes appeared, they spewed turbulent venom from their mouths.

This venom is extremely corrosive. If you don't pay attention, it will corrode people into a pile of bones in an instant.


Temari kept bobbing on and off the branches in the air.

But in the end, the venom wounded his arm.

However, that was when the Venom took down Temari there.

next moment.


A larger psychic snake appeared in front of Temari.

And the psychic beast that appeared.

It is the psychic beast of Orochimaru, the green snake.

Temari just fell on Aoya's head.

The green snake was more than ten meters long, and the moment it appeared in the forest, it directly crushed countless trees.

Even the psychic snakes that were summoned were crushed under him and crushed into flesh.

And those venoms spewed on the green snake's body did not play any role at all.

"What a weak snake!"

Qingshe spit out human words.


Temari was stunned to see this scene.

"What's blocking my good deeds!"

The man couldn't help but said when he saw the green snake's face changed greatly.

"Wow, it turns out that this is the guy that Orochimaru asked me to solve. It's really too weak."

Qing Snake somewhat disliked the person who appeared in front of him. After all, the person in front of him was too weak, and he was too embarrassed to regard this person as an opponent.

"Come on, the two snakes are dancing wildly!"

Countless snake heads appeared on the man's arm again, and many black sharp blades were spewed out of the snake head's mouth.

These sharp blades are transformed by Gangdun.

Can easily pass through any ninja's defenses.

But these black sharp blades are still not enough for Shimizu.

"It's really boring. For the sake of tickling me, let you be my food."

The green snake snorted coldly, and then twisted its body.

Almost instantly, the man in front of him was swallowed into his stomach.

"The matter is settled, you can go to Konoha alone, this uncle has to digest the food properly."

After Qing Snake said this, he immediately disbanded the psychic and disappeared instantly.

After the green snake disappeared, Temari didn't respond for a while.

It fell directly from the green snake's head to the ground.

Fell a **** mound.

Fortunately, ninjas are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and Temari quickly got up.

Although she was confused, fortunately she was saved.

Looking around at the chaos, Temari sighed. Continue to Konoha.

The same goes for other places.

However, Changjurou's strength is not yet at the shadow level.

But how could he be a mediocre character who can control the flounder, one of the seven ninja swords.

The person Belyuhu sent to kill Changjurou was killed by him.

The flounder emitted light bubbles, instantly piercing the body of the ninja who wanted to kill him.

"Huhu, Konoha Ninja?"

Changjurou was a little confused, and the ninja who wanted to kill him claimed to be a Konoha ninja.

But Changjurou still knows some of Konoha's ninjutsu.

This man is not using Konoha's ninjutsu at all, but a synthetic type of ninjutsu.

Remembering Mizukage-sama's words, Chojuro put away the flounder and continued to go to Konoha.

Whether the ninja who came to hunt him down is from Konoha, as long as you go to Konoha, everything will be revealed.

far away.

Ghost Light Shuiyue and Libra Shigego are now far away.

"Wow, I didn't expect that the ninjas sent by Mist Ninja Village were very powerful, and they could solve it without us taking action, but it's really a pity, if it wasn't for the order of Lord Orochimaru, I really want to take that one. Take the knife."

Ghost Light Shuiyue smiled and revealed a mouthful of shark teeth.

After all, the seven big swords among the Seven Ninja Swordsmen have been in the hands of the ghost lamp clan for generations.

And Guideng Shuiyue's obsession is to gather all the seven big knives in his hands.

But now it seems that if his wish is to be realized, there is still a long way to go.

"Go back quickly!"

Libra Shigego ignored Guideng Shuiyue's words, turned around and left.

This side of Iwa Ninja Village.

"Hey, Tu Dun, super heavy rock technique."

The black soil punched out, and suddenly, another ninja's body burst and died on the spot.

After killing the ninja who shot him, Kuroto clapped his hands impatiently.

"Is it possible that Konoha's ninjas achieved this level?"

Black soil is somewhat suspicious.

After all, what her grandfather said about the scale of Onogi in two days.

Konoha is basically Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, don't underestimate a ninja casually.

She listened to it, so she also took seriously the person who shot him.

But no matter what, this person in front of him is really too weak.

"Maybe it's not Konoha's ninja!"

Chapter 254 Security Solutions

The black soil frowned, and when he met a ninja who came to kill him on the way, it seemed that he was right, and other villages would send messengers to Konoha to ask.

If they are all dead, then the news of Konoha's attack on the messenger will be spread.

In this way, Konoha will be confirmed, and the rumors of the fourth ninja war will be launched.

Then the other four villages will join forces to attack Konoha.

This is not a good thing for Konoha.

Unless that itself is Konoha's tactic.

Konoha is really going to start the fourth ninja war.

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